Chapter 9

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Parker was looking at the recent posts of the new school stalker, they previously seemed to be focused on the popular students such as himself. But now they've branched out to nerdy and shy students like Angelo and Isabella, it was strange. He was so caught up in his phone that he didn't notice the two girls who had seated themselves in front of him.

"Heyyo!" Angelo said snapping Parker out of his little world, she plopped her food tray down and sat on the seat, during lunch she'd usually do alone but today she was with Isabella and Isabella insisted that they'd sit with Parker.

"Hi!" Isabella smiled at Parker. As much as she hated to admit it but Parker really started to grow on her.

"Uh hey," Parker said smiling at them.

"Whatcha doing?" Angelo asked staring at his phone.

"If you must know-"

"Which I must," Angelo cut in.

"I'm trying to find hints for the stalker," Parker ignored her comment.

"They posted anything new lately?" Isabella asked, this stalker was a real pain in the behind.

"Something on... Jared, apparently Jared and Ruby might get back together," Parker said.

Angelo snorted, "preposterous."

"Well it's not unlikely," Isabella shrugged "they've been having an on and off relationship all year so I'm guessing it must be back on?"

"I seriously doubt it..." Angelo looked down smiling at her salad like a moron.

"Anyway..." Parker dismissed Angelo's odd behaviour, "I'm skipping school to check out a few locations the stalker has been to get the photos, there might be some evidence." He stood up.

"I'll come too! I can provide a lot of service! Considering I was one of the victims," Angelo piped.

"You sure you wanna skip school? Why can't we just go after school?" Isabella suggested.

"Won't do, after school there's gonna be too much people out, the pictures were taken in secluded areas and today all the locations were dropped and after school people are gonna go there and fuck shit up, I'm going there now before everyone else gets their grimy hands on everything." Parker said.

"They dropped the locations?" Angelo snatched his phone, the new post by _Unknown_ had a list in chronological order of every location. Her and Jared's out hideout was titled 'teen sex spot' which filled Angelo with rage.

"Oh god!" Isabella sighed as she peeked over Angelo's shoulder. "Now's a good time as any I suppose?"

"You betcha..." Angelo glowered.

Parker, Angelo, and Isabella were about to leave the school before Angelo retreated to the cafeteria and got her food.

"Seriously?" Parker raised a brow at her.

"I paid for it, $5 isn't easy to get y'know," Angelo responded.

They finally departed, without getting caught by any lingering teachers, they left school grounds and headed to the burger joint.

While Parker went to speak to Abigail, Angelo whispered to Isabella.

"You like him don't you?" She asked.

"What? Who me? Like Parker? Pfft! No! What gave you that silly idea?!" Isabella rambled nervously.

"When you look at him you have a lil... sparkle! A little sparkle in your eyes!" Angelo smiled at her.

"Sparkle?" Isabella repeated but then sighed. "I don't know Angelo, he's nice but he doesn't like me so I won't even go there."

Angelo frowned, "well, you never kn-"

"Abby saw a girl snapping a picture!" Parker said jogging back, Angelo sealed her lips when he returned.

"Any description to go along with that?" Isabella asked.

"She was blonde, that's all, the phone was up to her face which covered it," Parker sighed.

"Let's go to Jared and my hideout, there's gotta be some indication there," Angelo suggested.

"Lead the way!" Isabella said.


Angelo walked to the hideout, she was beyond upset when it got exposed... but who found out? How did they find out?

When arriving in the cave Parker looked at the picture if Angelo and Jared kissing, "what angle was it from?" He asked showing Isabella the phone and examining the cave.

"Somewhere around here I'm guessing." Isabella said crouching behind the table. "My guess is that Angelo and Jared were around that fireplace and a bit busy so the person must've either been really sneaky or already been here."

"Look!" Angelo pointed at something on the floor, it was a golden tube, not very big, only a few inches but it had a wide hole. "What the bloody hell is that?" She pointed at it.

"Must've been the mystery blonde's?" Isabella picked it up to examine it further.

"Probably, I'll take it with me!" Angelo piped and extended her hand to take it.

Isabella handed Angelo the tube. "So what now?"

"Well we've still got a few locations left," Parker said.

"Where else?" Isabella asked.

"We've gotta go-"

"There you are! You rowdy teens!" A police man emerged from the water, his blue uniform getting soaked. Unlike our protagonists he didn't understand the concept of walking around the waterfall. "We found em." He said into his radio, but there was just static and it was followed by silence.

"Mr.Policeman, wet radios don't work," Angelo pointed out.

"Shut up!" The man snapped, he wore black aviator glasses and had a trim moustache.

"How'd you find us?" Parker asked stepping backwards towards Isabella and Angelo.

"There was a report from an unknown identity..." The man said.

"It's the stalker!" Angelo blurted.

"I knew ditching was a bad idea," Isabella mumbled.

The police escorted them back to school, phone calls hadn't been made but they received a detention after school.

"Shit! Lux is gonna get so pissed at me for being late to my tutoring session..." Angelo paled.

"At least we got some clue..." Parker mumbled.


The three entered the empty classroom, the teacher stared at them sternly, it was an old woman with grey hair and more lines on her forehead then paper in a students notebooks.

"This is gonna be a long detention..." Angelo sighed.

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