When It Rains «1:5»

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When he awoke, instead of lying on the soft forest floor, Arthur found himself on cold stone. He was unscathed but slightly dizzy and as soon as he regained consciousness he jumped to his feet, staring wildly around him and drawing his sword.

"You won't be needing that,"
he heard a voice say, and he spun madly, his eyes coming to rest on a beautiful young woman with long blond hair and dark eyes.
She waved her hand and her eyes flashed gold and Arthur's sword flew from his grip, sailed through the air and straight into the witch's hand.
"Fear not, Prince Arthur," she said as she began walking towards him. "You will not be harmed here."

"Who are you?" Arthur demanded. "Where am I?"

"My name is Morgause, and you are in Cenred's kingdom, so if I were you I would watch my attitude... You're not exactly popular around these parts, are you, Pendragon?"
The witch called Morgause began circling Arthur slowly, taking him in.

"H- how do you know who I am?" Arthur asked, a little quieter but with confidence. "Do you-" he stopped, a horrible thought coming to him. "Do you know where Merlin is?"

Morgause laughed.

"What have you done with him?" Arthur snarled, starting for Morgause with fire in his eyes, but she just flashed her golden eyes at him and sent him flying across the floor.

Arthur picked himself up slowly, and, weary now, stood his ground as Morgause walked towards him again.

"I wouldn't try that again, dear," she said smoothly. "I have to admit, you are quick to catch on. Yes, I have your manservant."

Arthur glared.
"If you've hurt him... He's just a servant, he's innocent..."

Morgause held up a finger. "That's enough," she said. "You have no reason to fear, as I said; Merlin is unharmed and will remain that way if you just do as I ask."

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