When It Rains «2:7»

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Arthur sat with his head between his knees in his cell. He all but lost hope. Merlin was half blinded, sure to continue suffering because of him. They had no chance escape against Morgause's powerful magic without outside help, and Arthur didn't have any way to contact someone. He himself was exhausted, sore, starving and thirsty; not in any physical state to fight his way out, especially with an injured servant.

He looked up as a guard walked past his cell door. The guard didn't even glance at him, but carried on towards the banquet hall. Arthur heard the large double doors open and close, then went back to staring at his knees.

He didn't have to wait for more than one minute before his cell door was unlocked and opened with a loud clanking. The guard who had just passed stood there for a moment, then, without a word, he grabbed Arthur and wrestled him out of the cell, down the corridor the opposite way to the banquet hall and into what looked like a broom cupboard.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asked, bewildered.

The guard didn't say anything, just closed the door firmly behind them and pulled off his large helmet.

Arthur stared.


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