chapter twenty five

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Nicole's POV
For some reason I end up in the clothes Cody picked out .

It's a shiny black short and a blue off shoulder top with a pink lip on it.
I didn't even realize that ' free kisses' was written on it.

I decide to go with my black toms. I wear my hair up as usual and apply a little make up to brighten my face.

When I step out of the bedrooms is dressed in his signature black jeans just that this time his sneakers are grey and not his boots

Those were some heavy boots.
"You look good .." He shakes his head.

"Good ? Really all this for good . How does my dressing affect  my mood.?"

"You can't go around smiling like goofy when you look like you're going to a church."

"Church? I wear jeans and you think I look like I'm going to church."

"Actually yes."

"You are going to the wrong church." I assure him.

I'm starting to feel a bit comfortable in this outfit. I get to my literature class early but Cody doesn't come in with me instead he claims he has a few things to do.

I enter the class with head bowed down as usual. I notice eyes gazing at me so I walk faster. When I finally get to class I sit at the middle of the class where no eyes can scan me.

The class starts to fill up and I'm grateful for that.
Chase walks in five minutes after the class has begun. I keep my fingers crossed and hope that he won't sit close to me but I'm wrong instead he comes and stands very close to me.

He stops in his tracks for a minute.
"Is this seat empty."

"Yes and the one I'm sitting on will be to if you sit down." I want to say but I just hold my tongue.

I give a weak smile and he plops on the seat slouching.

Few minutes later Cody and the professor steps in.

"Okay class today I don't have much to talk about but I might as well talk about something."

A few sarcastic yays and boos from the kids.

"Look I'm not having a heart to heart talk with you rotten kids but just hear me out. You religion teacher asked me to do this."

Where is this going?
"Sometimes you hold on to something so tight. You don't let go , fine. But when you finally let go and become insecure you don't think about what happens next do you.... take your time to think about everything I just said thank you."

With that the old man leaves the class and all of us are left in shock speechless. What was he even saying.

Hold on to something so tight.

I notice something shiny appear in front of my seat and when I look up I see that ugly snake in front of me.

"Oh you did a pretty good job on your make over today , who helped you.?"

"Lucy just stop." Chase warns.
"No it's fine , I can handle a little bitch like her."

If there is one thing I've learnt in life it's that when life gives you lemons make Apple juice and let them wonder how you did it. And yes i will give this brat a taste of her own medicine.

"Why am I even talking to something so ugly."

"Bitch, I ain't no mirror."

With that I walk past her but stop in my tracks.
"Oh and next time . Pick on someone of your own class I'm way more than that."

I walk out on her not making eye contact with anyone. I mean seriously who does she think she is.

Five more days to my birthday and there is no way in earth I'm letting that thing ruin the week.

"Oh my , Nick where did you go to. I was worried sick about you." Kaci jumps in front of me.

"You slept off and I just thought it was right to not keep Cody waiting."

"So has Cody finally kept his nuts in your hole." She mischievously asks wiggling her eye brows.


I notice Lucy pass by us again and this time she stops to glare at us.
"Why are you everywhere?" I mutter.

"Ugh you're talking to the enemy Kaci.
Jay won't like to see this."
"This is not about Jay so shut your trap."

"You know , Lucy you have an important call I think you should take."

"From who? I think it's Cody asking for me."

"Actually it's shrek he wants his face back."

With all the trouble from Lucy being everywhere around me . She seems to have one sort of obsession with Cody that I just don't get.

I am in my sitting in the bed just thinking what's the worst thing that could happen.

Over the days Kaci has become a stronger girl . She takes every bitch that comes her way and that includes Lucy.

I get the fact that they have something like a little group but can't they at least kick Lucy out.

I so much hate her guts. I re - imagine her with horns and beards. She seems pretty good that way. Each time she opens her mouth more shit than what comes from her ass comes from her mouth.

"Are you Kidding me. A month more! You think it's that easy don't you. Why don't you try. She's a whole lot of trouble and guesses prude" I hear Cody shout into the phone.

Who is he talking to and who is this about.

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