Chapter 2

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That's when Angelo grabbed Isabella's hand and ran out the library, she hid in a corner.

"I don't care if you guys are friends or not, he will turn against you in front of them... he did it to me..." Angelo said, she got her locket out from under her shirt, the letter J was engraved onto it, she opened it up revealing a tiny picture of a younger Angelo and Jared. "We both had one..." Angelo said referring to the locket, she gently sniffled.

"Oh honey, you know what? I'll be your friend even if Mist can't see that you're a good friend." Isabella said warmly. "I kinda left my bag in the library and I need it. I'll be right back!" She said and walked back in to the library. Jared and his posse were laughing at the new classics. Isabella's bag was next to Jared. "Hey Jared!" She gave him a small smile and grabbed her bag.

Parker was with Jared, Parker had his own clique but him and Jared were allies, "who's this slut? Is this the one you've been sleeping with?" Parker asked.

Ruby snickered, a tissue visible from the top of her bra, she was after Jared and Parker at the same time, she'd settle for either. She had blonde hair that was faker than plastic, grass green eyes that had a mischievous gleam in them, she always stuffed her bra which was the reason for the tissue, she had porcelain skin and got bright red lips from her lipstick.

"It's not one of his sluts, it's that weird book freak!" Ruby taunted, everyone looked at Jared for an insult knowing he can't argue.

"Who you calling a slut?" Isabella glared at Parker. Then turned to look at Ruby. "I see your tissues by the way. You finally upgraded to two ply?" She said sweetly.

"Shut up freak." Jared frowned at her. He had seen her talking to Angelo.

Angelo walked behind Isabella and gently tugged her clothes, she was luckily wearing a hoodie and it was over her head.

"Come on, I got your bag let's go..." Angelo meekly whispered.

"Who's that? New boyfriend?" Ruby asked mockingly, not recognising Angelo under the hood.

"As if she'd ever get anyone, I wouldn't date her even if you paid me!" Parker laughed, he was a dick but his laugh would make anyone weak in the knees, it was majestic.

Isabella's heart fluttered a little at hearing his laugh but then pushed that feeling down. "I'm sorry, who said I was up for dating you in the first place?" She turned around and marched out of the library with Angelo.

"You do princess!" Parker said loudly enough for her to hear.


"I told you he'd turn on you." Angelo said, the bell almost drowned her words, but they were still audible.

"Who Jared? He's always like that, like I said; cactus... but it's that other dude with him that bothered me. Do you know who he is?" Isabella asked curiously.

"Parker, he's from another clique but he and Jared formed some sort of alliance, he's considered to be one of the schools 'hotties' but I don't buy it. He seems daft minded to me, all he does is smile and flip his hair," Angelo said having no interest in Parker what so ever, if her words didn't give the hint her tone would.


"Jared, bud." Parker said snapping his fingers in front of his dazed friend, they skipped class and were sitting outside the courtyard.

"What?" Jared asked snapping out of his day dream, he had been thinking of ways to embarrass Angelo.

"This is a random thought but why do pick on that short chick anyway? You make fun of all the nerds and that makes sense but that short chick is in that necklace I found in your locker." Parker said accidentally revealing that he'd been snooping.

"You we're going through my stuff?!" He exclaimed avoiding the subject of Angelo.

"Don't act innocent you stole my cologne to get that girl in bed and still failed in getting her in bed." Parker snickered, "now answer my question, Mist."

"Well why can't I bully her?" Jared snapped.

Parker held up the locket, "aw you in love?" He teased, he opened the locket and pretended to look at the picture despite already seeing it.

"Give it back Sanchez!" Jared tried getting it back, he didn't want to look at that locket but couldn't throw it away.

"Why? Do you like her or something?" Parker laughed mischievously.

Jared snatched the locket away from him. "No. Why would I bully her if I liked her Sanchez?"

"Why would you have that if you didn't?" Parker shot back.

"I'm not in the mood for twenty questions right now Sanchez. Drop. It." Jared growled.

Parker snatched the locket back and started running, "where would you like me to drop it?" He yelled.

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Jared yelled and ran after Parker.

Parker ran all the way to the park across the school, he was at the lake, he held the locket above the lake. The crystal clear water seemed harmless but it certainly wasn't shallow...

"Parker fucking Sanchez give me that locket or so help me god I will tell every girl in school that you have herpes!" Jared screamed.

"They wouldn't believe you...remember I'm better than you!" Parker taunted, "now tell me, why do you care so much?"

"Why do you care so much?" Jared stepped forward.

"I asked first," Parker answered allowing his grasp to loosen, any looser and it'd fall into the lake.

"You know what? Drop it, see if I care!" Jared crossed his arms defiantly, he was hoping Parker wouldn't do it.

Parker smirked, he let his grip go, the locket fell. It caught some sunlight causing a small light reflection to shine on Jared, it fell into the water making a 'plop' sound, it sank to the bottom of the lake, the ripples made it difficult to see.

Jared heart sank right down with the locket but he put on a straight face. "Can we go back now? I bet it's lunch and I'm hungry." He said turning around.

"Whatever, Mist." Parker said heading back to the school.

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