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'Bae...why are you so stunning?'

'Joonie pls'

'I love you so much'


'Bare my children'


You lowly hissed while covering your face with your hands.
You parented chuckled, he loved embarrassing you like this mostly on the most awkward locations.
His left arm was on top of your juicy leg and his other was busy playing with your hair.

Right now he was meant to be taking notes for the science exam that was coming up tomorrow but he was far to focused on you to care about his grades.

'Kim Namjoon!' The teacher called out from the front of the class.
'I really do hope you are taking notes as well as playing with Miss (l/n) hair?'
Namjoon smiled 'of course sir, also sir it's (f/n) Kim now,not (l/n)'
The whole class turned to the two of you with shook faces, including the teacher in the front of the class you would see Becky glaring at you.

Gosh if looks could kill...

'Alright class...attention up here please!' The teacher clapped his hands.

'Your...so- oh my god'
You chuckled hiding your face in his chest.
'Extra and dramatic...I know'
Namjoon winked.

Minutes passed by and class was finally finished.
Namjoon and you were making your way to the cafeteria to eat with his friends until you remembered that you should probably go and change down there.

'Boo I need to go and change, go ahead I'll catch up'
You kissed his cheeks before walking to the toilets.

You hummed a small tune as you entered one of the stalls and began to change your pad.
Once you were done, you pulled your school skirt/trousers up.

You then stepped out side, only to be face to face with Becky and a few other girls.

You spoke.

Becky glared at you before pulling you by your hair and throwing you on the floor.
'You slut!' She hissed as she stepped hard on top of you hand.
You screamed in pain as you heard a few cracks.

'How dare you'
She smacked you across the face
'He's mine!'
This time she was on top of you pulling on your hair
'You hear me...MINE!'

You yelled as you pushed her off causing her to bang hit her head against the wall.
'Just stop!'
You breathed heavily.
Becky glared at you for a good 5 seconds before  standing up.
'Get her!'
She clicked her fingers.

Before you could get your head around what was happening her girls had their arms wrapped around yours.
'Let me go!'
You hissed.

It was no use.
They were stronger than they looked.

Becky had a grin on her face as she got her phone out.
She began to walk closer to you.
'I wonder how Namjoon would feel...how tormented both of you would feel...when I release some nudes of your disgusting body'
She whispered into your ears.

You looked up at her with eyes filled with horror.
You began to push back and forward in attempts to escape from the rest of them hoes.

Becky slowly reached her hands towards you and began to pull you tie down her other hand gripping her phone.
'No stop!'
You cried
By now your tie was on the floor and her hands were slowly...painfully unbuttoning your shirt.

Beckys grin twisted into a frown.
'He won't save you!'
She pulled your hair
'No one will!!!'
She screamed before tearing your shirt apart revealing your naked skin that was covered with a grey bra.

Just as Becky was about to turn her phone on and start snapping some pics.

'(Y/N) BABY'
Namjoon burst into the bathroom.

He looked at you and looked back up at Becky.

'How fucking dare you'
He growled

That was the first time

You'd seen him so mad.

He looked like he was ready to rip that bitch.

Namjoon x reader    +LOOKS+Where stories live. Discover now