When It Rains «2:1»

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The next time Arthur saw Merlin, he was unscathed once more. It seemed the brick box had successfully healed the physical damage done, although Arthur knew his sevant could never fix the physiology harm.

They were in the throne room again.
Arthur was not tied to a chair, but he was restrained by the two guards and his wrists were shackled.

Merlin was brought in by Morgause herself, his wrists still bound by the silver shackles, looking pale and scared but determined.

"My next question for you, Arthur," Morgause said, leaving Merlin standing as she sat on the throne, "is about the citadel. I know it is not impregnable,because Cenred's army has almost made it to the castle. But there has to be an easier way."

Arthur shook his head. "Let him go," he whispered.
Merlin had nothing to do with this. It was so unjust it made the prince's blood boil.

Morgause circled Merlin predatorily, eyes locked on Arthur the whole time.
"But my dear, it is Merlin's suffering that will make you answer- all you have to do is tell me what I want to know, and I'll stop hurting him."
Morgause smiled. "But, if you don't talk...he will hurt. He will suffer. You know this, don't you, Arthur? And yet, you still say you won't betray your kingdom."

"I can't..." Arthur breathed.

Morgause drew the same silver knife she had placed on Merlin's throat only yesterday from her dress. "Very well," she said, and slashed the backs of Merlin's knees with the blade.

Merlin yelled and fell forwards, blood gushing from the cuts, a pool quickly forming around him. Arthur gasped, tears pricking his eyes as he watched Merlin's body begin to jerk. The boy was on his hands and knees, shaking, clearly only just managing to keep a scream of utter pain contained.
"I can't betray my people," Arthur whimpered. "I won't betray Camelot."

Morgause didn't answer but stepped towards Merlin again and cut into his exposed back. She began to slowly, cruelly turn and push the knife until it was embedded over an inch into the small of Merlin's back. The sound of the blade slicing through tender flesh and muscle made Arthur wretch, but it was quickly blocked out by a scream of absolute anguish tearing from Merlin's throat. Arthur tasted salt.

"Then Merlin will take the beating for you," Morgause hissed. "Until the end."

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