When It Rains «1:4»

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Hot, fat tears rolled down Merlin's cheeks and his shoulders trembled. He was pulled back hard against the brick wall behind him and his hands were tied above his head with thick, raw rope, fastened to a heavy iron ring in the wall.
The only light source was a single candle next to his head. It was hurting his eyes as the darkness all around pressed in on him.

In front of him was another brick wall, so close he barely had enough room to stretch out his long legs. The dark red brick continued all around him, leaving him in a telephone-box sized area with the front of the brick wall he was facing opened up.

There was a tiny gap in the wall behind him, and rain was dampening the back of his head, making him shiver. Merlin usually liked the rain but being pressed against this small window meant raindrops were sliding down the back of his neck.

However, the rain was the least of his worries.

There was a man who was sealing the hole in front of Merlin with bricks and cement.
The man's face was obscured by a thick black scarf, with slits for eyes. He was taking his time and doing the job properly, but slowly and surely, Merlin was being bricked up. In this tiny box space, with the only hole being the one behind him, and the only light a quickly shortening candle,

Merlin knew he didn't have much time.

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