Getting back to normal... I hope

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Mason is in juvie. And The group went to Will's house to stay the night. Max still clueless about the event, she was exited she found love so quick after the break up. She spent her whole day waiting in her room for her prince charming to ring her door bell and give her the attention and love she craves. But little did she know all Mason wanted to do was just get in her pants. But Max didn't know that. She just was exited for attention, like I said earlier. The poor girl never got attention from her Mother or Father, they passed away at the age of ten and she is being taken care of by her completely neglecting brother Billy. And as for Dr. Brenner, Hopper came back to the diner after the whole Mason situation and threw his body in the Lake (Where Will's fake corpse appeared) hoping no one will find Martin's lifeless, soul-less, crippled body. 


We all went back to my house to have a sleep over and have my frens learn more about Conner and just catch up. We would always invite Max but we thought now is not a good time.  When we got home we all went into my room all looking  a but traumatized on what just happened. We sat in a semi circle."Well shit... Things just keep happening" Mike said in a very plain, boring tone. "Lets just hope things will get back to normal." Dustin said placing his hand on Mikes shoulder. Mike nods and rests his head on El's shoulder. "What are we going to do about Max? How am I going to convince her I still love her, will she ever want me back! How will I explain to her what truly happened?". "Lets not worry about that now. Lets all go and watch a movie or something." I said "yeah. Thats a good idea Will" Conner said. "Wait, Can we get to know Conner abut more" Mike asks. Conner nods "Ok I'm Conner Tice, I'm 14, I go to your school, I'm an only child and I live with my parents. I like to draw and play bored games." Mike nods "Ok, I like you!" Mike says smiling. I look at Conner and just give him a smile. He does an adorable smile back then he looks away and says "Ok so, Are we going to watch a movie or not?" He giggles we all get up and sit on the sofa. "What should we watch" I asked. "STAND BY ME!" Mike exclaimed "NO! THE GOONIES!" Dustin said flailing his hands in the air. "Ok lets vote. Hands up for Stand By Me" Mike, Eleven, Lucas, Conner and I raise our hands "Sorry Dustin, Majority rules" I said popping the disk into the TV.  


In the middle of the movie Will and Conner slipped out of the room and went to Will's bed room. I started wondering what they were doing. I was cuddled up against Mike. I look at him and say "Conner and Will are in Will's room. I'm going to see them" I struggled to say, I really ment to say 'what they were doing' but my vocabulary isn't that good. I walked  to the room. There was a little crack left open of the door. I look in and I see Will sitting on the edge of the bed and Conner standing in front of him while kissing. Conner was shirtless and Conner's shirt was scrunched up in Will's hand. My eyes widen as I walk away. "What are they doing?" Mike asked once I walked into the room "Nothing" I said cuddling up against Mike. I'm pretty sure Will and Conner want to keep quiet about it. I'm just going to let them tell us first. 


Me and all my frens have bean skipping school a lot. Its Saturday today so I don't have to worry to much. We finished the movie and set up sleeping bags on the floor and one on the sofa for me and El. We got tucked in and I held El. "Love birds" Will said looking at me and El. El fell asleep right away. I looked at El brushing her soft hair out of her face. Will and Conner's sleeping bags were placed right next to each-other. Dustin was next to Will and Lucas was next to Conner. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep like the wrest of us.


I woke up with a deep pain in my stomach. I check the time on the TV. 2AM it said. I sit up and brush the hair at my face. Then I had that feeling you get right before you vomit. I scrunched my eyes tight trying to keep it down. But i can't. I slowly got up trying to not make to much noise to wake some one up. I got to the hall way were I started sprinting to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and started to vigorously cough. Soon enough there was a slug coming up my throught into the toilet bowel. I haven't done that in two years... What the hell is wrong with me. I go to the sink out washing my mouth out with the familiar taste of "slug" out of my mouth. I look at my reflection. I'm pretty much pure white. Vampire style. All of a sudden there is a flash I shut my eyes out of the bright light that just hit me. I slowly open my eyes. I'm not in my bathroom... I'm in the upside-down's bathroom. I could feel my breathing becoming quicker and faster. I become quickly light headed out of hyperventilation and fell to the ground and I pass out of fear. 


I flutter my eyes open to the feeling of cold tiled floors on my body. I jolt up thinking I'm in the upside-down but I'm not... I'm just on my bathroom floor. I stand up to see Conner standing at the door way "Did you really sleep there?" He asked "I-I don't know how I even got here" I lied I think I do know how I got here. I started looking around "Is this a dream?" I asked cocking my head, Hoping it was a dream and all this upside-down and slug puking bullshit isn't real. "Pinch yourself" Conner said. I pinched my self. It didn't work. I pinched my self harder. "I guess this isn't a dream, Lets go eat some breakfast. Your mom made us toaster waffles and eggs" He smiled "Ok, you go, I'll be right there, just give me a minute" He nodded and walked away. I Looked at my reflection one more time, the color to my face was brought back. I splashed water on my face making sure this wasn't just a bad dream. But the water felt pretty real to me...


HEY! Sorry I haven't posted in like, a freaking week. I was in Portland to see the eclipse :D But yeah. I wont really be posting to often any more because school starts up in a week and all that stupid shit. Not exited at all. and I haven't even gone back to school shopping. And I only have three t-shirts in my draw right now so nor do I have any cloths to last a week at school XD (Not even joking about the shirt thing tho :P) 

-Charlotte :3

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