Chapter 1

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Angelo groaned, her phone alarm slightly vibrated her bedside table, she put on multiple alarms after every minute so she'd be forced out of bed.
She groaned and sat upright, she turned the remaining 20 alarms off and stretched, her vision was slightly hazy, she blinked it away and her sight cleared, in front of her was her black school backpack.


Don't even get me started, it was a living hell for her, all the taunting and all the beatings she'd received over the past few years, she deeply sighed. An entire summer gone and it was a beginning of a new school year, it was so fast it seemed like someone sped up a movie and tragically they stopped it here, when she had to go back to hell.

She got up and slowly walked into her bathroom, she stripped herself of her clothing and entered the shower, she turned it on and shut her eyes tightly as the icy cold water ran down her body, she waited till the water turned warm.

Nobody knew how much time had passed, but Angelo wished she could've stood there for an eternity, the warmth of the shower was bliss, it felt soothing, as if it would've protected Angelo from all the cold, cruel, creatures of the world-

"ANGELO YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Lux shouted barging into the bathroom, Angelo shrieked and turned the shower off and hastily grabbed a towel.

Lux was her older step brother whom had finished school, he was still trying to get into a college.

When people saw them nobody would ever assume they'd be related, Lux was tall and he had cream skin, blond hair that messy fell around his head in an attractive manner, and sky blue eyes.

Angelo was Asian, she was from Bangladesh, but her parents liked the Italian name. She had raven black hair that reached her waist and brown eyes that almost looked charcoal black, she had smooth caramel skin and it was the most noticeable feature on her, she had a beauty spot on her chin and on her button nose, her cheeks were rather chubby.

"Get the bloody hell out of here!" She screamed at Lux.

Lux rolled his eyes, "you're going to be late, get dressed and c'mon, mum and dad both left for work so I'm dropping you off." He said and left.

Angelo deeply sighed and complied, she wore whatever clean clothes she could find and went downstairs, Lux opened the front door and led her to his car, it was a nice car, a Mercedes Benz, their parents were rich. Angelo's mother was an entrepreneur of her own cosmetics company and Lux's father was a director. They met and got married because being a single parent was hard.

Angelo and Lux sat in the car, Lux felt the engine hum to life and the car vibrating, he drove them to school.

"Listen," he said breaking the awkward silence, "it's gonna get better, life isn't bad at all. After you graduate you can become a writer like you always wanted, forget these people." Lux said trying to encourage her.

Angelo didn't take notice, she looked outside, staring at a fairly strange girl whom was screaming at a squirrel.


Isabella was already awake. In fact she had been awake since 3 A.M. Not because she was excited to go to school but because her new neighbour was playing their music a tad bit too loud. If the neighbours weren't new Isabella would've thrown a brick at their window, but she felt strongly about welcoming new people to the neighbourhood.

The music was still playing and even though she wanted to throw a brick so bad she decided to get out of the house. She went downstairs in her pyjama bottoms plain white t-shirt. "Where are you going?" Her mom called from the kitchen.

"Out, I'll be back soon." She yelled and exited the house. But as soon as she left the house, she saw Randy the squirrel on top of her mini. "Oh for fucks sake Randy!" She yelled taking off her slipper.

Randy had his tail chopped off somehow in the past but his favourite place to eat was on top of Isabella's car.

"You are such a bitch for doing this!" She said trying to swat away the squirrel. Randy tried biting her. "YOU WILL NOT GIVE ME RABIES RANDY!" She yelled not caring who heard at this point. "NOT TODAY!" That's when Randy knew Isabella meant business and scurried off.

Stupid Randy. Isabella got back inside and changed into her shorts. "Mom! I'm going to school!" She yelled as she ran to the door hoping Randy wasn't on her car again.

"Bye honey!" Her mother yelled back. "The keys under the doormat since I'm going to grandmas and won't be able to open the door!" She hastily added.

"Sure mom!" Isabella said and slammed the door. She could see Randy perched on top of the neighbours car, a Porsche. Randy sure had good taste. She hopped in to her mini and drove before Randy decided to come back.

She arrived at school and obviously the first place she needed to go was the library. She needed to scope out all the new books they had and which ones were any good. When she arrived at the library she saw a short Asian girl had gotten to the new stock before she had. Obviously she needed to see the new stock, but didn't want to socialise. Oh well, some things were meant to be sacrificed so she went over to the short girl.


"Finally! Our library finally got all the classics!" Angelo gleamed staring at the cover of The Great Gatsby, she was always one for classical stories.

"Hey," Isabella said picking up a beat up version of Pride and Prejudice. "It seems not all of them are in such great condition."

"Well classic books aren't as appreciated now as they were before. When I was young my daddy used to read me classics all the time, my first book was 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea but my favourite was Treasure Island," Angelo responded unaware of Isabella's presence, only her voice. She was too caught up in the book selection.

"You seem very passionate about books." Isabella smiled. It was good to know that people still cared about them. "I may not always be a classics person myself, but I like the fact people from our school still know classics." Most of the school were quite unaware of literature.

"It's upsetting really, people don't love books like they used to, but maybe...just maybe..." Angelo mumbled, "maybe I could write one...that could change that..." she deeply sighed, self doubt clogged up her mind. 'Who am I kidding? I'm never gonna be a writer.' She thought.

"It's great to see we still have a few people who still want to develop our literature. I think it's great you want to become a writer!" Isabella grinned. She was liking the short girl. "Oh my names Isabella by the way."

"I'm Angelo," Angelo said turning to face Isabella, she was holding The Great Gatsby in her left hand and she extended her right to initiate a handshake.

Isabella shook her hand. "How come I've never seen you before? Are you new?"

"No, I just keep it on the low," Angelo said letting go of her hand, "y'know, so I can avoid Mist and his posse..." she shivered as if remembering a screaming fake blonde female.

"Who, Jared? I have ballet with him!" Isabella smiled as she remembered Jared the Ballet Queen. Though he was kind of a dick.

She had been trying to persuade him to a Friday night dance marathon ever since she met him, of course he said no each time. "Don't mind Jared, he's just a softie; prickly but a cactus!"

"He cut my hair off in class last year and everybody pretended I was a boy." Angelo said.

"Oh," Isabella frowned. That's when Jared and his posse walked in.

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