Chapter 5

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Before I started to date Nathan Tanner had itroduced me to some of his other friends Jake Angles, Cody Flom, and the Funk Brothers Corey and Capron. Soon enough the boys were like Brothers to me. But when I started dating Nathan Jake, Corey, and Capron all stopped talking to me along with Tanner because they were all older then me so they were more protective. Cody on the other hand hung out with me because he didn't really know that Nathan was cheating on me since Tanner never told him. So Cody and I became closer and now we are like really good friends.

So Tanner is taking me to meet up with the boys for the first time since the break up. We are meeting at Corey and Capron house. I'm nervous to see the. I don't know if they will be mad at me or not.

Hey, get ready we leave in 5 minutes

Hey, a little heads up next time please. your lucky I'm already ready
Sorry grab your stuff and let's go
Ok focus or GT-R?
Focus now hurry up
Ok bye
Read 11:15

I grab my camera bag, my beach bag and my phone and walk out the door with my shoes in my hand. Tanner is already in the car so I just get in and put on my shoes. "Hey" I said "hey" Tanner replied "are you ready to see them?" "I don't know. Will they be mad at me?" " Why would they be mad? they were just as worried as I was." "Ok I guess I'm ready" I replied with hesataion.

Time skip to when we arrive

Tanner stopped at the begining of the driveway and took out his phone. "I texted the boys they should be waiting for us up there. Are you sure your ready?" Tanner said looking concerned "as ready as I'll ever be." I said with a cheesy smile. Tanner pulled up the driveway and I saw them all in a line. Tanner parked the car and Cody opened my door and said "be ready for a big hug" I smiled and nodded slightly just so he could see. I got out of the car and sure enough they all came running to me and hugged me. I was so happy! All pulled away "I missed you guys so much." I said "we missed you too" Capron replied. I walked up to Jake and gave him a big hug "I missed my big brothers." I said (I call them all my brothers because they treat me like they're little sister) they all smiled then I gave Corey a hug, next I have Capron a hug, then Cody, and last but not least Tanner "thanks for bring me here it means a lot" I wispered to Tanner. He pulled away and smiled.


A.N. sorry for the short chapter I will post a nother one tonight. I hope you guys liked it please comment and vote

-xoxo Rosie

Best Friends Tell The End? // Tanner fox  Where stories live. Discover now