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The streets were busy and noisy.
People chattering, the loud sound of road work, the constant beeping of cars...but non of those sounds were valid to your ears.

You were to busy.
To busy feeling...numb.

Your emotions were still.

There was nothing.

You didn't know what to do.

The short trip to the doctors was meant to be normal...but it was the absolute polar opposite of that...

'Your pregnant 3 weeks Miss (l/n)!'

Most people would smile to that statement.
They'd be happy and excited to start this whole journey now...

But you...you were least bit prepared.

When upon hearing the news, you didn't know why to do or say, at first you though the doctor was just joking but quickly realised that this was no laughing matter.

You were pregnant...with Namjoon's child.

You left the hospital with a heavy heart.
Your feet wandered off and now here you were, sat down at a cafe with a depressing cup of cold coffee in front of you.

Your mind was completely blank.
Everything seemed fuzzy, it didn't seem real.
It just didn't seem realistic.

It felt like a dream...

But it wasn't was it?

After five more minutes of sitting and doing nothing, you left a few tips at the table and walked away.

Each steps you took felt heavier.
Your continuousness was slipping.
People who walked past you dumped against you, almost tripping you over at one point.

Half way through to Lisa's house, the once clear sky merged into a deep grey.
It began to rain heavily.
Many people ran to the nearest shelter they could fine or pulled out an umbrella to protect themselves but you just kept walking.

By the time you were outside Lisa's door, you were soaking wet and cold.
With your trembling hands you knocked three times and before you know it the door unlocked to revel Lisa smiling brightly as always.

'Oh hey you're back-' her smile disappeared when she saw the state you were in.
She quickly pulled you inside the warm place, 'Jesus (y/n), you'll catch a cold!!', she began, 'quickly, take off your shoes and clothes and wait for me in the bathroom, I'll go grab you some clothes'.
You have her a small smile, 'they won't fit me'.
'I think my girlfriends collection of over sized hoodies will work', she smiled before walking off.

You carelessly took of your shoes and placed them on the side next to Lisa's, you then dragged yourself towards the bathroom smiling at the cue sight of Coco an ChuChu sleeping together on the sofa.

The first time you did was undress yourself leaving you in your inner wear that were wet as well.
You placed the wet clothes on top of the toilet seat.
The marble floor was wet thanks to your dripping hair.

'Fuck...', you whispered quietly.
You leaned against the sink and stared at your miserable reflection on the mirror.

God, you couldn't remember the last time you looked this...shit.

'Here', Lisa entered the bathroom with a over sized grey hoodie, a black under wear, some sweats and a towel.
'I'm sure the hoodie will fit but I'm not sure about the sweats, sorry'.
You smiled once more, 'it's fine, thank you'
Lisa nodded her head 'I'll wait for you in the living room, you can give me your wet clothes for now'.
You did as she told and pleased the wet clothes to her before you left.

You took of you wet bra and underwear and put them on top on the hot radiator that was on your left.
Before putting on the clothes, you made sure to dry out our hair and body nicely.
The hoodie fitted perfectly, the sweats were a bit tight but not that bad.

With your hair now damp, you exited the bathroom and into the living room.
Lisa looked up from her phone and smiled.
'I made some hot chocolate for us', she patted the space next to her on the pink carpeted floor.

You slumped down next to her, 'thank you again Lisa'.
'It's fine'

The two of you quietly sat there in silence sipping on your hot drinks.

Lisa could obviously see that there was something wrong with you.
Usually you'd be much more happier and talkative but you weren't.
She could tell right away when she opened that door and saw the way you were standing, the way you spoke and sadly smiled...it was as if you'd lost everything.

Something was definitely wrong.

Lisa placed her half empty mug down and turned to look at you, she placed her warm hands over your cold ones.

'(Y/n), what's wrong?'
Her soft voice rang though your ears, her worried eyes looking straight at yours.

You forced a wobbly smile, 'nothing, why?'
Lisa sighed, 'don't lie to me!'

You gulped.
Do you tell her or no?
You locked your dry lips before opening them to only close them second later.
You eyes began to wander around the room, trying to look anywhere but her.

You hands began to shake.
The lump inside your throat was beginning to enlarged every second.

'(Y/n), what's wrong?'.

You closed your eyes and took on a deep breath.

You turned and looked at Lisa with tears eyes.

'I-I'm pregnant...'

And that's when everything came crashing downs.
Your walls that were built so strong came down as if they were made out of straws.
Reality came down and smacked you across your face.

There was no numbness anymore...just pure sadness and fear.

'I-I don't know what to do Lisa', your voice choked out.
Without you even realising, you eyes had began to pure down like a water fall.
Lisa hand both her hands tightly around yours.

She pulled you towards her, 'shhh, it's ok', she rubbed small circles on top of your hands.
'Everything is alright, don't worry', her soothing voice brought or comfort, you slowly began to rest your best on her shoulder and quietly sobbed while she rocked you back and forth.

'It'll be ok (Y/N), I promise you'.

'Lisa?' You croaked 'I don't know how I'm going to tell this to Namjoon...', you sniffed 'what if he doesn't want his...what if he wants me to get rid-'
'Hey', she cut you off, 'this is your body, understood, he can't force you to do such things, if you want the child you keep it and if you don't then don't'.
Lisa took in a deep breath.
'Now the most important question, do you want to keep this child?'
You paused, you hadn't really though about it...you being s mother, having a child at such a young age...
'I don't know...', you truthfully answered.

Lisa nodded her head understandingly.
'But you must tell Namjoon as soon as you're ready (Y/N), it's his child as well...he needed to know this and the two of you need to work on this together...ok?'
'Alright', you whispered out.
'Promise me you'll tell him soon, possibly today'
You nodded your head 'promise'

Your friend gave you a smile.
'Good', she pulled you back into a hug.

'It'll be fine, I'm sure if it'

Yo ,I just killed a moth in my room and I'm hella paranoids now.

Anyways I'll try to update soon.

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