Thank you...

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I got on his bike. I am still shaking because I am so cold. "Every thing will be ok El." Mike says. I tightly rap my arms around his waist and wrest my head on Mike's shoulder. We pass by familiar buildings. And stop at a very familiar one "This is my home, and now yours to" he said getting off of his bike. and grabbed my hand and walked me inside and took me into his basement. 


"We need to clean you off and get you dressed into something else" I guided her to my bath room and showed her the shower and taught her what to do in the shower. and let her take one.  I decided to tell Nancy that El is back. So I went to her room and opened the door. "h-hey Nancy?" "What do you want Mike?" she snapped walking up to me "I-I found Eleven in the woods today" I smiled "Wait what... I -I thought she was dead ... OH MY GOD! CAN I SEE HER!" Nancy jumped around squealing and all that girl stuff. "She is taking a shower at the moment. you can see her after. Also do you have any old cloths El could wear?" "Yeah of course I do!" "She gave my a shirt that was black and it had WHAM! (the band)  written on the front in tie die with 1982 on the back and a light pink skirt to go with it, and some under cloths and gave me a puffy jacket to give El for the coldness. "Thanks Nancy" I said and walked to my room. I heard the shower turn of and she walked out with a towel around her. "I got some cloths for you. Y-you can change in the bathroom." she nodded and took the cloths and went into the bath room. Her hair was really knotted and she was clean with no dirt and stuff on her. she walked out. I tried to hold back a laugh as her bra was on the out side of her shirt and her socks were on her hands. "El why don't you get Nancy to help you get changed." I guided her to her room "ELEVEN! YOUR BACK! MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She screamed rapping her arms around her "Ummm, Nancy can you help and teach her how to get dressed properly" she looked at El "Oh, sweet heart, that is not were the socks go. let me help you. Mike can you leave. Privacy." She smiled at me I stepped out of the room hearing Nancy explain to her how to put cloths on properly. She came out the room wearing cloths normally she looked in her reflection in the bath room. "Eh. I like dress on me" Nancy nodded and took her back to Nancy's room and came out wearing a dress with her hair brushed. "Holy sh- " Nancy glared at me and shook her head, I guess "You look stunning!" I said my eyes were popping out of my head as I said that. She was the prettiest thing I have ever seen. She smiled at her reflection "Yeah, stunning." She said to herself. Her dress was blue with white polkadots. 


I stared at my reflection for a while, still shivering . Mike hugs me from the back and rests his head on my shoulder "your still cold. Lets warm you up in the basement" he lead me to his basement and wrapped this thing around me. "this is a blanket It will make you warmer" I nodded and let him rap another one around me. "better?" he asked while sitting me down on the couch. I nodded "better." I smiled. he sat next to me his body facing me. so i turned to him "i'm really happy you back." "I am to" I smiled at him "So, I was thinking that you could sleep down here, I still haven't taken down the fort so you can sleep there. And then in the morning we tell my mom about you and ask if you can stay here." he said. i nodded "T-thank you for every thing Mike." i looked him in the eye "It's nothing. You have bean through so much. your the strongest person I have ever met" He said moving the hair in my face out of the way. 


Operation kiss is on the go! I start leaning in. she leans in to . our lips inter lock. Her lips were a bit chapped but that was alright. they tasted familiar like that night i kissed her on the night she went missing. We heard "OOOO! Mike has a girl fren" coming from Max, and Dustin making kissing sounds. We broke apart and I started blushing. El looked away from the boys and max and just stared at me while I was looking at them "I'm guessing you have gotten over Eleven?" Lucas asked. I looked at Eleven and she looked at me and just started laughing "Whats so funny? Who is your new girl fren?" Dustin asked. Eleven looked at them. Lucas's mouth dropped to the floor and Dustin said "Eleven?" She nodded "I'm back!" she said "H-how!" Lucas said running over and hugging her. Dusting pushed him out of the way and hugs her to. "Oh um, Max this is Eleven" i said "Like the number?" i nodded "Oh, hi Eleven" She said smiling "And this is Will, this is El... m-my fren...." I stuttered "I don't think frens kiss. but El I have heard so much about you, its  great to finally meet you." I blushed at the first part. "Sooo, were gunna leave you guys alone to talk things out." Max says running up the stairs with the boys. They closed the door but i know there just putting there ears up to it to here what I'm saying. I look over at El and she looks at me "Thank you." she says "for what?" I asked "for putting your mouth on my mouth." I could here giggles from the door from what Eleven said. "Oh. Th-that, that's called kissing." "We should do it more often." I nodded blushing "So, do you and your frens kiss regularly?" she asked "WHAT! ew no! Kissing is for the special people that you have in your life. The ones your in love with." I said still blushing "Love?" "Love is when you put some ones needs before yours. You would do any thing for them. Like frens but more than that. That's also what a girlfren is." i said feeling my cheeks becoming warmer and redder. "Oh, can I be your girlfren then?" I think mt heart was beating to quickly so it was hard to say yes "O-oh my g-g-god. YES!" i said yes at the top of my lungs. and hugged her tightly out of excitement "ok Max, Lucas,Dustin, and Will you can come in!" I said they all started rushing in "Oh my god. Mike has a girl fren with super powers!" "wait she has super powers?" Max said "Yeah, she does, El why don't you show her." Dustin said, El nodded and asked "can I use you?" she asked I nodded I stood up and let El lift my feet of the ground, I was floating around, then she started giggling the grabbed my hand and brought me back to the ground. I smiled. I gave Eleven a tissue to wipe her nose. she smiled at me. "Thank you!" I said to her still holding her hand. "No problem" ^-^ 


I wish that was me :P, Im going to be single 4 life! 

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