chapter one

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Nicole's POV.
I pick up the smallest bag I can find and throw in all of the shit I can take for a night and pull my messy blonde and blue hair into a ponytail.
The smashing of bottles are heard from downstairs and I know that I have to leave.

I push my small Windows open and jump out not rethinking a thing at all . When I am sure that I am out I make a run for it. Knowing that he is still coming for me and I have not much time.

When I am sure I am out of the street I run into the closest bar and take a seat , downing all of my problems in a bottle of beer as I pick on the scab on my elbow. Disgusting.

Cody's POV

"Dude it is just a game"Jay slurs tipping his head back in laughter as Jade straddles herself against him ,palming him in one hand. I am about bringing my drink to my lips when the doors file open , a clearly lost girl stumbling in.

Everyone in the room is staring at her trying to come up with the reason a girl in minimal clothing and backpack and bruises is doing here. I hear the guys give out a small laugh and Jay pats me.

"Truth or dare Cody" venom lacing his voice as his eyes follow the direction of the lost chick.

Hey guys this is my first book on Wattpad . I wrote it before but started over. Please vote and comment for updates.
Lol tennie

it all started with a betWhere stories live. Discover now