Chapter 25

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Summer holidays finally arrived, the first week was everyone desperately trying to spend time together but failing miserably since Isabella's mother didn't like Parker and they kept trying to secretly meet. Angelo stayed home packing for her Paris trip and had to spend time with her family. Lux was preparing for college and so was Rory, Jared was the only one without any complications.
It wasn't until Friday morning that they all got to spend a little time together.

"God this feels good." Isabella exclaimed as she flopped down on Angelo's bed. They all decided to meet up before Angelo's Paris trip next week. "Why does your bed feel like a mountain of mash potatoes? And I mean the good kind."

Jared shook his head at Isabella's weird comparisons. His holidays so far had been stress and drama free so far thankfully. He hadn't bumped into Ruby lately, neither had anyone else so that was great.

Isabella took out her iPod and played Break My Heart by Hey Violet. She got up and pointed at Jared dramatically. "I challenge thee, Jared Mist, to a FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE MARATHON!" She practically yelled.

"I've told you this once and imma tell you again-" Jared tried to say no but was interrupted by Isabella.

"Scared imma show you up in front of your girlfriend?" She questioned.

Jared's expression immediately hardened. "Oh you are ON Rodriguez!" Jared growled and kicked off his shoes.

"Oh brother," Angelo groaned, she was on the floor played Monopoly with Parker.

"Fuck you, I want my bank back," Parker grumbled.

"And I want my cupcakes," Angelo shot back.

"Did someone say cupcakes?" Lux asked entering the room, Lux and Rory had been baking together.

"Um, yes bitch!" Angelo snapped her fingers to gesture the cupcakes to commence towards her.

"Calm your tits your majesty, get them yourself," Lux rolled his eyes.

"Fuck," Isabella breathed "you Mist."

"I can do more pirouettes than you," Jared shot back smugly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Isabella rolled her eyes.

"You guys deserve your own reality tv show. I'd binge watch that shit." Rory chuckled at the four of them.

"Let's face it, our show wouldn't be as good as that comedy cooking show with the two girls, one who pours chilli flakes over everything and the other who keeps throwing her phone," Angelo said eating a cupcake.

"Smart Cooking With Ano and Noor?" Parker asked also taking a cupcake.

"Yeah that one," Angelo mumbled, mouth full.

Lux put down his plate, then turned on a slow song on Isabella's iPod.

"I never got a chance to go to the debutante, Rory, care to dance?" He extended his hand.

"Why I would be delighted." Rory smiled taking Lux's hand.

Jared stepped away from Isabella and turned to Angelo. "I never did get that dance at the debutante," he smiled at her and offered her a hand.

Isabella grinned at Jared and Angelo. "You guys are so adorable. This is making my heart melt but at the same time wanna gag at your cuteness."

"You know it," Angelo pointed finger guns at Isabella and took Jared's hand.

Parker suddenly stood up, "nah man, me and Izzy are way cute," he scoffed.

Jared twirled Angelo and laughed at Parker. "Get real Sanchez. Me and Angelo dominate you in cuteness."

"Hey!" Isabella defended her relationship. She wrapped her arms around Parker protectively. "We're plenty of cute." She stuck her tongue out at Jared. "No offence Angelo."

"None taken," Angelo said then pulled Jared in, she wrapped her arms around his waist and gestured for him to put his arms around her neck.

"Wrong positions," Parker said, realising that Angelo held Jared how a male would typically hold a female.

"Fuck gender roles," Angelo said and twirled Jared then dipped him.

"The only rolls that should exists are bread rolls." Jared said winking at Angelo.

"Ain't that the truth." Isabella smiled and rested her head in Parker's chest.

"Pizza rolls are better," Angelo pointed out and pulled Jared back in, they swayed to the music.

"Isn't this nice?" Lux asked, head on Rory's shoulder.

Parker held Isabella even tighter, everything was...perfect.

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