CH.6 "a hint of light"

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- BEN's pov

I was alone in the apartment because y/n had went to work and asked me to watch over the apartment for her. So, I decided I'd go through her stuff (with her permission) because she said she was gonna take me out today, and I was partially excited about it. She said I could wear whatever appealed to me and whatever fit, which size wasn't much of a problem considering I could wear almost anything she had. Like her hoodies and jeans, and what she gave me yesterday. I opened up her dresser and I could feel my face going red, because it had been her undergarments. But, I came up with a hilarious idea. I started stripping my clothes and putting on her lacy undergarments, and pranced around the apartment room giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl. I also fished through my stripped clothes for my iPhone so I could take pictures of how ridiculous I looked, I turned it on to the front camera and held up a peace sign. I took a couple pictures before I sent them to most of my friends. The first one to reply was Lambert who texted me, "no" in all lowercase letters, he wasn't one for grammar and punctuation even though he was a huge geek. The next one who wrote back was Jeff whom responded with "that's really hot" he was the same way as Lambert, no grammar or punctuation. I laughed and shook my head and took off the undergarments, placing them where they were and putting my clothes back on before continuing my search. I decided I'd wait until y/n could take me out so I can get some clothes for myself, afterall she gave me her skinny jeans and triforce hoodie. That should be enough for the day, even though we can practically share. I left her room and sat down on the couch. I looked almost normal except for the fact my eyes were souless and bleeding out a red substance. I relaxed into the couch cushions and tensed when I heard the door knob jiggle. I sat up waiting to see y/n but I only saw-

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