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The journey home was rather inconvenient today, the train was packed leaving you no choice but to stand, the walk home from the station was met with strong winds and rain, by the time you were home, you were soaked head to toe.

You dragged your self to your room where you quickly dried off and changed clothes, just as you were about to take a nap for a few hours there was a knock on the door.

"Hey sis, can I come in?" it was your brother speaking, you got up from your bed and opened the door. "Hey" you spoke " what's up", your brother was awfully fidgety, he constantly removed his hands in and out his pocket, eye darting left and right, "uhhh...it's mum...she want't to speak to you". The feeling to dread took over you, "oh" you whispered, "give me a second, tell her I'll be down in a few". " Sure" your brother spoke, as he begin to walk away, he stopped abruptly and turned to you with a guilty face, "hey, (y/n)?", you turned to meet your brother face, "I"m...I'm really sorry" he then carried his walk downstairs.

Your feeling of dread had turned into something much worse...here you thought you were going to get yelled at as per usual, but it seems something much worse awaited you.

A few minutes passed by and as promised you were now downstairs.

You sat facing your step mother on the dining table, on the left was your brother on the right your younger sister. Your step other stared daggers at you. The air was thick with tension, it felt almost unbearable. 

"S-so, you wanted to talk to me?" you cleared your throat, breaking the deafning silence. Your stepmother let out a sigh, she paused for a second before glancing back at you. 

"You" she spat, "when do you plan on moving out already"

Her words bewildered you, "hue, excuse me?" you remarked, "you heard me" she continued "when the hell, are you planning on moving out of this house?" 

You were at loss of words. You and your step mother never got along, that was nothing but the fact, the two of you argued like cats and dogs never getting along at all like oil and water. This, however, was too much. 

"How on earth do you expect me to move out right now?" you claimed, your brother looked at you sympathetically. "I've literally just started Uni and my job, I don't have the finances to just move out yet, maybe in a few mont-", your words were cut short by the action of your step mother slamming her hand down on the table "I do not care of your situation" he hissed "I made a deal with you father that I would shelter you until you reached the age of 18, you have reach that age quite some time ago now that deal has been done so, therefore, you are to leave this house by the end of this week".

You, your sister and brother turned to look at your step mother all three of you just as shocked as each other, "by the end of this week, mum isn't that a bit far?" your sister spoke for you only to be glared to silence by the women of the house "this has nothing to do with you keep quite!"

Silence arose again, your step mother stood up from where she sat, her eyes still on you, like a snake she moved past your siblings and stood behind on, her hands on your shoulder, "this is my final words to you, either get out by the end of this week, or I'll simply kick you out with my bare hands", she snaps her fingers at your siblings "you two, come, dinner had been prepared, we shall eat elsewhere", your sibling stood up to leave at their mothers words, they both gave you one final look of sadness and guilt before following their mother out the room.

You sat there, feeling distraught...what the hell were you going to do? 

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