Chapter 7 Book 2

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The Wanderers

Hermione stood silently on the sidewalk, watching as people passed by and waited for her friends to arrive. Harry appeared with Ron and Draco beside him. Hermione smiled and pointed up at a sign.

"The golden M? Granger, your the best person ever." Draco said. Hermione smiled wider. Harry opened the door. The boys sat down while Hermione ordered. She glanced at the three boys, already talking about Quidditch. Harry and Ron never had to go back to Hogwarts, they could have gone and played Quidditch, they would have been good at it. Draco could have gone too, he wasn't bad at Quidditch. Hermione paid the girl that got her food and walked back to the table.

"Milkshakes? I agree with Malfoy, your the best person ever." Ron said as he grabbed a vanilla milkshake. Draco nodded. Hermione shook her head and grabbed the milkshakes from the boys.

"Normal food first." Hermione ordered. All three boys groaned and picked up their burgers.

"But Hermione, the fries only taste good if you dip them in the milkshakes." Harry said. Hermione shrugged and gave the milkshakes back to the boys.

"Only for dipping fries in." She warned. "If I catch sipping, I'm taking it back and you wont have it until you finish your food." She added sternly.

"Yes mum." Ron mumbled. Hermione smirked.

"I don't have to be your mother Ronald, I can tell her myself next time I see her, you know she doesn't like it when you rush to sweets before eating your food." Hermione said. He narrowed his eyes and ate his food.

"I miss this, we don't do fun stuff anymore." Harry said. Hermione nodded as she took a bite from her burger.

"Well, I don't just plan on this, there was one other thing." Hermione said. Draco looked up at her.

"None of the infernal shopping at the bloody mall." Draco said angrily. Hermione laughed and shook her head.

"No, not the mall. Something much worse for a pureblood like you." Hermione said. "Something deadly, something terrible, worse than fighting a boggart." Hermione mumbled happily. All three boys looked at her, confused.

"I may be the only one that knows what it is, but, just in case whisper it to me." Harry whispered in her ear. Hermione leaned over to him.

"Roller-skating." Hermione whispered. Harry sat up quickly and shook his head.

"Good luck getting them to do it 'Mione." Harry said out loud, he motioned for Draco and Ron. They both furrowed their brows and narrowed their eyes.

"What are you planning?" Ron asked.

"Nothing much." Hermione mumbled. She played with a fry and smirked.

"Oh Godric. How bad is it Harry?" Ron asked Harry. Harry chuckled softly as he ate.

"Your probably going to die." Harry mumbled.

"What could muggles possible invent that would kill two wizards this easily?" Draco asked.

"Plenty of things, just this is the worst." Hermione said.

"I didn't get to do it much growing up, obviously but, I got to do it a few times so I know how. 'Mione's going to get you two killed though." Harry said. Hermione smiled widely.

"Alright, we've finished our food, can we please have the milkshakes now mum?" Ron asked. Hermione nodded. Harry and Ron grabbed the milkshakes and drank them quickly. Draco drank his slowly. Hermione laughed.

"What? I know better!" Draco said loudly. Hermione laughed harder.

"We know what it does, we just like to race." Ron said after Hermione stopped laughing.

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