Chapter 22 Book 4

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Again, days flew by, there was no time for felloship, there was no time for anything really, but Draco and Hermione did cut and hour or two out of their busy scheduales to go for a run, they had to, the need to spend time together was like being pulled by rope and not being able to move.

And then finally came the big day. Maya was found crying in the living room, she said it was because they were all growing up when they had only met a year ago and they were all so childish back then. And then Hermione was crying. Then she shooed Draco off because he wasn't allowed to see her on the wedding day.

So Draco sat in the play room with the boys, Teddy and Justin were playing something, he couldn't quite understand what they were saying. Justin was starting to get a bit of a comprehension on words and apparently it was his second birthday. Teddy was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to see his parents for Christmas. George stepped in the room and half smiled when he saw Draco.

"Fiancee try and hide you too?" George asked, Draco nodded and motioned for his suit on the wall. George grinned and shook his head, pulling his own suit from out of behind him.

"Wonderful how our Fiancee's just happened to think alike," Draco commented as George hung his suit next to Draco's, color-wise, they were almost exactly the same, but Draco's looked as though it was entirely covered in snow while George's was naturally a whiteish snow color.

"That is scary true," George said as he sat down a few feet on the floor away from Draco, Teddy ran up to him and hugged him and then went back to playing with Justin. "But do you remember when you first got with Hermione? There's so many things that wouldnt have happened if you'de never have gotten with her." George said quietly. Draco hadnt considered that. Then he remembered something Pansy had said in the Slytherin Common room in first year. 'Shame that Granger got Gryffindor, I talked to her for a while, I never did get he blood type but she was really nice.' Pansy had told Blaise if he remembered. Pansy had spoken to Hermione before the sorting. He remembered seeing her do it. Hermione was good from the start, and he'd always been rotten. He never deserved her-

"Yeah, scary how things would have ended up differently." Draco interupted his own thoughts before they becamse too dark. Justin looked at Draco and just smiled before running up and wrapping his arms around him, he was so warm, so loving, so gentle. Draco closed his eyes and held on as tight as he could until Justin wanted to go play again.

"Alright boys, time to get dressed." George told Justin ad Teddy. Teddy scrambled into Draco's arms and George grabbed Justin. Draco whistled loudly and Sokka trotted into the room, the kittens were being taken care of by the girls and Sokka was Draco's job to get ready. Makayla had picked the pets up from the Burrow when they went on Christmas as she got in so late, which Draco still didn't know why.

After a moment the boys were dressed in their tuxes. Then Makayla poked her head into the room with a smile. She had a white flower crown on and her hair was done special. She nodded once, telling them that it was time to go, everyone was going to meet in the living room and the person assigned to the grooms would apparate them somewhere, and the person in charge of the brides was to apparate them to another place. Neither set of bride and groom knew where the wedding was taking place. Hermione planned it but she didnt actuallly know anything about it which was confuzing but somehow Draco knew it'd work.

The grooms got in their suits and nodded at each other, grabbing the puppy, who was also in his suit, and the kids. They made their way to the Living room where Solomon and Fred were waiting, the best men. Draco and George nodded in unison and the best men grinned and put their hands on Draco and George's shoulder to take them to the scene of the wedding. Draco blinked several times to adjust to the sudden light. It was outside first of all. The kids scrambled out of their arms. And Sokka bolted. Draco looked up and the first thing that struck him was that they were on ice, the black lake had a thick layer of ice over it and on the ice was rows full of people sitting down on white chairs with cuchsions that looked like sticky snow. The isle was perfectly white and again seemed to be covered in snow. The entire wedding was winter themed. At the end of the isle was the mirror of Erised. Draco grinned as he remembered something.

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