CH.7 "in the dark"

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- still BEN's pov

I sat up waiting to see y/n but I only saw E.Js dark and souless eyes peering at me. I stared back waiting for an answer from him. But getting nothing because we were just staring at each other. "what" I just said, finally blinking. E.J did not blink due to the fact the only thing that the only thing left of his eyes were pits of darkness, and a black substance that had occasionally dripped out of them. "what do you mean what." he said dully, as it was his way of talking. Dully. He still stood at the doorway, though. "what're you doing here, Jack." I squinted. He just shrugged. "oh, just looking around. nothing important really." I shook my head at him. He walked in finally, and shut the door. "trying to steal my girl are you?" I asked, standing up from the couch. E.J shook his head, "no BEN- " I cut him off, tackling him to the ground hearing a small "oh jesus" coming out his mouth. If he thinks he's gonna steal y/n away I'm gonna have to hurt him. I wrestled him and he pushed me off, I took a swing at him. He dodged. "goddamn it BEN I'm not trying to-" I swung at him once more cutting him off. "steal her" if he wasn't then why was he here. I flung myself on top of him, knocking him in the face with my teeth bare at him like an angry dog.

- your POV lmao

You walked up the stairwell to where your door was and you heard quite a ruckus committing from your door, you assumed BEN was playing a loud fighting game so you just shrugged and walked in. But you squinted at the situation before your own eyes, your own assumption had appeared to be wrong. BEN was on top of a boy who had dark grey skin and empty eyesockets which looked oily, and whatever was in his eyesockets was smeared all over his face. He wore a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. You would've been afraid but at this point you could honestly care less. You set your purse down and just walked past them, sitting on the couch to stare at them for what seemed like forever. They didn't say a word although they stood up and looked back at you. You cleared your throat. "what's going on guys?" they both looked at each other before facing you again. "we were playing a game" the stranger said. BEN rolled his eyes and scoffed. "it looks like I've won it too-" you squinted at BEN's remark. The stranger shrugged at him. You turned to the man. "what's your name, mister?" you asked. He sighed. "Eyeless Jack, or E.J for short. You can call me Jack though." he shrugged and crossed his arms. "My name is y/n, pleased to meet you" you held your hand out which he shook. BEN looked jealous, he had his arms crossed and a frown was on his face. You couldn't care more or less, he was just being a crybaby. This Jack guy wasn't that bad, so you wondered why they were fighting. Something to ask BEN about later, alone.

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