Chapter 8

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Angelo knocked on Jared's door, it had been years since her last visit, his family adored her.

Jordan opened the door. "Hey, come on in. Jared's somewhere around here," Jordan told Angelo. "You can go find him." He added since Angelo already knew her way around the house

"Ok," Angelo smiled at him, Jordan was Jared's older brother, when Angelo was a kid he would usually bring her sweets and watch as Jared threw a tantrum because he never got any.

Jordan had brown hair, blue eyes, and was a lot taller than Jared, he had a sharp jaw, pouty lips, and long lashes.

"Is that my boys future wife?" Kamila called from the kitchen.

"No Mrs.Mist, it's Angelo," Angelo chuckled, Kamila was Jared's mother and she always hoped Jared would one day end up marrying Angelo.

"Angelo sweetie, how many times shall I tell you? Call me Kamila!" Kamila ran out the kitchen and embraced Angelo.

Kamila had black hair and brown eyes, she had tanned skin and plump lips, despite being in her 40's she still looked 18.

Angelo hugged back, "where is Henry?" She asked.

"I'm here!" Henry ran into the kitchen. He was surprised to see Angelo since he heard that she and Jared weren't friends anymore.

Angelo let go of Kamila and hugged Henry, she lifted him up because bending down made her uncomfortable, everyone said Henry had a tiny crush on Angelo because when he was born Angelo was the second girl he saw. He was born when Angelo was 5, she knew Jared from kindergarten and they were inseparable.

"So, you miss me?" Henry winked at her, trying to be flirty.

Angelo rolled her eyes, "whatever helps you sleep at night pipsqueak." She put him down and ruffled his hair.

Henry swatted away Angelo's hand and fixed his hair. "Not the hair!"

Angelo chuckled, "where's Jared? We got a project," she asked Kamila.

"Upstairs..." Kamila responded.

"Thanks!" Angelo rushed upstairs to Jared's room, she heard music...

Jared was trying to beat his pirouette record, since Isabella told him she'd give him 50 bucks if he could do more than 50 pirouettes. Right now Jared could only do 19. He was listening to the Swan Lake scene finale to help him concentrate.

Angelo opened the door and watched, stunned, "what the fuck..." she blurted.

Jared couldn't hear Angelo over his music so he kept on going. He had his eyes closed so spinning didn't wanna make him throw up.

"THIS IS GOING ON YOUTUBE!" Angelo yelled grabbed her phone.

Immediately Jared stopped spinning and opened his eyes to face Angelo's phone. "Put your phone away Streams!" Jared growled.

"Make me!" Angelo stuck her tongue out, she didn't even get the chance to film but she would just pretend to see his reaction.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Jared grabbed her phone and looked for the video.

Angelo tackled him and snatched her phone back, "I prevail!"

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