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It's been three weeks since you and Namjoon...ahemed...you know, had sexy time.

Everything was going smoothly, Coco was doing just fine, you were going back to work, Namjoon too, both of you were also working very hard during school (university).

Until recently

For some odd reason, you've been feeling...not that great at all. You've constantly felt sick, mostly during the mornings. At first you thought it would go away and everything would go back to normal but it only carried on.

'Uh, what the fuck is this?', you groaned while dragging yourself out of the toilet after another round of vomiting, this was the third time today. Coco barked happily before getting up from the sofa and running towards you. Smiling, you picked up the brown puppy and placed her on your lap.

'Who's a good boy hmm', you cooed while rubbing her fury stomach.
Coco began to bark and rapidly waged her little tail.

'Did you throw up again?', Namjoon questioned as he entered the living room with a plate full of food.
'Yup', you sighed 'I've booked a doctors appointment, it's this afternoon, hopefully it'll be fine now'.

Namjoon places the food on the coffee table.
He reached his hand over and gave Coco a quick scratch on her head.
He leaned over and placed a kiss is on your lips.

'I'm sure everything is ok, probably a small bacteria or something'.
You nodded your head 'probably'.

Namjoon picked up his phone from the coffee table and placed it inside his pocket.
'I'd love to stay and just make love to you baby, but sadly somethings come up at the company' he explained 'I'll be back around dinner'.

You slowly got up from the sofa to kiss your partner farewell.
'Don't overwork your self, bye'.
'Mm, text me as soon as you find out what's wrong with you ok'.

And with that, Namjoon gave Coco one last pat and exited the house.

A tired sigh escaped your lips.
Your sleep schedule was very bad lately.
It was hard to balance your job and education.
Your emotions have also been all over the place now a days.

How strange.

The symptoms seemed very familiar to you, but you couldn't put your finger to it.


You shook the thoughts away.
'I'm thinking to much, it's probably nothing'.

Once you finished eating the food Namjoon had prepared for you, you went upstairs and got change into comfortable clothes.
You had around one hour until your appointment,however, you had to drop Coco off to Lisa's so you decided to start your journey early.

You had yet to earn your drivers license so you decided to walk instead of taking the bus or taxi.
Lisa lived around the town centre which was 25 minutes away from your place but thankfully only 9 minutes away from the doctors.

The walk was rather tiring.
Really tiring actually.
You knew you were a big girl but never have you ever felt this exhausted.
Maybe it was because of to the surprisingly hot weather? (The weather in England's rubbish y'all)

But either way, you finally arrived at Lisa's apartment.
'We're finally here Coco', you kneeled down to pet the dogs head 'are you excited to meet auntie Lisa?'
Coco only let out a bark and began to lick your finger.

'Ok let's go', you opened the door and entered the first floor where the elevator and stares were.

An annoyed groan left you when you saw the note on the elevator.

'Sorry, we're afraid the elevator is having technical issues at the current moment and for the safety of the people we've had no choice but to close it'

'Fuck me', you whispered quietly to yourself knowing Lisa lived all the way at the 9th floor.

'Let's go Coco'

By the time you had managed to get to Lisa's door, you were a panting mess.
You looked like you had just ran a marathon.
Coco on the other hand was going perfectly fine.

With the small about of energy left it your body, you rung the door bell.
Within just a few seconds you heard the sound of footsteps and braking make it easy towards the door that then flew open.

'Hiiiiiiiii!!!' Lisa greeted you, a wide smile on her face.

'Hey sis!' you smiled back

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'Hey sis!' you smiled back.
The taller female quickly pulled you in 'come come ChuChu is excited to meet you guys'.

You followed tor friend after taking off your shoes along with Coco who was now in your arms.

You looked around the apartment, admiring the cute decorations.
'Wow, you place is so cute!'
Lisa giggled 'yeah, my girlfriend decorated the place, she's good at thing like that'
She patted the creamed colour sofa 'come sit down make yourself comfortable while I get some snacks'.

Lisa quickly hurried off to the kitchen leaving her adorable little Pomeranian.
'Hi there ChuChu, this is Coco' you placed Coco done next to the little dog so the two could play.

As the two furry friend were playing, you began to look at the framed photographs that were either stuck on the walls or placed on the tables.
All photographers included Lisa, ChuChu and another beautiful girl next to her, which from your assumptions was probably her girlfriend.

'She's pretty right?' Lisa smiled; entering the room with a trey of sweet treats with her.
'Very' you nodded your head.

The two of you sat and talked for a long time.
Within in this time both of you began to connect more.
Slowly it felt as if you had known Lisa for years although the two of had only get a few week back.

The bubbly and cute personality really grew into you and her jokes never failed to make you smile.

'Ah fuck', you spoke 'I'm going to be late!'.
You quickly got up and ran to put your shoes on.
'Thank you Lisa, I'll be back as soon as I can to pick up Coco'
'It's fine, take your time, don't rush'

'Ok bye'

What you didn't know was that the result of the doctors' appointment was going to change your life...forever.


I'm so sorry from not updating you guys.
I've just really begun to run out of ideas now a days.

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