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"Marcel!" Louis yelled at the sleeping man as soon as he shut the door behind himself. "Marcel wake up!"

Louis jumped next to the man and shook his shoulders. "Marcel I need your help!"

It was only when Marcel's eyes tiredly fluttered open when Louis stopped hopping on the bed.

"Y-You've got to stop waking me up like this, Sweetheart," Marcel mumbled out, his voice still groggy.

"Sorry, Marcel. I just really need your help." Louis slid the man's glasses onto his face. "Can you help me?"

Marcel slowly blinked, as he tried not to fall back asleep. "Sure, what do you need?"

Louis sighed dramatically and laid his head on Marcel's chest. "Well... you're the only one I can come to, because Harry is a weirdo and I'm trying to run away from Edward..."

"What is it, Sweetheart?" Marcel yawned out, petting Louis' hair gently.

"I don't know how to ask this," Louis mumbled, thinking of how to format his words in the least awkward way possible

"Just ask me, Louis. I would help you with anything," Marcel admitted to the boy, offering a small, encouraging smile.

Louis sat up. "With anything?"

Marcel nodded and sat up as well. "Of course, Louis. You should know that by now."

Louis pushed at Marcel's chest to make him lay down again. "So you'll help me then?"

Marcel rested his head back on the pillow and nodded hesitantly. "Can you tell me what you need help with?"

Louis sighed and nodded, nervously playing with Marcel's shirt buttons. "I need to use your dick... but only for like ten minutes."

Marcel widened his eyes and cleared his throat. "Um, Louis... I-I don't know if that's appropriate."

"But Marcel, I need to practice and you're the only one that I know that would help me," Louis whined out, crossing his arms.

Marcel leaned on his elbows and adjusted his glasses. "I-I don't know, Sweetheart. I don't want you to get into any trouble."

"No, I won't get into trouble I promise!" Louis scooted closer to Marcel and stared at him with hopeful eyes. "Will you let me?"

Marcel would be lying if he said that he didn't want to help Louis; Marcel very much wanted to help him. The only thing that was holding him back was the fear that his brothers would be upset with him. "Well... where's Edward right now?"

"He's downstairs making breakfast."

"A-And Harry?"

"He's sleeping, he won't wake up anytime soon. Please Marcel," Louis pleaded, resting his head on Marcel's shoulder. "Don't make me beg."

Marcel sighed and tried to adjust himself discreetly, his body didn't care for hiding his arousal. "Well... alright, Louis. Just-... fine go ahead."

Louis smiled wide and sat up straight. "Thanks, Marcel. You're a peach."

Marcel nodded and lifted his glasses to rub his eyes. He had a feeling that he would be regretting his decision. "You're welcome, Sweetheart."

Louis moved quickly to unbutton Marcel's shirt and sit between his legs. "Don't be too loud okay?"

Marcel pursed his lips and nodded, trying to even his breath.

Louis glanced up at Marcel before pulling his pants and underwear down. His eyes widened. "Marcel."

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