Chapter 14

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"He doesn't deserve you anyways. If he's gonna go kissing other girls then let him! We don't need him anyways!" Isabella said angrily eating ice cream.

"B-but I miss him!" Angelo sobbed over the tub of cookie dough ice cream, "also I'm s-sorry for snapping I was stressed!"

"No it's okay, and screw Jared!" Isabella said putting her ice cream down. "You know what we should do? We should go out!"

"You know what's better? We watch Netflix!" Angelo said grabbing her remote.

"As much as I'd love that..." Isabella said carefully taking the remote away. "We should get out. There's too much drama going on and Netflix is providing recorded drama. I declare today a drama free day."

Angelo engulfed more ice cream, "going outside is not my thing." She said.

"Plus there's not much to do outside," Isabella said looking out of Angelo's window "Netflix it is then!"

"Well we should be planning for the debutante! I was think about this hairstyle and makeup but I don't know how to show you..." Angelo said.

"Do you have pictures?" Isabella asked "hair and makeup are the least of my worries right now. I haven't even gotten a dress it's like every time I go looking for one I can't find the right one."

"No but can I recreate it on you?" Angelo asked, "I'm decent at hair but I am pretty much a pro at makeup! Also I'll help with dresses later!" She reassured.

"Yes!" Isabella smiled broadly. "You think you can help with the dress issue?"

"Yeah! Lemme get all the stuff!" Angelo opened her drawers and bought out makeup and hair tools.

"So you got a date?" Isabella asked Angelo looking around her room.

"Nope," Angelo said combing Isabella's hair.

"Tragically neither do I," Isabella sighed. "Who do you wanna go with?"

"A pizza box," Angelo said starting to style Isabella's hair.

"Ok what about humans?" She smiled at Angelo.

"Me, myself, and some beef pie," she started to hairspray the curls, it was a basic pinup style.

Isabella giggled. "I like chicken pot pie better."

"Your hair is done! I like pinup hair with the dramatic curls so I hope you don't mind." Angelo said.

"No it looks beautiful!" Isabella said admiring Angelo's work.

"So who do you wanna go with?" Angelo asked starting to do makeup on Isabella's face.

"Uhh..." Isabella blushed slightly. "No one in particular."

"Particular...Parker!" Angelo guessed, she was still blending in the foundation on Isabella's face.

"What? No we're just 'friends'..." Isabella said struggling to say friends.

"At your wedding are you still gonna be 'friends'?" Angelo joked.

Isabella choked on her spit and started coughing violently and her face turning red. "Why on gods earth would you think that?" Isabella choked out.

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