Chapter 26

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I had fallen asleep in Tanner's room last night after watching a movie and Tim went back to the guest room. I woke up to a knock on the window. I sat up and Tanner was gone. I walked over to the window and opened the curtain. I saw Dylan standing outside and Tanner running towards him. I opened the window, Dylan climbed in, and closed the window. " What the hell is going on?" I asked Dylan. "Tanner. Tanner chased me with his tazer pen." Dylan said catching his breath. I laughed. " okay is the front door locked?" I asked "no, but the back door is so that buys us time." Dylan replied. "What do you mean us?I am not a part of this!" I said my voice getting louder at the end. "You helped me in the window so your on my team now." Dylan laughed. "Ok well we have about 3 minutes till Tanner reaches the front door soon run up to the guest room and I'll be right behind you." I said. "Ok what are you gonna do?" Dylan asked. "I'm gonna open this window and lock the front door." "Ok" Dylan said and ran out of the room. I opened the window, walked up stairs, locked the front door, and ran to the guest room. I locked the door. " Where's Tim?" I whispered  yelled. "Did I not mention that Tanner tazed Tim this morning to wake him up?" Dylan said with a guilty smile. " Dylan get in the closet I hear footsteps." I said and followed him into the closet. "Im gonna kill Tanner if he teases me or you. Ya know what I'm gonna kill him for doing it to Tim." I whispered. Dylan sat next to me against the door. He put his head on my shoulder. We sat like that for awhile, it was silent but not awkward it was peaceful. Then we heard the bedroom door open. We looked at each other and stayed silent. "Sam, Dylan, it's Tim, Tanner is coming he knows that your in here!" Tim whisper yelled. Dylan shook his head and mouthed "no". "I'm sorry"i whispered in his ear. I was about to speak when Dylan cut me off by placing his lips onto mine and something happened that I never thought would. I kissed back. "Im so sorry." Dylan whispered. I heard the bedroom door close. I stood and helped Dylan up. "We need to go." I laughed. I opened the closet door and Tim was still there. I covered his mouth with my hand. "If you tell Tanner you saw us you are gonna answer to me little bro." I said. He ripped my hand off his mouth. "Fine." "Now get in the closet and count to 30." I said. Tim nodded and walked in the closet. I opened the bedroom door and walked to the stairs. I walked down the stairs with Dylan right behind me, we walked right out he front door, I grabbed Tanner's mustang keys on the way out. We got in the car and I locked the doors. I picked up my phone. "What are you doing Sam?" Dylan asked. "Im calling Tanner see what he wants from Starbucks." I laughed. "Omg Sam." Dylan laughed.

Hey babe what do you want from Starbucks?
Wait Sam where are you? Are you with Dylan?
Yes I am we are about to pull or of the drive way.
Why are you leaving me?
Because you woke me up, hunted me down, and DIDN'T LET ME HAVE MY MORNING COFFEE!
Ok sorry babe. Can you just get me a muffin and Tim wants a cake pop.
My God Tanner you owe me big.
Thank you baby love you
Yeah yeah whatever.

I cut Tanner off and hung up. I pulled out of the drive way and drove to Starbuck. "Dylan what do you want?"I asked. "Nothing i owe you let me pay" Dylan said. "Fine."I said.  We order our drinks and drove home. We got back to Tanner's house and walked inside, I set down Tanner's keys and set down our drinks and food on  the kitchen counter. "Tanner!Tim! We are back!" I yelled. The both came running down the stairs. "Before you take your stuff and leave. Tanner tell Tim your sorry for teasing him and I think you owe Dylan and i an apology for hunting us down, actually both of you do." I stated. "Tim I'm sorry for tazing for  you this morning. " Tanner said. "It's fine" Tim said. "Dylan, Sam, I sorry for hunting you guys down so I could raz you."Tanner said. "Yeah what he said." Tim added. "Don't ever think about tazing again or else." I said. I grabbed my drink and began to walk away. Tanner grabbed my wrist and turned me around. Before I could react he smashed his lips onto mine, just to mess with him I didn't kiss back and I walked away. "Baby?" Tanner pouted. "No." I simply stated and walked to my room. I checked the time and it was only 11:00 am. "God damit, those boys are idiots. " I said to myself. I grabbed my black ripped jeans and a maroon shirt. I took my clothes to the bathroom and changed I brushed my hair and teeth. I put my hair in a high ponytail and put on mascara. I grabbed my coffee and my phone. I grabbed one of Tanner's hoddies he gave me and walked down stairs. I walked into Tanner's room and Tanner, Dylan, and Tim where there. "Tanner can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. "Yeah sure I'm listening." Tanner said not taking his eyes off his phone. "In private please?" I said. Tanner nodded and followed me outside the house. We walked over by the hot tub so Dylan and Tim couldn't see us. "Sam I don't know what I did but I'm sorry." Tanner said holding my hand. "Tanner you didn't do anything. I...I just I needed to steal you away for a bit." I said looking at the ground. "Aww Sam all you have to do is ask, just please don't worry me like that. I... I thought you weren't happy with me.." Tanner said and looked at the ground. Tanner put his hand under my chin and lifted my head. I avoided eye contact. "Sam please look at me." He whined. I didn't look. "Tanner you deserve better." I said and pulled his hand away. "Sam what do you mean talk to me" Tanner said guiding me to sit on the bench. "Tanner I...I... you deserve someone better." I said looking at the ground. "No Sam there is no one better for me then you. Sam your beautiful, smart, kind, and an amazing girlfriend. "Tanner replied grabbing my hands. "No Tanner I'm a shitty girlfriend, I get ticked off so easily, and I... I.... I'm sorry, Tanner I'm sorry. " I said starting to tear up. "No, no, Sam don't cry. I don't care what you did or if you did anything. I love you Sam and nothing can change that." Tanner said. "Tanner, please don't erupt me in the next sentence I say, okay?" "Okay I won't just please talk to me." Tanner replied. "When you were looking for me and Dylan this morning, we were hiding in the closet and he put his head on my shoulder, then Tim open the bedroom door, and I was about to yell for Tim and Dylan cut me off by kissing me but the thing is that I kissed back.." I said in tears. "Omg Sam, it's ok I mean complete accident right, right?" "I didn't know what I was doing if that's what your asking. Im so so so sorry." I said. "Sam, do you love me?" Tanner said almost in tears. "Yes, I love you so so so much" I said "Then I believe it wasn't your fault." "Tanner I don't deserve you." I said and hugged him tight. "It might not be your fault but it is Dylan's fault." Tanner said. "No don't hurt Dylan, please don't forget that he's your best friend. Tanner don't do something that will ruin your friendship because of me." I said and held my hand under his chin. "I know Sam I'm sorry.... I.....I.. I won't I'm sorry. I love you." Tanner said. "No, Tanner, don't say that." I said and looked at the ground. "Don't say what?"Tanner asked. "Don't say you love me." I said.  "But I love you Sam, I do." Tanner said. "And I love you to but.." Tanner cut me off. "But nothing we love each other and that's all that matters. Let's just forget his ever happened, okay?" Tanner said "okay." I replied. "Besides Dylan and Tim probably think we left them." Tanner said and chuckled, I laughed with him. We stood up, Tanner draped his arm over my shoulders, and we walked back inside. "Omg Sam are you Ok? Tanner did you hurt my sister because if you did i..." I cut Tim off  "calm down little bro and give me a hug." I said laughing and pulled him into my arms. "How long were we gone?" I asked sitting on the bed with my arm around Tim. "About an hour. We thought you died!" Dylan laughed. "Oh Dylan I completely forgive you for kissing Sam." Tanner said. " Sam why did...." Dylan said and I cut him off "Don't worry about it if goes after you I'll make sure he never sees the light of day. I love you babe." I said with a laugh at the end. "Love you too!" Tanner replied. "Let's watch a movie!" I said and jumped on Tanner's bed. Every one agreed. After the movie Tim and I went to our room. I changed into joggers and one of Tanner Fox's hoddies he gave me. "Goodnight little bro love you" I said. "Night Sam love you too" Tim replied. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

A.N. oh my this is quite long. Anywho, hope you enjoyed ! Please vote and comment!
-xoxo Rosie

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