CH.18 "dragging thread"

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EJ knocked on a door. Seconds later the door opened revealing Lambert. His silhouette towering over you and EJ's figures, dull orbs glancing between you both and letting you in without a word. EJ pulled you in, giving a quick nod to Lambert as he shut and locked the door. You turned looking around the Freeman's apartment. It looked cleaner than it had been before [1]. Harper is sitting on the couch, her eyes glaring coldly at EJ but her eyes softening at you. You waved. Harper stood up and strut over to you, giving a bone crushing hug and making you twitch slightly. She let you go. "What're you doing here?" she asked, tilting her head curiously at you. Ignoring EJs glare. You shrugged, you didn't really know why. EJ just said you were coming over. "BEN is gonna try to kill her, I want you guys to keep her safe in the-" EJ was cut off. "Sure." Harper smirked. EJ squinted at her. "Alright, I gotta go." EJ sighed, patting your head. "Be good now (y/n)." he snorted, leaving. You groaned. "Alright." you said, leaning on Lambert. He blinked in response. "Why do you guys gotta protect me?" you asked, crossing your arms. "We're skilled serial killers." Harper stated, rather casually. You couldn't tell if she was joking. But who cares? You're safe. You came to a realization. "You once said you shared the same occupation as BEN and Carlos![2]" You exclaimed, also pausing. "Carlos kills people too?" you asked. Harper nodded, sitting on her counter with a smile. You looked down at the floor. "Huh!" you laughed. "I always knew he was weird..." You trailed off. Lambert shrugged. You jumped, forgetting you were leaning on him. He was so quiet you forgot he was there. Huh. Harper pulled out a random board game. "Wanna play?" she asked. You nodded walking over to her.

- elsewhere

Carlos walks around in the woods, a gun in his hand. Looking around cautiously. He heard a twig snap from behind him, tensing and swinging around quickly pointing the gun at whoever. Seeing it was BEN, he lowered the gun and relaxed. "Shit BEN don't do that." he breathed heavily. "Sorry" BEN smiled, shrugging. "Anyways, what do you want?" Carlos asked, looking behind him cautiously. "Help." he stated. Carlos glanced back at him concerned. "What?" he squinted. "Finding (y/n)" BEN said, narrowing his eyes. "No." Carlos sighed. BEN slapped the gun out of Carlos hand and pushed him violently against a tree, choking him. Carlos pushed him back, throwing him to the ground as he was the one who was taller and stronger than BEN. BEN struggled to sit back up, once he finally managed to he was kicked back by Carlos. Suddenly a thorny vine sprout up from the ground knocking Carlos on top of BEN. Carlos's face was a centimeter from BEN's, Carlos groaned in pain. "You woke the beast." he breathed out, pushing himself off BEN and grabbing his gun from the leaves. Pointing it at a mossy figure. It was the lady that had came out of the swamp from a few days ago [3]. BEN sat up. "What the fuck?" he stared at the woman. Her piercing glare making him shrink back down in the dirt and moss. Another vine wrapping around BENs torso, squeezing him. He struggled against it, the thorns pricking his side and making him cry out in pain. "Fuck!" he shouted out. Carlos shot the vine that was lifting BEN and he was dropped to the ground. Carlos grabbed onto BEN's arm and started running. Only to be tripped by a vine and thrown to a tree. Carlos laid on the ground clutching his stomach, gasping for air. BENs eyes widened at his figure. The woman ran over to him and began kicking him with painful blows. Her vines clinging to BENs limbs and pulling them tightly, making him cry because of how much it hurt. Carlos at this point was completely blacked out. This was probably it for them. He closed his eyes.

- a little while later

Rough hands clasped onto their shirts, pulling their bloody bodies away from the woods. That woman- she was gone...?

- note

in chapter 11 Harper & Lambert's apartment was trashed

in chapter 11 Harper mentioned she shared the same job as BEN, Carlos, and Lambert but she was not allowed to say what her job was

in chapter 8 Carlos was in the woods and a figure came out of the swamp and attacked him.

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