What To Choose

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I had a dream that night. This dream would solve everything. I was in the Science room and Mr. Sebourn was instructing the class, on how to make a rainbow in a jar. I was in a group with Ben, Zach and Aaron. Behind us were Emilie, Cailey, and Elizabeth. Our instructions were to heat a pile of specific powders. Aaron had misheard those instructions and had put a rock onto the hot plate.

"Aaron, where did you get that?" I asked.

"Over there, in that cabinet. Sebourn said to heat this for how long?" He asked inspecting the rock as it got hotter by the second.

"He didn't say to put that on there." Elizabeth said from behind me. She and the girls both walked over to where we were heating the rock.

"Get it off of there, Aaron!!" Zach said pointing at the rock. Aaron tried to remove the hot rock from the plate, but burned his fingers when he touched it.

"Move, I'll get it!" Cailey yelled pushing Aaron aside. She pushed the rock off of the hot plate with the end of her pencil, and it fell onto the table. The sound of the rock hitting the table attracted the attention of Mr. Sebourn. He stood up from his desk and started walking towards the table we were all standing at. The girls quickly slipped away back to their table. We started to panic and Ben threw his hoodie over the rock, hiding it from vision.

"Is there a problem, boys?" He said in his usual monotone voice. We all shook our heads and continued to follow his instructions. He turned away and returned to his desk. He went right back to grading papers. When we knew he was busy, Ben lifted his hoodie to see that the rock was gone. We searched for it for a few minutes, but gave up. That was the day of the attacks. The memory started to fade and I soon stood alone in the dark.

"Bubby forgot about us." A voice in the darkness said. The voice sounded like my little sister, Amazing. Amazing was 5 years old and was in kindergarten. I turned around and saw her and my youngest sister, Lil, standing in a circle of light. Lil was about a year younger than Amazing. They both stood there in the beam of light, staring.

"Mazi? Lil?" I asked starting to cry.

"Bubby doesn't care about us." Amazing said, with no expression. It was a lie. I loved my sisters more than anything in the world.

"I do care about you!!! Please, don't leave me!!!" I yelled, running towards them. I seemed to make no progress at all. The more I ran, the further away I got from my sisters. Then the light went dark. It kept running, in complete darkness. Then there was a laugh. A long evil laugh. It wasn't my sister. It was a male voice, I had heard before. Then, Directly in front of my face, a pair of eyes appeared. I came to a complete stop and froze. The two eyes were different colors, just like the scientist, Lucas Hollow.

"Looking for something, murderer?" Hollow's voice asked.

"Leave me alone!!!" I yelled. He just laughed at my demand. Then my ears were filled with the sound of my sister's' screams. They both cried out for my help but I could not find them. I covered my ears, trying to block out the screams and everything turned silent.

"Choose me." Another voice said. This voice was calm. I knew that voice better than anyone. It was my cousin, Ty. "Choose me, Dray."

"What do you mean?!" I yelled, confused.

"Choose me." He repeated again. I was about to ask him what he meant but I awoke from my deep sleep, sitting in the back seat of the Truck.

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