Chapter 11

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Isabella and Angelo were in Isabella's bedroom discussing drama over breakfast, Isabella took a spoonful of cereal and chewed.

"Do you think Parker and I could be more than friends?" She asked. "I mean I would ask Jared but let's face it, it's Jared."

"You're gonna end up more than friends," Angelo said engulfing a huge spoonful of cereal.

"I don't know if I wanna go there and ruin a good friendship?" Isabella said unsurely, stuffing more cereal in her gob.

"Well in the end you're gonna date, I bet my right arm and leg on it," Angelo said finishing her cereal.

"Mmm, then I will be having your right arm and leg in the end." Isabella took one last spoonful of cereal and sighed.

"I'll start sawing it off," Angelo smiled and stood up, then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Isabella followed her downstairs. "Sooo..." she grinned as she helped Angelo wash the dishes "you've been acting all sorts of happy lately."

"I just made a joke that's why I smiled?" Angelo said confused.

"You just seem happier than usual." Isabella shrugged.

"I'm acting completely normal? I'm pretty sure you're just overanalysing things," Angelo said.

"Maybe, I have a habit of doing that." Isabella said drying her hands.

Angelo put the bowl on the drying rack, "I'm gonna freshen up," she said and headed to the bathroom.

The was a knock on Isabella's door, the bathroom door shut leaving Isabella to be the only one to open the door.

"It's open!" Isabella yelled towards the door.

"Uh no it's not!" Parker's yelled was slightly muffled, but the voice was recognisable.

Isabella was startled to hear Parker's voice and immediately straightened her pyjama bottoms, "coming!" She yelled and legged it to the door, "Hey what are you doing here?" She asked as she opened the door.

"The debate, remember? I figured you and Angelo wouldn't be hanging out this early in the morning so I decided to drop by to make some of our arguments," Parker answered, he was wearing grey hoodie and blue jeans.

Isabella laughed awkwardly, she needed to get Angelo out of the house ASAP. "Yeah, the debate! Totally remembered that," she said glancing at the stairs hoping Angelo would stay upstairs.

Angelo was not in her favour, she came downstairs still in her pajamas, "Izzy I can't find your toothpaste-oh hey Parker!" Angelo waved.

Parker looked at Angelo, "hey Angelo, nice PJ's, elephant print. Very chic," Parker joked, he looked back at Isabella. "Is this a bad time?"

"No no!" Isabella shook her head violently, "this is a great time since Angelo was just leaving!"

"Wait what?" Angelo asked confused.

"Yeah," Isabella smiled at her friend apologetically, "I'll text you later," she whispered to Angelo and shoved her out of the door. "Bye!" She waved and slammed the door shut.

"Wait, I forgot my shit! Isabella my clothes! Fucks sake..." Angelo sighed and went home in her bunny slippers and pj's.

"O-ok that was weird, but I've got my books and stuff." He set his stationary on the kitchen counter.

"You made any notes?" Isabella asked looking for the chocolate she hid from Angelo.

The chocolate was missing, Angelo had the nose of a bloodhound when it came to chocolate.

"No I was waiting to meet up with you since it's gotta be a team effort." Parker said.

"Okay, where should we start?" Isabella asked giving up on the chocolate.

"Well I was thinking..." The rest was a blur, several hours of productivity went by fast. Parker and Isabella made a quaint team.


There was another knock on the door, "maybe that's Angelo? Maybe she's here to get her stuff?" Parker asked, although he was quite wrong.

"Hmm, maybe." Isabella said. "ITS OPEN!" She yelled, pretty sure that it was open this time.

"It's really not sweetie," Isabella's mother said from the other side.

"Who's that?" Parker asked.

"My mum?" Isabella chuckled nervously, Isabella's mother was always complaining how loud the new neighbours were or how they never thank her for all the food she had been sending over.

Isabella opened the door for her mum. "Hey mum, I thought you were at grandmas?" Isabella said hoping she wouldn't notice Parker.

"I came back early, she had to go to the hospital, she's alright but she needs medicine," her mother explained.

"Oh, ok." Isabella nodded, shutting the door.

Isabella's mother hung her coat and looked over at Parker skeptically. "Who the hell is that?"

"Mum meet Parker, Parker meet my mum?" Isabella introduced the two, she hoped the two would be civil but there wasn't a sure chance of that.

"You!" Her mother wagged her forefinger at him accusingly, "you're our neighbour!" She yelled.

"Uh yeah?" Parker said confused.

"You're the one who causes all the racket!" She snapped.

Parker's face paled, "have I told you about my twin... Larker, who always throws parties and blames them on me!" Parker nervously laughed.

Isabella face palmed. "Uh mum? Can I have a word with you? In private?" Isabella said and led her mother to the living room.

"Why are you associating yourself with that hoodlum?" Her mother snapped at her once out of earshot, or so she thought.

"Mum! He is not a hoodlum I assure you. And stop having a go at him, he's a nice guy once you get to know him!" Isabella defended Parker.

"I can hear you guys," Parker said.

"Oh," Isabella blushed slightly, "just pretend you didn't hear anything!"

"Send him home," Isabella's mother snapped, "that's an order."

"You sound like a commanding officer, and no I'm working on a project with him." Isabella crossed her arms.

"I don't give a damn send him home or else your father and I will be forced to send you back to your aunts and you will be sent to an all girls school!" Her mother snapped.

"Fine!" Isabella frowned at her mother, "I really wish you could just not be so spiteful..." she muttered before going back into the kitchen. "I'm sorry Parker but you have to go," She told him trying to hide the disappointment in her voice but failed.

"It's cool, see you at school," Parker said and winked, "meet me in the courtyard." He whispered and left.

Isabella looked confused but nodded, she waited till Parker was out of the house and her mother was safely upstairs before going out again.

Parker texted Isabella to meet her at school on Sunday and requested her to delete the message, he smiled and went inside his house, excited for the upcoming day.

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