She's back

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She starts to run up to me, I drop my bags and I start to run up to her. It feels like an eternity just running to her coming closer and closer to her with each fast step I take. She jumps onto my waist, she wraps her legs around my body just above my hips. I hold up her back with my arms holding her close to my body. her arms wrap around my chest tightly. I take one of my arms off of her back to cup her cheek, I press our for-heads together, our noses lightly brush against one another. I can feel Eleven's heavy breathing hitting my skin, her breath doesn't smell great, but I was't exactly expecting it to smell like candy, I don't mind the smell though, I still hold her close and tight. A tear rolls down my cheek "I knew you were alive, I knew it all along." I whisper.

"Mike, I missed you, I missed you so much it hurt me inside. It hurt me so bad Mike." She sobs. "Its okay El, Your back now." I say rubbing her back. She is way thinner than last time and way lighter and shorter. Or maybe I got taller. But I swear she shrunk a bit. When I rubbed her back I could feel her rib cadge against her skin. We pull away from the wired hug thing. I quickly look around to see every one in the crowd just staring. I look back at El and giggle a bit blushing. I look at her beat up and bruised body. "Oh El, What happened." I say covering my mouth while looking at her fingers and her exposed nail beds coated with a layer of scarlet red blood. It might be a bit gross but that will never stop me from holding her in my arms. "The lab workers, They hurt me..." She says looking at her hand. "Lets get you fixed up then. I have some money in my pocket and I bought some food and things from the store already." I say meeting El's pretty eyes again. Eleven smiles and nods. "Thanks Mike... I thought you would forget about me after the time we were apart. I mean, you though that you lost me and that I was dead and, well I guess I lost hope at that point." She says rubbing the back her her neck. "How could I forget about you, I might have thought you were dead but it is impossible to ever get you out of my mind. I love you to much to let go after a year."

"It has been a year?" She furrows an eye brow. "More than a year... It didn't feel like a year though, it felt like forever,". "Yeah it did."She says with a wide smile.

"So we should probably fix you up and get you some thing to eat." I say. "Yeah. Do you have any eggos?" She asks. "No but we can buy some at the mall,". "Okay, lets go then." She smiles even bigger.


*One hour later*

He fed me at the mall food court. He bought me a bunch of new cloths and bought me a lot of medical supplies for my cuts and scratches, He said we will treat them when we get back to my house, He said he is never letting me go into another hospital again, and if I had to go to one he would take me to a hospital in New York or something. It made me laugh a bit but he really didn't want to loose me again and I don't want to loose him again ether, I have already lost him to many times. He is taller than last time I saw him, He still has the same face, same hair, same amazing smile, He looks exactly the same. Honesty, he could be the ugliest person alive and I would still love him with all my heart. He stops off at my house on his bike with me sat behind him holding tight onto his waist. We get off of his bike. Mike holds all of the shopping bags around his wrists and tangled in his fingers. "Mike, What will I say to mom and Will, What will I say to Dustin and-" I say worrying a bit. "El, its going to be fine, if you want me to, I can do the talking." He says holding my hand. I take a deep breath in and then out. "Okay". I look horrible. I wonder what Mike thinks of me, I wonder what Mom and Will and Conner think? I have a huge cut going across my left cheek, It goes from my nose all the way to the start of my ear. Dried blood stains my nose and fills in the cracks of my lips. My mouth is flavored like vomit mixed with blood. My hair has not been brushed in a year so its really knotted. My arms and legs are just filled with cuts and bruised, my white cloths are just stained with my own blood. And my hands... I look like shit. I don't know how Mike could hold me without gagging or barfing at the scent of my breath.

Mike knocks on the door. Oh my god, Oh my god. I hold his hand tighter once I hear the lock on the door unlocking from the inside. I don't even know why I'm scared. I'm a bit worried they won't think I'm real, I mean, They had a funeral and every thing. I stair down at my feet hearing the door creak open.

"Hi Mike." Its mom, I smile at her soothing voice. I missed her so much. I look up to see her looking at me. Once I meet her eyes she gasps. "E-Eleven?" She covers her mouth. "Did I just hear the E-word mom, you know not to say it in front of Mike." Will says from the kitchen. I smile even bigger hearing Will's voice. He walks out of the kitchen focused on his little protean bar, looking at the nutrition section. "hey mom, do you think this has ,like, any substance of milk or, Um, eggs because-" Will looks up from his bar and stops. "I'm vegan now"He mumbles blankly staring at me. "Is that..." Will looks at me in amazed. "Eleven." Mom finishes his words, her eyes water as she pulls me into a hug. "Where were you all this time my dear Eleven" She says cradling my head and softly stroking my hair. "I was in the lab" I say shutting my eyes tightly so I don't replay the moments I spent in there in my head. I pull away from the hug. And hug Will to.

After having a short conversation with my family I went into my room with Mike. All that's left in it is just my bed and a full dresser filled with all my old cloths. "Were is my other stuff, Like my posters and mirrors and stuff?" I ask looking around my room. "Oh, there at my house, Your mom gave all the stuff from your room to me, I have boxes of them in my basement" He says smiling at me. I nod. "Great," I smile back. "I'm going to take a shower and wash up and change into new cloths," I say looking through the draws of my old cloths. "Okay, I'll leave you to it then." he says walking to the door while I pick out some cloths. "Thanks" I say cradling my cloths in my arms. Mike stops before walking out the door. He meets my eye and says, "I love you," A warm feeling bursts in my chest, I smile. "I love you to,". Mike walks out the door.

I walk into the bathroom and place my cloths along with a towel on the ground next to the shower. Mike bought me a bunch of shampoo and body wash to clean myself up. I place them in the shower. The bathroom is empty. Last time I was in here it had my tooth brush and other products. I turn on the shower to a warm setting and let it run for a bit before I just step in. I take off my shirt, The rough fabric brushes against my cuts making me cringe with the painful sting coming from it. I slip off my lab pants stained with blood. I look down at the pile of cloths pooling around my feet. I sigh and step out of the small pile of discarded cloths on the tile and step in the shower. When the warm water hits my skin at first it burns but then it's almost sooth's on my aching body. I stair down at the drain watching my blood swirl down into it. I get distracted to how thin I am. I have no muscle left. My hip bones almost jut out of my body because I have no more fat left.

I turn off the shower. All the old blood that stained my skin is gone. less of the tangles in my hair is gone from the conditioner I used. I pick up my clean cloths and put them on. I must have been in the shower for an hour or so. I open the door to see Mike setting up my old clock on my bedside table. A bunch of boxes surround him with all my old things. "Wow," I say smiling looking around. "Surprise," Mikes says standing up. "Thank you," I say looking around even more, he managed to get a band poster up. "No problem, we had to do it at some point, right?" He says looking down into one of the boxes. "Yeah, but you didn't have to do it this early," I say walking to my bed. "I know, I just wanted to" he says as I sit down onto the bed. He sits on the bed next to me. "I'm really happy your back, I missed you so much El," Mike says staring into my eyes, I stair back into his. His eyes are so pretty, his dark mocha colored eyes are always fun to get lost in. Then I say "I missed you to Mike."


Lol, nothing interesting is happening in my life so I can't rant on to you guys in how shitty my life is. But the other day ago I was wondering how old you guys think I am, maybe you guys think I'm a five year old who is very talented or maybe an forty year old man who wants to write about a ship because he is a perv. Or maybe you picture me as a high school girl or maybe a middle school girl... I wan't to know what you think. How old do you think I am... I wanna know for some reason. :P

(I'm not telling you my real age, because fuck you)

(Watch one comment be like something really stupid like I'm typing this in my mom's uterus)

Lol bye.


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