Merlin's Recovery

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Gaius hadn't cried in a long time.

The unconscious form of Merlin laying on the bed before him. The lights dim and the day failing, the rain had finally stopped.

The old man's tears were bitter. Angry. Hopeless and yet so full of hope he knew would crumble without their promise that Merlin, his ward, his reason for being, his son, would survive.

If he had no choice and knew no better, Gaius would never have guessed that the pale white rag of a boy lying in the bed in front of him was Merlin. The only recognisable feature of him was his shock of thick black hair.

The boy's breath was shallow, slow; his eye was closed but the pale lid was fluttering, as though he was dreaming. Gaius had cleaned and bandaged the right eye himself, because the mangled hole was making him feel sick.

His shoulders were bandaged and bound, and the joins were seemless, the scars clean.

Arthur poked his head round the door just before nightfall. Gaius was nearly dropped off, clutching Merlin's thin, cold hand in both of his and his head drooping onto his chest.

Arthur breathed heavily, his nerves crackling. He stepped closer and shut the door behind him, making Gaius jump awake.

"Arthur?" He whispered.

"How is he?" Arthur breathed.
Gaius sighed.

"Alive," he said, "but not awake."

"Could I..?" Arthur asked quietly.
Gaius smiled wanly.

"Of course," he replied, standing and leaving quickly, sniffing.

"Merlin," Arthur moaned, sitting heavily beside the motionless form and gripping the boy's hands in his own, "what are you doing, still asleep? It's so lonely out here without you!"

Merlin was unresponsive.

Arthur looked hard at his face.
"Come on mate, just wake up would you? You're scaring me."


"Please Merlin," he said. "I'm begging you. Please, don't do this to me. I'm nothing without you!"

Still nothing.

Arthur hung his head.

And then, very gently, a squeeze on his hand.

Arthur's eyes snapped up to Merlin's, which was cracked open a slit.


It wasn't a question. It was a confirmation.

"I'm here, Merlin," Arthur said earnestly, "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."

Merlin smiled and closed his eye again.

"I know."

"H... How are you feeling?" Arthur asked, suddenly nervous.

Merlin frowned.
"Sh..." He hesitated. Then he opened his eye, looked at Arthur and grinned. "Shit," he said.

Arthur couldn't help himself: despite the situation, he grinned too.

"You're... Going to be okay..." He said breathlessly.

"Course I am," Merlin scoffed, waving a dismissive hand. He looked up, straight at Arthur. "But... Arthur, about what happened, I..."

"Merlin, it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I don't know whether Morgause would have been able to make you use magic if you didn't... If you aren't a sorcerer, if you don't have... Magic, naturally... I, it's okay. Honestly. If you have anything to hide, I know you have the right intentions. Your secret is safe." Arthur closed his eyes. "If anyone has the right to have a secret, it's you: you do so much for all of us, and you've been through so much-"

"So have you, though, Arthur- I was unconscious for most of it," Merlin said.

"Merlin, can you just let me win this one?" Arthur sighed.

"Of course not!" Merlin grinned cheekily.

"Goodness, will you ever change?" Arthur laughed.

"You's get bored if I did," Merlin said knowingly.

Arthur laughed.

"You're right there, Merlin," he said.

"Can I get some rest now?" Merlin whined jokingly.

"Not yet, you've got to let Gaius see you," Arthur said sternly.

"Ah, alright," Merlin smiled.

Arthur smiled back, and slipped out, leaving a nervous Gaius to rush in, reassured to see Merlin awake.

They were going to be okay.

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