Chapter 11

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Buzz buzz

I wake up to my phone going off. There is a note on to that said

Sam, get ready and meet me down stairs. And hurry up!

I got up and put on a black tfox short, blue jeans, and my black and white Nike's. I did my hair in a high pony and curled it. I didn't put on any makeup because I don't like wearing it. I grabbed my phone and my Nike hoodie and walked down stairs. I was expecting to see Tanner but no I saw Cody standing by the door. I spit at the bottom of the steps in shock. "Samantha will you go on a date with me?" Cody asked walking up to me "yes yes yes!" I said hugging Cody "oh thank you Sam thank you so much!" Cody said hugging me back. "OK Cody When are we going on our date?" "Now I have it all planed" "well at lest let me get ready." I said in shock "no Sam you already got ready you look perfect!" Cody said looking at me up and down "Cody your so sweet!" I said looking at the ground  "Sam do you know how cute you look when you  blush. Because you look adorable!" Cody said "Cody stop you know I don't like it when I blush!" "OK fine let's go then!" Cody said opening the door. "OK where are we going?" "Its a surprise!" Cody said getting in the car

Skip car ride

"OK we ate here" Cody said getting out of the car "Omg Cody!" I said getting out and hugging him "do you like it?" "I love it " Cody had set up a lunch at sunset cliffs.

Skip tell after lunch

"Cody thanks so much for making this for me!" "Sam thank you for saying yes to a date I for sure thought you would say no " Cody said laughing nervesly. After a moment of silence. I herd  "Samanthawillyoubemygirlfriend?!??" Cody mumbled looking at the ground "Cody what slow down I can't understand you?!?" I said laughing "oh OK sorry here it goes... Sam will you be girlfriend??" "Oh Cody I would love to!" I said smiling and hugging Cody tightly. "Omg really?" Cody said his voice cracking at the end. "Yes Cody yes" I said laughing. "Cody let's go back to my house. OK?" I said pulling away "OK." Cody said helping me up we walked to the car and got in. We were on our way to my house and all the sudden I heard a click of a camera I turned around to see Cody holding his phone. "Cody give me that phone now!!" I said taking it from his hand. There was a picture of looking out the window. I kinda like it so I sent it to myself the deleted it from Codys phone. "Here" I said handing him back his phone. "Thanks for giving me my phone!" . we pulled in the drive way and were created by Tim and Ashlyn standing in the doorway "So Cody, Sam where have you been?" Ashlyn said uggh why does she care about my love life
"Cody and I went on a date." I said "and Sam  and I are together ." Cody said with a big smile "good job Cody just don't ever think about hurting her or you'll have to answer to us!" Tim said "Tim, Ashlyn first you did this is to Tanner when we became friends again and now your doing it to Cody what's gotten in to you??" I said "Sam we know how much Tanner hurt you the first time and then Nathan goes and hurts you more. We just don't want you to get hurt!" Ashlyn said "OK OK I'm sorry but can you just back off a little is all I'm saying please!" I said taking Cody's hand and walking up to my room.
"I'm sorry Cody I'm so sorry." I said looking at the ground. "You didn't do anything. You don't have to say anything. OK?" "OK." "Hey I have an idea we could invite everyone one to tempest and tell them we are together." "OK but how about we don't tell them we just drop hints!" I said standing up and grabbing some shorts. "OK. I will text Capron, Corey, and Dylan. You can text Tanner and Jake." Cody said handing me my phone "OK that'll work"

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