When It Rains «3:6»

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In unison, Morgause and the enchanted Merlin stepped forward and raised their right arms, fingers splayed. Together, they hissed;


As their eyes flashed golden, a wave of hot air pushed Arthur back. He stumbled, but managed to regain his footing before another wave came, forcing him further away.

He sprinted towards them before they could utter another spell, a mad scream rushing from his lips.
He collided with Morgause and, caught off guard, she fell backwards with Arthur on top.

The witch opened her mouth to speak more magic words. He grabbed her long blonde hair and yanked.

Morgause yelled and shoved Arthur away, but his grip was tight and he held on, thrusting his hand into her face.

Merlin, his eye shining black, gripped Arthur around the middle and pulled him away.

Arthur had always been stronger than Merlin, and faster, and more equipped for fighting. Especially with adrenaline snapping at his fingers and fear biting in the corners of his mind, he was as quick and as strong and as able as he had ever been, but Merlin had a sorceress on his side.

His eyes flashed and Arthur shouted and writhed in pain. It felt like thousands of white hot needles were piercing him from all sides.
He could hear Merlin's spell continue and Morgause laughing as he squirmed in agony, trying to fight the blinding pain.

Forcing his eyes open, he saw Merlin stood over him with his palm open and his eyes golden, whispering frantically. Morgause stood nearby, watching with absolute joy on her face as Merlin made Arthur twitch in pain.

Arthur focused his attention on Morgause.
She had a sword in her belt.
If he could reach it...

He crawled slowly towards her, still shaking with pain, trying not to cry out. Morgause had her eyes fixed on Merlin, making sure he continued his spell.

Arthur reached out with a trembling hand and lurched at the witch.

She yelled in shock and stumbled back, but when Arthur drew away he had her sword held tightly in his hand.

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