Chapter 12

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"Sam... We need to talk." Jake said his smile fading away. "What everythings fine, everyone's happy!" I said thinking for a moment "Right?" I said my voice cracking at the end. "Sam did you forget? You promised you would never date anyone in the circle of friends because everyone likes you." Capron said sitting down. "I'm sorry but I thought I would give him a chance and I'm sorry do you want me to end it with Cody? Because if you want me to end it tell me now before things get serious." I said trying not to cry. No Sam do cry your strong don't let them see you weak. Deep breaths. "Sam you know it's not going to work out because your going to lose Tanner again. I'm sorry Sam I didn't want to tell you this but it's the best way." Jake said "Guys I know you are protecting Tanner so tell me are you doing this to save our friend group or did Tanner put you up to this. To talk me out of my relationship with Cody." "No Tanner didn't put us up to this. We have done this because we love our friends." Capron said standing up. "Sam you know this effects more then just Tanner. Sure Capron has Natilie and Corey has Ashley but I can tell you now that we all love you.even me." Jake said putting a hand on my shoulder (ok so in this story Jake isn't dating anyone well not yet at least) "Guys you need to talk to Cody about this to because he asked me to be his girlfriend not the other way around and sure it will hurt me to end it but it's gonna hurt Cody 10x more." I said standing up and grabbing my phone "here are you gonna tell him to come over or am I ?" I said sticking the phone in front of Jake. He shook his head and pushing my hanging away. "Your not gonna give us a choice are you?" Jake said taking the phone "you know me too well ." I said walking away
Hey Cody it Capron
And Jake
Hey what's up.
Cody you need to come over now we need to talk
Cody please
Ok but why do you have Sam's phone
Umm. She's umm.
Cody Sam is here now hurry up or we are coming to get you!
Actually my car's not here can one of you pick me up?
Yes Sam and I will be there in 5 minutes be ready.
Ok see you then..???

End of convo

"Great why are you making me go?" I said grabbing my phone. "Because he's your boyfriend. Not Caprons  and I'm not going alone because you know he's going to talk and I might say something before we get back." Jake said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to my car. "Ok fine bye Capron. And Jake let go your gonna make me fall." I said yanking my arm away. Iv only seen this side of Jake once. After Nathan and I broke up I called him and he came over put me in his car and drove to Nathans house. Nathan walked out when we pulled up Jake got out and walked over to him "who are you and is that Sam???" Nathan said "I'm Jake yes that's Sam you can call me her big brother or protecter" Jake said punching Nathan and getting back in the car "Jake . Why did you do that??" I said about to cry "Sam he deserved it he broke your heart and you don't deserve that your sweet and kind and beautiful" Jake said Turing to look at me "No Jake don't " I was cut off from Jake smashing his lips against mine. "Jake your scaring me." I said no thinking about the kiss end of flask back
" Jake calm down.your scaring me ." I said stopping in my tracks "Sam uggh I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me." Jake said turning around to look at me..oh no it's happening again.. "Jake nothing's wrong with you... Jake look at me and DONT SA." I was cut of by Jakes lips against mine. Oh boy. "Jake are you ok now.??" I said pulling away "Sam I'm sorry I don't know why I do that when I get mad." Jake said turning around I grabbed his arm. "Jake you need to stop kissing me or it will be impossible not to date you." I said laughing "ok. Well let's go." Jake said getting in the back seat of my car. I followed and got in the driver's seat

Time skip tell we get to Cody house

Jake rolled down his window "Cody hurry up and get in!" He said putting the window back up "Hey babe, Hey Jake " Cody said getting in I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey baby" I replied I started driving "so why are we going to Caprons house?" Cody asked "Please don't ask questions Cody because Jake can't talk about and currently after what Capron and Jake said to me not sure what they will do with you there" I said not taking my eyes off the road "ok" Cody said Turing up the radio "no music." Jake said starting out the window I turned off the radio. The rest of the ride was quite. We got to Caprons house he was outside waiting for us. "Hey Capron" Cody said "hey Cody come inside and Jake you might want to grab your stuff from your car now same with you Sam. It's about 10:30pm now so I know what Caprons thinking. Capron sat on the couch Jake sat next to him and Cody and I sat across from them "Jake Did you  tell him anything?" Capron asked "what why me why not Sam and no I didn't so ha." Capron just laughed  "ok well Cody you see a long time ago when you were like 12 and Sam was 13 Sam promised us that she would never date anyone in our friend group because we all like her a lot. And you know how protective Tanner is and what he does. Do you see what I'm getting at?" Capron said "so you want Sam and I to be friends nothing more. Ok I understand thank you for telling me and Sam I'm sorry I had no idea otherwise i would have asked ." "Cody no its not your fault we should have told you the day I made the promise but someone *cough cough Capron* said you were to young even tho we where all to young to even think about ecept Capron because he keeps the harmony. I'm sorry Cody." I said kissing Cody softly "I'm so sorry Cody." I said pulling away "I will give you a ride home Cody so you don't have to walk." Capron said grabbing his keys "thank you Capron. Goodbye Jake Goodbye Sam." "Bye Cody"Jake replied "Goodbye Cody I'm sorry" I said sitting down holding back tears. They walked out of the house leaving Jake and I alone "Jake why." I said hugging him tightly "I'm sorry Sam we should have waited." Jake said holding me close. Soon Capron came back "Sam I'm truly sorry." Capron said walking up the stairs "Capron it's my fault I should have said no." I said hugging him "your right you should have ." "Capron that's not nice "I said "Can I use your room to change please"I asked Capron grabbing my bag "yeah go ahead..wait what?" He said "you already said yes!" I said running to Caprons room "Dam it what is it about that girl." Capron said to Jake I just laughed. I put on my blue softball shorts and a tfox hoodie. I walked down stairs Jake had passed out and Capron was on his phone.
I didn't want to wake Jake​ so I texted Capron 
Oh hey
When did Jake fall asleep
A little bit ago. Hey umm why did Jake kiss you before you left?
Oh when Jake goes over the edge protective and gets mad when I'm around he kisses me and it brings him back to normal its weird
Oh how long has he been doing this
He started the day Nathan broke up with me he had drove us to his house punched Nathan and kissed me
Oh ok well you know he needs to stop or it might go to far.
Ok I will work on it with him.
Ok well I'm gonna go to bed now goodnight .
End of convo

Capron came up to me and hugged me "goodnight love you " he wispered "goodnight love you too big brother" I wispered back Capron laughed and went to his room. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and Jake and Capron we're still sleeping I put a sticky note on Jakes phone that said "sorry I didn't say goodbye I had to go. Love, Sam" I grabbed my stuff and got in my car and drove home to see ....
A.N. yes sorry it's a day late but I had writer's block but anywho. I hope you enjoyed please vote and comment
-xoxo Rosie

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