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It was bloody cold, to cold for your liking!
You and Coco were huddled up together in your blanket while Namjoon was busy fixing his tie, he had business in his family's company and was getting ready to leave and damn did he look like a juicy piece of meat what that suit.

It was bloody cold, to cold for your liking!You and Coco were huddled up together in your blanket while Namjoon was busy fixing his tie, he had business in his family's company and was getting ready to leave and damn did he look like a juicy piece...

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'Baby...' you called out.
Namjoon turned to you and smile 'yeah?'
'Who's going to look after Coco tonight, I have work remember' you yawned softly and got up from your bed to get ready for work as well.

'Mmmm' the male paused to think for a moment, there weren't many people he knew who were free, I mean there was his parents and your parents but that would not work out at all.

'I don't know' he turned to you and frowned.
You placed your hands on your hip and tapped your feet 'hmmm, any of your friends free?'
Namjoon shook his head 'no sadly'

As the two of you were quietly thinking to yourselves, Coco jumped out of bed and ran over to Namjoon and began to bark at the tall man.

Namjoon smiled down at the small barking puppy and picked her up in his large arms.
'Who's a good girl?' He spoke to her in a childish voice and began to rub her round belly making the small dog yep.

You only chuckled and softly shook your head before slipping your velvet robe on your cold body.

'Actually!' Namjoon began 'I have a friend who's free today, he lives a few minutes away from here but not to far, we'll just drop him off there?'
You gave him a nod 'sounds good to me'

Namjoon placed Coco down and walked up to you and gave your a gentle kiss on your cheeks.
'I'll be waiting downstairs'

He then walked away from the room with Coco following him behind.

The thought of those two together made your lips twitch up into a wide smile, they were like father and daughter...except that Coco wasn't human but a soft fury ball of happiness.
Sometime, you fantasised about the future, you, Namjoon, Coco and a small baby girl or boy, the warm thoughts melted your heart, you've always wanted a family...but the thoughts scared you.

What if Namjoon didn't want a child?
What if something went wrong?

You quickly shook the disturbing thoughts away and began to brush your hair that was a complete mess.
As you were pulling your trousers up, your phone that was laying on the desk buzzed.
You quickly finished dressing up and picked up the device and checked your message.

Mum: where are you and why's all your stuff gone!

Mum: I want you here in the next hour!

You glared at the bright screen before turning it off and shoving it inside your coat pocket.
Who did she think she was?
You were sick and tired of your family who didn't love you one bit pushing you around like some kind of over used doll.

If she wants you back home, she can wait until you're actually free!

After putting your shoes on, you walked downstairs where Namjoon was waiting for you with Coco inside her small pink basket.

When he saw you, he looked up from Coco to your and gave you one of his dazzling smiles.

When he saw you, he looked up from Coco to your and gave you one of his dazzling smiles

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'Let's get going' you smiled at him and wrapped your arm around his.
'Coco are you ready?' You giggled at the dog who responded with a small yep.

Namjoon chuckled before walking with Coco on his right hand and with your arms around his left.

'Let's go!'

The car ride to Namjoon's friend who you've yet to meet was filled with the both of you cracking jokes or talking with Coco who seemed almost as excited at Jin when he sees food.

Throughout the whole entire ride, you had gotten several texts from your both your mum and father but decided to ignore them all.

Once again your phone buzzed; it was a call this time.
You stared at the screen for a few seconds before pressing the red icon.

Namjoon who could see the negative emotions on your face placed one of his hands on top of yours and gave it a small squeeze.
'Everything alright?'
You looked up from your phone to your partner .
'Hue, o-oh Yeah...everything...fine' you forced on a smile that was to obvious to the male.

Once again your phone began to ring.
You let out a quite annoyed groan and was about to press the red icon once again until Namjoon stopped you.

'You sure you don't want to answer that?' He questioned you.
'No...I don't want to talk to her...' you narrowed your eyes and shoved your phone back inside your pocket.

Namjoon began to rub small circles on top of your hand.
'Love, I know that your family aren't the nicest people on earth...but remember, they're still family and maybe you should just try to talk to them'

You sighed and intertwined your fingers with his.
'Yeah, you're right and I will but later'

Namjoon flashed you a smile before parking his car outside a large building.
'We're here'



Sorry I haven't been active lately!
I'm having really shitty writers blocks and shit.

Sorry I haven't been active lately!I'm having really shitty writers blocks and shit

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