Chapter 28

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Grayson's pov

I ran after Ethan because I know talking about our family was hard for him. He was the closest with our dad so to find out that he was cheating on our mom and they were getting a divorce, it really messed with him. I finally caught up with him when he stopped in front of a lake in the middle of the woods. " Ethan, I'm not gonna ask you if your okay cause I know you aren't but do you want to talk about it " I ask him. He turns to look at me and I notice his eyes were red and he had tears going down his face. " Why did he have to turn out like this, why did he have to do that to mom and become a abusive drunk to me " he say, almost yelling. We both sit on the ground and I hug him. " Eth, I know how close you were to dad and what he did, you were almost depressed after that. When we were little, you would always talk about being just like him when you grew up but maybe that was just a childhood dream and you know that nobody is perfect, not dad, not mom, not you or me. Yeah I want him to rot in a jail cell for what he did but we can't always have what we wish for." " You know we can have him rot in a jail cell " Ethan say and I glare at him. " Okay fine, but thats not what bothers me  " he says and I give him a confused look. " When he would get drunk, he would say that he made a mistake cheating on mom but other times he would say that he made a mistake marrying mom. But the one thing that got to me was him saying that the biggest mistake he made was having three worthless sons. I didn't care what he said about me since i was use to it but the fact that he insulted you and Aiden, that pissed me off. I yelled at him saying to never say anything about you guys or mom ever again and he slapped me. He kept insulting mom and I tried to hit him, something just took over me when I tried to hit him but he blocked me and threw a bottle at me. I knew if I tried anything, he would probably put me in a hospital or a grave. Then he started to say things about you and I may have got a frying pan and hit him in the back of the head but he deserved it. In the morning, he probably thought he passed out or something but I wouldn't know cause that was the night I called mom and went home. For him to come back here and think he can just take us like nothing happened and to call us worthless, I wasn't going to let that happen." " Ethan, why didn't you call us before, I'm your twin, I would have gone down there and hit him with that pan myself " I say causing him to laugh but it immediatly turns to a frown again. " I've seen Shayla before Gray " he says. " A lot of people have, shes Sean's little sister and he was on My Amazing Life." " No, Caitlyn was on her phone one day and I looked over on it, she was on Shayla's instagram or something, just spying on her " he says. " Why didn't you say anything before or remember when you say Shayla " I practically yell. " Because I didn't think anything of it so I forgot about it, she was just looking at some random girl on her phone okay, it was when we first started dating, of course I'm not gonna question it when it could have been one of her friends " he answers. " You're right, I'm sorry " I say. " It's fine but we should head back, everyone might be worried about us " he says. We both stand up and turn around to see Aiden staring at us. " I heard everything and I'm sorry Ethan " he says and hugs Ethan. He stands in between us and puts his arms on our shoulders. " My little brothers, you're not so little anymore " he says smiling. We all walk back and everyone gives us a reassuring smile. I know that we can trust these people and that they would be important in our lives. I go over to Shayla and hug her. " What's this for " she asked. " A promise " I answer causing her to give me a confused look. " A promise that no matter what, I would never do anything to hurt you or ever leave you, can you promise the same ?" She looks at me with a smile " I promise." I tighten my grip on her as she does the same and we just stand there.

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