CH.5 " from two years ago"

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After you finished the movie you both sat in silence for a few minutes. BEN stretched out on the couch, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Wanna play a game?" he glanced at you as you shrugged, "Sure, what game?" He shrugged this time.You slid off the couch and went through your multiplayer games, and you could feel him watching you silently. You grabbed a random game and held it up. "This one?" It was Injustice; gods among us, which is like Mortal Kombat but with superheros. He squinted at it. "Sure." you put the disk in your Xbox360 and you got your controllers ready as it started up. Once you got in multiplayer mode you had to choose your character, and you ended up choosing Catwoman because of how fast and slick she was. BEN chose Batman considering he knew about the actual encounters between Batman and Catwoman, but he didn't know him playing as Batman would give you an advantage to win because Batman is slow and his moves take a while to actually hit you, but if he did manage to hit you it would be a bit powerful. He moved slow and hit slow, but with Catwoman you could move quickly and dodge faster. Catwomans moves were somewhat strong it depended honestly on what combination you used with her though, she was one of your favorites aside of Harley Quinn and Zatanna. But anyways, you actually got around to playing and you were right and wrecked BEN. He was a bit surprised but he admitted he doesn't know much about the characters and didn't understand the combinations that much. You convinced him he'd eventually figure them out, and he just needed to learn about the characters. You told him that slow characters aren't good against fast characters, like the flash would wreck the green arrow, and you can't win against the green arrow unless you're slippery and slick. Green arrow can shoot arrows standing and crouching and if you're from a far distance from him it gets annoying because he constantly shoots arrows so it'd be preferable fighting him from a close perspective. BEN had to take all this knowledge in and he called you a nerd for knowing so much about superheros. You laughed and shook your head. Continuing to play injustice until you both got sick of it.

- time skip

You were in the kitchen making stir fry considering you hadn't eaten all day, and you taught BEN how to cook even though it wasn't needed considering he was dead and didn't have a need to eat. Which you thought was weird considering he's like your roommate, even though again, he's dead. You turned off the stove and put your stir-fry on a plate along with the rice BEN had made for you. You mixed it up and BEN just watched curiously. His head resting on his arm. Oh, and you forgot that you gave BEN some black girl jeans and your green triforce hoodie because of how gross and dirty his Link tunic was, he let you wash his tunic and hat which was in the washing machine downstairs in the laundry room. He just said he didn't really care about his tunic, he just liked the hat and wanted to wear it once it was washed. You also thought he should go take a shower or something but he said he was afraid of it, so you just shrugged it off being the nice person you are. He might be dead but you'd like it better if he was clean. You might even buy him some stuff after work tomorrow, and you'd take him with but you're sure some people would think you're dragging a corpse around. I mean, you could like make him look alive if you gave him concealer and sunglasses but you wouldn't know if it'd work that well. You shrugged.

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