chapter twenty six

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Nicole's POV

She's a whole lot of trouble and she's prude.

That sounds like what Cody or one of his tattooed friends would call me.

For some reason I feel betrayed,  at least that's what I think. I don't mean to be nosey because being nosey was what hurt me long ago.

"Are you okay.?" I gently ask.

"Fuck no. And why am I even talking to you."

"Ok I just wanted to tell you that you are running out of groceries."

With that I walk back to the room and when I look put the window I see chase standing there a box of chocolates in his hands. Hell no.

"Uhm Cody I think I have a mail I have to take."

I have never been the best at lying so I just run out before he realizes I'm lying.

When I get outside I meet chase standing there the box of chocolates still in his hands . This has to be some joke.

"I see you stay at Cody's apartment." Hurt clear in his eyes.

I instantly remember that he offered me his place but I rejected.

"Actually yes." I simply reply feeling guilty.

I feel something for chase but I don't think it's as strong as what I feel for Cody. And yes I just admitted half of it to myself.

"I suppose we are still friends and your not mad at me ?"

"I'm not mad at you but I sure hope we could be more than friends. "He nearly whispers the last words.

I don't want Cody to spot the both of us outside. Whatever it is that Cody and I are I don't want to ruin it. Not in anyway.

"We were having a party at Jays house and I was really hoping you could ...come. tomorrow night"

"Ok , ill try to see about that but if the devil is going to be there I'm not coming." I know she will be there I just don't want to go.

"Lucy is and always will be a part of the group and there is no way she can leave."

"I sure hope she dies." I run my arms. This place is cold.
Of course it's November how could I expect it to be warm.

"Here . Have this." He hands me his jacket.

We both take a seat on the stairs and share the chocolates he brought.

"Can I ask a question if you don't mind."
"Sure go ahead."
"Who would you rather be with between Cody and i?"

The question is the most shocking thing I've heard from him. I choke on my own breath before I start to think. Who would I rather be with. Cody I quite harsh and he is a pervert but chase is rather calm and sweet but he still parties and drinks.

"I..I...can you give me some time to think about this."

"Sure I'll give you till tomorrow night but I just want to let you know I could be the one to make you happy."

He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses me before heading to his bike. Well he took that well. He waves and shakes his bouncy hair before putting his helmet on.

I sigh and start to think. Who would I rather be with. If I were a normal girl my answer will obviously be chase. But Cody. Cody makes me laugh more than I can imagine I ever would have.

He can be really mean and not so nice but once you get to know him you see the light behind the darkness. I get the fact I'm one out of the millions that gets to see his bright side but everyone gets to see chases side.

"So what will your answer be."
I turn back to see Cody leaning on the frame of the glass doors , his hands crossed an unreadable emotion behind his dark eyes.

"I..I..I don't know." Is all I can muster.
"Sure you must feel like the queen here feeling on top of the world . That two people actually took their time to fight over you. But let's get this straight , you can go for him I don't fucking care. Lucy is there and so is jade. Come to think of it they work their tongues better and...."

"Enough! This is not about you here. He asked me a simple question. He cares about me unlike you. How could I even be so stupid to think that you cared."

"Did you actually think that I cared. When we're you when I needed you to care but now you expect me to care. You selfish bitch." He spits.

"I didn't even know when you needed me to care. Where was I? Oh I was probably on the other side of the city enjoying my stupid life. Why didn't I just choose him when I had the chance!" I've never gone this far arguing with Cody without crying.

"If you really wanted to say yes . Then just go already. He doesn't live so far."

"I will and bet it with me I will go to chase and tell him how much I love him."

"You dare not" venom lacing his voice.

"I'm not a child and you do not own me so bye bye."

I stomp out leaving Cody standing on the stairs. How dare him . What does he know about caring.

I stop walking but instead I Starr running trying to remember chases building. My eyes are heavy and my cheeks are stained with smeared make up.

I don't want to disturb him but I have no choice. I knock on his door my knees are weak.

"Oh my gosh , Nicole what happened to you.?"

That is a really good question to ask a girl in shorts , tank top and a jacket with smeared make up all over her face.

"I'm fine." I pushy way through his door and take a seat on his couch hugging his pillow.

"I'm sure it's that dick Cody." He says smashing the door closed.

"No. It's not his fault. It's mine."

"I don't think you are capable of doing any of this. "

"Actually it's my fault. I was foolish enough to believe that he cared about me but I was wrong. Don't you think I was stupid."

"Well of course not. That's what all these helpless girls think about Cody but not until he pops their bubbles.

"I am helpless?"

"No. I wasn't referring to you"

I am in tears and I have completely broken down. Cody moves closer to hug me. What am I even thinking it's chase not Cody. He's in all of my thoughts , my classes , I stay at his place. Is there anywhere he's not. That right. He's not in my misery ....Actually he's the one who has finding me a free ticket to mad land . Where only my subconscious and I are with imaginary joker and Harley Quinn as the presidents but of course my subconscious is on a vacation because she hasn't said anything to me since.

His muscles are tense and hard but at least I don't have to bear this again.
"I knew that you would end up picking me. I mean know."

I want to tell him that I didn't pick him but I just decide against it.

Being the foolish girl that I am I somehow know that this is not the last time that Cody will do this to me.

I look up to see chase staring at me. He closes his eyes and I just give in taking the only kiss I will be getting for now. It's not like Cody even cares about what happens to me.

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