New years eve gets strange

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The monster comes closer to me. Tears stream down my face leaving sticky hot streaks on it. Screams of terror escape my mouth uncontrollably, I can't breath, all my breath is going into the screaming. The thing inches closer to me, it is silently stepping towards me. I'm so scared i'm stuck in my chair. It comes face to face to me. I close my eyes hoping I can come back to reality. I open them, i'm still here. I stopped screaming because the monster disappeared. I closed my eyes again letting out a few sobs out. I opened them. I'm back, i'm back in the lab.  a breath of relief escapes my lips. My mom and the tester look at me like I'm crazy. The tester takes off the wires sticking onto my head. I sniffle wiping the tears out of my eyes but they reappear in no time .


El told me every thing that Will said to her. It wasn't much but it's good enough to talk to him about this. "I knew something was up with him... I just didn't know why he was like this" I chewed on my lip. Eleven nods. "How are we going to talk to him about this? When are we going to talk to him" Eleven struggles with her english, but pushes out a sentence that I can understand "After new years. And we will figure it out on the way. But we shouldn't think about this now, What will we do for new years?" I taught her what new years is and how its a big deal and stuff. "Wait, I think the Henderson's are holding the party this year... Never mind" I add on. El nods again. "Do you want to get something to eat?" I ask lightly putting my hand over El's, "Yeah, sure" her lips curl into a pretty grin. Our fingers intertwine and we head down the stairs.

--- 3 DAYS LATER---

(New years eve) 


Dustin's family held a small party between all the boys families. I have bean sleeping at Mike's place for the past three days. Every one was there, even Max. Lucas and her stayed a distance. Every one apart from Will was encouraging him to talk to her but he chickened out every time. Will was sitting in the corner, there were dark bags under his eyes. He was pail, his cheek bones were popping out more than last time I saw him, and he has gotten a bit slimmer. He looks like he hasn't gotten much sleep in a while, nor has eaten. His hair was messy and wavy. Conner has really, really tried to talk to him, but he remained silent. He got one smile out of him for a few seconds but his face remained emotionless after. All the parents were drunk so they didn't pay attention to Will. I tried talking to him to. I didn't get any thing out of him nor did Mike, Lucas, Max, and Dustin. It was getting closer and closer to mid night, It was 11:30.

It was 11:56, Will had gotten out of the corner and surrounded the clock. we watched minuts tick by. 



The room flashed. Every one disappeared apart from Will. We were in the upside down "WILL! WHATS GOING ON!" I shout. He stays silent. his chest rises and falls in a rapidly. A unhuman like noise comes from the basement. "Will?" I say quietly. We both look at the basement door. We inch closer to it. The door busts open releasing a monster "Th-the thing... Its back" He freezes. We make eye contact "WILL, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" I shout. My heart beats very fast against my chest. "Stay still" He says. I take a step back "Eleven, If you want to live stay fucking still" He says. I freeze. The monster comes closer to us. "Will what is going on" I say letting out a sob. I'm terrified. Will is already crying. It touches him. The monster grips his neck, hovering him off the ground. Will passes out. The taste of vomit hits me at the back of my throught. My stomach turns. My breath quickens. I start balling. It takes his hand off of his neck and Will falls the ground, hard, Blood starts to seep out of his leg. He must have cut it. I can tell because there is broken glass laid out on the floor. It comes to me. I shut my eyes. I feel it's slimy hand on my arm. I let out a loud sob. I open them seeing it's disgusting face. My lip trembles. I shift my eyes to Will. His leg is bathing in a pool of his own bright red blood. I scream as loud as possible throwing the thing to the wall with my mind. My power wasn't strong enough to hold it. I let go off it and fell to my knees. Pain shoots through them. Blood pools around them. I shut my eyes and just start to sob. I hear familiar screams. "ELEVEN!" Mike shouts scooping me up with his arms. "m-mike" I cry into him. I open my eyes and look around. The parents aren't there, they must have migrated up the stairs or something. I look at Will. Conner had his head in his lap and he was shouting for the first aid kit. Conner was covered in Wills blood. Will wasn't just bleeding from his knee, he was bleeding from many other places.  I was bleeding a lot to. Conner was crying. He took off his shirt to soak up Will's blood. He tied it around one of his deep cuts. We are back, "Were are the parents" I ask "They are at the store getting food" I'm bleeding on Mike. "Mike I'm bleeding on you" I say wiping away the tears. "Its fine". Max, Lucas, and Dustin run into the room with all different medical stuff and gave most of them to Conner and the last of them to Mike. He places me on the floor and uses towels to pat the cuts on my knees. It's very painful. He puts band-aids and antiseptic on my cuts. I get up and approach Will, I cant walk with-ought being in excruciating pain but I still walk. They took off his shirt to take care of the cuts on his stomach and arms. His shirt was almost shredded to pieces. I pick it up. "Guys tie this on his arm." I held up the blood soaked shirt "It wont work." Max says. Conner is balling. "He is almost dead guys! We have to call the ambulance" Conner sobs. "We can't it will cuse to much drama between the parents and the police" Lucas says. Conner just lets out a loud sob and nods. "Please, please, pleas stay alive will" Conner's voice crackles under his breath into small croaky sobs. It's hard to even make out what else he is saying but he is rambling on about Will silently.

They get old towels and rap Will's cuts in them. He was cold so they set him by a lit fire place. But Conner raps his arms around Wills torso. Holding him dearly. Wills back was against the front of Conner's torso. His legs were resting between Conner's. Conner was resting his face softly on Will's hair. It's kind of cute. I don't mind there secret relationship at all. 

Will flickers his eyes open. "Will!" Conner shouts holding him even closer. Max fell asleep on the sofa and Lucas fell asleep on a chair. Dustin was watching the fire. and Mike and I were talking, about what he saw and what I saw, He just saw what happened to me and Will but with-ought the monster or the upside-down. "W-Where am I?" Will asks "Your with me, and your safe" Conner says running his fingers through Will's hair. "Maybe we should move up the stairs before the parents find this." Mike says scratching the back of his head. It's one in the morning. Conner carries Will's lymph, week body to Dustin's room and laid him on the bed. "Guys, I haven't eaten in 3 days... c-can some one get me some food" Will weekly says. Conner gets straight up. Mins later he comes back with a bowel of dry ceril and an apple. He feeds it to Will and shortly after Will fell asleep in Conner's arms. We exited the room and sat by the fire place. Lucas and Max were still sleeping in the same place.


We put out the fire place. We sit in a circle because we obviously have things to talk about "Guys... Some things is definitely going on" I say. Eleven nods. "Eleven what did you see?" Dustin asked. "I-I saw the upside down, and this monster thing came out of the basement. "Will told me to stay still and it wont harm me but we started making a lot of noise by crying and that sort of stuff. So the thing grabbed Will by the neck and Will passed out so it put him on broken glass witch cut his body. then it grabbed me by the arm but i used my powers to push it back. But i could't hold it so I fell. Then i felt Mike pick me up" Eleven said, we nod "We saw all of that but with-ought the monster or the setting, nor the broken glass, Conner tried to save Will but he got thrown back for some reason" Dustin said. "yeah" I bite my bottom lip, thinking why this happened. "You have bean in the upside-down right?" I ask. She nods. "How long" I focus my eyes on Eleven. "I-I... I don't know" Her gaze sets on me. "I lost track of time in there. Time flies in there, I entered at around 9:00PM and it felt like i spent 30 or so mins there but I came here at about 1AM to 2AM" She says then focuses on Dustin who is thinking hard. "You spent a week there... Its hard to explain, but if you do the math right its a week... Just like-" "Just like Will" I said cutting him off, feeling the color drain from my face. Dustin purses her lips. We all look at each-other, Fear is struck through all of our faces... "You don't think that... That monster is coming back... R-right?" Eleven stutters. "I don't know El... Maybe its the fumes currupting you and Will's mind or some typ of trippy bullshit like that" Dustin says. "I hope so" Eleven hugs her bused, bloody knees. This is the strangest new years eve I have ever bean through, not to mention scary, and gory. The parents have bean out for a few hours, they probably went to a bar or went shopping. it always takes a while. All we can do is wait or sleep and pray for Will and Eleven. 


Hello readers. Its 2:00 AM and im hella tired. so this story might suk because I don't think straight at 2:00AM :) 

Happy laybor day typ shit! I love skipping school! :D

I hope this isn't rude

Bye fukers 

-Charlotte (AGAIN!) 


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