Chapter 24

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A week had passed, Tessa had convinced everyone there was gonna be a play on Friday, last day of school. Summer would shorty follow up, this was the grand finale. Ruby's downfall, it was the end of school and everyone was heading to the stage.

Parker was walking but he got stopped midway by Isabella.

"Parker." Isabella said quietly, looking him directly in the eye. "Can we talk?"

"Uh sure," Parker said awkwardly, him and Isabella hadn't spoken for a long time, nobody allowed either of them to forget the rumour.

Isabella took a deep breath and led him outside to the parking lot. "I need to tell you something that I wanted to tell you something. So just hear me out without interrupting."

Parker nodded and gestured for her to go on.

"First of, that rumour, it's exactly what it it is. A rumour. And I know all the evidence points towards me, but I'm asking you to believe me. Do you remember that day when we ditched together and you told me that it wasn't you who spread the rumour? I told you I believed you and I need you to believe me now."

Isabella shut her eyes. "I don't know how to say this. I like you. Actually scratch that. I'm crazy for you. Every time I look at you I feel my heart beat faster and I get butterflies in my stomach. And it's a feeling I can never get used to. And you might not feel the same way and I might've just ruined whatever we had left but I just needed to tell you that." She confessed, despite most people feeling a weight being lifted off their chest when confessing it made Isabella feel sick to hear his response.

Isabella opened her eyes to see his face. Parker was looking at her with wide eyes and she smiled tiredly at him. "I guess you were right all along. I was into you, whether I knew it or not." She added softly and walked back inside to go get ready for the 'play'.

Parker stood dumbfounded, he tried catching up to her but she was already on stage. He sighed and took a seat, heart pounding in his chest knowing that Isabella did in fact return his feelings.

"We ready?" Isabella asked Angelo who was backstage with her. They had texted Ruby to meet them up on stage, they told her to take the stage entrance so she wouldn't see the crowd. Angelo nodded at Isabella, she walked on stage and was immediately blinded by the stage lights, Ruby would've never been able to see the crowd.

Ruby walked onto stage clearly not pleased. "What did you two losers want?" She asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"We know your plan." Isabella said in a clear voice.

Tessa also walked on stage, "to frame Izzy to clear your name," she said.

"You're related to the principal so you asked him to open up Isabella's locker and you planted Parker's underwear there! We read it in your diary." Angelo accused.

"So what, I did. This filthy bitch was just getting in the way. But I had already warned her not to mess with me, all I did was put her in her place." Ruby shrugged with a smug smile. "But it's not like anyone's going to believe you guys."

"Are you sure about that?" Isabella asked, restraining herself from strangling Ruby on the spot.

The lights turned on and the stage lights turned off, all the students started to murmur and boo Ruby.

Ruby turns shocked at the sight. She immediately ran off stage without a word.

Isabella turned towards the crowd searching for Parker but she couldn't see him. 'He must've left' she thought but pushed that thought away and turned to face Angelo and Tessa. "We did it!" She grinned at the two.

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