chapter thirty four

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Nicole's POV

After everything he's still here to give me the comfort I don't deserve.
"What are you doing here?" I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand.

"I'm running after you."
"Why. Why can't you just stay away. I've hurt you and I'm sorry I love someone else."

"It's okay. I'm just a little shocked that you'd choose him. After everything that he's done. Look at it. He's hurt you and I'm always there for you but you go and foolishly love him. He doesn't care about you. Wake up. He just wants to get in your pants."

"And you don't? I appreciate that you care about me but i love another person and you'll have to deal with that."

"You all are stubborn. If you care you'll let me go"

With that I walk away. I thought that Cody will come after me after that confession of his but he's not around.

I can't function with this cold itchy clingy material all over me. I tug at the bottom of the dress but it just keeps flying up.

I don't think of know the way back and I'm on shift tomorrow and I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day. All these thoughts are killing me. I just keep going in the direction takes me.

Im in a familiar street. I look round and it takes me a few seconds to recognize this place.

I immediately start running before I get noticed. The house is dark. Not a single flicker of light to be seen. The windows look dirty and dusty.

I'm in Cody's street now and I'm very glad when I notice his magnificent apartment.

I don't want to go inside. I want to stay outside and put together a few pieces of my shattered heart. Instead of breaking my heart I'd rather have my bones broken. I have 206 bones and only one heart. Does anyone care about that.

Sorry sweetie but no one don't care. Not even your Cody.

And she's back . I can even picture the stupid smirk on her face.

I enter the lobby and into the elevator. A young couple in it. I try not to draw any attention. They are standing apart and I'm in the middle of them. The guy has his hands crossed and the lady has her mascara smeared. This is all so weird. They are shooting glares and if looks could kill I'd be dead.

I'm glad when the doors open and I immediately jump out before some crazy psychopath attacks me.

I don't want to enter the apartment. My hands fumble with the lock. Should I knock. I don't even know the code. I slide to the floor and wait. Nope. No one can hear my thoughts.

I knock continuously but no answer. I've finally given up. The halls are freaking cold and a janitor passes by.

His trolley is brimming with towels. He glances at me and gives a polite smile before stopping. I'm not so glad he stopped by. But up sure want some of his towels.

"Hey. I'm Jason."
"I'm Nicole."

Ten minutes of silence and he finally drops to the floor beside

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