Chapter 23

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Angelo rushed downstairs to open the door, she was greeted by Isabella and Tessa.

"Get inside losers!" Angelo said pulling them in, "this is my first sleepover, I never had many friends so I never got the chance to have one! My parents never allowed Jared to come over for one." She led them to her room.

"Me and you both," Isabella smiled. She was obviously already in her pjs.

"As long as there's no haggis I'm good." Tessa shuddered remembering the nightmarish sleepovers back in Scotland.

"We have pizza!" Angelo said, "I didn't know which flavour to get so my dad rented the store."

Tessa looked at her with wide eyes. "Wait your serious?" She asked incredulously

"You better be, cuz I am STARVING!" Isabella sang as she unceremoniously dropped her backpack near the floor.

"Yep, you heard of Dexter Casters right?" Angelo asked.

"Duh! You haven't lived if you haven't heard of good ol dex!" Isabella grinned.

Tessa just nodded taking in Angelo's home. She hadn't particularly made any friends at North Shire.

"Yeah he's my step dad," Angelo said fast so they wouldn't catch much of it, "which pizza do you wanna order?"

"Get me anything really, as long as there are no anchovies I'm cool." Isabella shrugged. "Where's everyone else?"

"Anything fine." Tessa agreed. "And there's meant to be more people?"

"Ok," Angelo sighed in relief, last group of friends she had kept asking if her father would allow them to be in his next movie. She ordered 3 pizzas for each person.

"So what now? What do we do while we wait?" Isabella asked. They had all moved up to Angelo's bedroom.

"Well I don't know that much about you guys and you don't know much about me so 20 questions?" Tessa suggested.

"No time! We gotta plan-"

"Plan for what?" Lux asked leaning on the doorway, Rory was next to him and both were smiling.

"Oh hey Lux! Take a seat we need your help, you too Rory!" Angelo pulled them both inside by their hands.

"Ok ok, what's the plan and what for?" Lux asked.

"Well-oh before I start, Tessa, meet Lux. My step brother, Lux, meet Tessa, my new friend." Angelo said.

"Nice to meet you," Lux smiled at Tessa.

"Same," Tessa said smiling at the two.

"And I'm Rory, her tutor as Angelo failed to mention." Rory said shaking Tessa'a hand.

"Anyhoo lads, take a seat!" Isabella grinned at them.

Angelo explained Isabella's dilemma, Lux nodded throughout the entire speech.

"Well my enquiry is that Ruby is a bitch," Lux sighed, "how can we help?"

"We need to steal Ruby's phone and diary, you guys can come along! Well, after we get the pizza that is," Angelo stood up and held her hand up, putting down each finger for each second. When no fingers remained she pointed at the door and the bell rang.

"Why are you so good at that?" Rory asked in awe. He had seen Angelo do it before during their tutoring sessions.

"She's probably psychic too." Isabella said laying completely flat on the floor.

"I can't let out all my secrets," Angelo awkwardly winked then opened the door, she took the pizza and shut the door since her dad was renting the place.

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