the break up

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Its February of 1986. Every thing seems normal (for once). Conner is fine, Will is fine, Mike is fine... Every thing is fine. Its Friday and Eleven, Mike, Will, and Conner are biking back to Will and Eleven's house. The others got detention for talking back to there teacher all together,Dustin got a bad grade even though he studied. So the teacher and him started verbally fighting, then Max and Lucas joined in and then, one hour of free time is gone. The missing kids have never been found, devastating there family members, some of there rotting dead bodies have been found, including Jenifer Haze's, found by Dustin who freaked the heck out. 


Life has been actually normal for the past few months. Conner has been doing fine. Although one night he came to me crying when his dad beat him up and his mom left home. So Conner has been staying at my house for a while, and I don't plan to put him back in his house any time soon. For some reason my mom and Hopper are dating, but I kind of like it. At the moment Jonathan and Nancy are visiting home. Nancy is still dating that D-bag Steve. They rented a hotel for them selves to share because they don't have much money. But they are at my house right now, talking to my mom about collage and stuff.


I thought today I should spend my day alone at the abandoned park. Mike is at home at his house and I'm at mine. I feel like if I exit the house I won't be sucked into a long conversation about school with Nancy and Jonathan. I grab a bag shove some stuff in it that will keep me entertained. I let my hair down and brush it out, my hair drops a bit past my shoulders witch I really like. I scurry out of the door and get on my bike. I flip the kick stand up with my foot, and swing my leg over the bike and sit my self down. I grip the handle bars and go off on my own. I go past a few houses til I reach the park. The park is always empty because they think its creepy, but I have seen thing more creepy things and I find the park kind of pretty. I enjoy spending free time there because I have so many good memories there, nothing bad has happened there, witch I like. I pull up at the park, as always, no trace of people. I grin then get off of my bike. I press my foot down on the kick stand, having the bike held upright. I go to one of the splintery benches. I wear a pretty light blue dress, skin tight on my top half, but flows out at the bottom, The straps are about two fingers thick. I were classic white sneakers that every one at school seems to have. I let one of the bag straps fall loose and I swing it around placing it on the ground beside the bench I sit on. My legs are bare, I try to position myself to were i wont get splinters in my legs. I unzip my bag, I get a book out, Fire Starter, by Stephen King. The books are growing on me. I got it for Christmas from mom. I haven't gotten to reading it though. I open the book, I'm on page 87 I start to read it when I hear a foot step coming near me. My eyes shoot up from the words. A figure of a person is shaped behind the slide. Its not Mike, That's for sure. Strange, no one other than my friends come here. I shut the book, and look up. the person is gone. I stair blankly at nothing for a second, confused. I hear another foot step, but this time behind me, making a crunching noise with the wood chips displayed across the ground. My head snaps to the other side of me when a boy, about my age stands in front of me. "Uh, Hi" I awkwardly smile. The boy looks familiar, I could have sworn that I have seen him before. "Hi Jane." he smiles. My eyes widen, He just called me Jane, the name my birth mother gave me. "H-how do you know that?" I say very concerned that kid has been stalking me for these past months. "Oh Jane. Or should I say Eleven. Witch one one is better with you?" He smirks. The voice even sounds familiar. Something clicks in my head. "Mason?" I ask. "Yeah Jane?".  Its Mason. "How did you get out of-" I was talking until he cut me off "Juvie? Yeah, I broke out." My eyes widen. "uh-uh I need to go." I say, I need to leave this place. I shove my book in my bag and zip it up. I stand up and swing the bag over my shoulder. "Wait" He says. "No" I say back. Before I can make it to the side walk he grabs my bag, pulling me back. I stumble into him. He pulls off my bag, every thing inside me screams run. I take a step but he raps his arm around my waist pulling me into him. "LET GO OF ME YOU PSYCHOPATH!" I scream trying to kick at him but he doges all of my attempts. Our face are inches apart. He breath fills my nose. Its smells like weed. I try to pull back cringing at the scent. But he pulls me closer. I start to panic, I go completely stiff. "Stop!" I say, his hands linger around my back. "Get off of me!" I say, using my hands to push his chest back but he doesn't recoil, he doesn't even move. His lips press against mine. My eyes are wide open. His lips are dry and cracked and they even tastes like the bad smell of drugs that still cling to my nose. His hand travel down by back down to my butt. The other is zipping down my dress. I start to freak out and I exhale into his mouth. He pulls back with a grossed out face. Then I kicked him square in the crotch. Making him fall to his knees clenching his stomach in pain. His eyes are closed shut tightly, his head was bowed down. I drop to one knee coming face to face with him. "Suck a dick Mason" I say. Mason opens his eyes, he raises his head so our eyes lock. A smirk spreads across his face, giving me a bad feeling deep down "Suck my dick". Anger floods through me. He can't just do this to random people off the street. I use my powers to knock him out or something to report him to the police station. But anger takes over my head. He hits the wood chips with a crash. His face goes all white. Purple, green veins pop out from all different places of his face. I think I killed him... I promised my self that I would not kill and one else after I killed Dr.Brenner. I gasp covering my mouth. Should I just leave his body? What should I do? "Crap" I say under my breath. I know... I use my powers. I think very hard, and soon his body turns into black, flaky ashes. Blood seeps from my nose. I wipe it off with the back of my hand, leaving a scarlet red smudge on my skin, staining it. I zip up the back of my dress and take the bag off the ground. Guilt builds up in me after swinging the back over my shoulder for one last time. I walk to the side walk were Mike stands. Did he see me kill him, see him press his lips against mine? "H-hi" I say. The blood has drawn from my face. A deep pit inside me aces from guilt... I just murdered some one... again. "Hey eleven. So tell me, what did you do at the park". My breath hitches. "I read a book" I fake smiled. "And what else?" he says, anger building up in his voice. Did he see him kiss me? "That's it Mike" I shrug. "Why are you lying to me?!" His voice cracked. "What did you see?" I ask nervously. "Um. I don't know. MAYBE A BOY KISSING YOU AND LET HIM UNDRESS YOU!" he snaps. "Its not what it looked like I swear-" "No El! I'm pretty sure I saw that!" He cuts through my words. He looks broken, his eyes have no emotion in them, its like staring into dark pools of nothing. "That was Mason, Mike! He was to strong I couldn't get out of his grip! He tried to-". Mike cuts me off again "NO EL! That was not Mason. He is in juvie! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" he shouts. A sob slips through my lips. "WHY SHOULD YOU BE THE ONE CRYING EL?" His voice booms through my eyes. "Its not what it looked like" I whisper choking back another sob of pain. "Really. Because all I s-saw was two horny teenagers making out about to go at it! AND ONE OF THEM WAS THE GIRL I LOVE! ONE OF THEM WAS THE GIRL I WOULD DIE FOR! ONE OF THEM WAS THE GIRL I WANTED TO BE WITH FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! ELEVEN! THIS HURTS! THIS REALLY. Really. hurts..." His voice grows loud but then fades into just sobs of pain and sadness. All I can do is stair into his mocha brown eye, fury flamed through them but tears of sadness glossed over them. "mike" I say reaching out to him. "NO EL! i-if you want to touche some one else with your filthy, disgusted hands it should be the boy you were kissing in the park! FUCK YOU EL! FUCK YOU! WHY-D-DID. Y-" Mike fully breaks down. "I don't want to even look at you any more..." He says. Tears spilling out of his eyes, his lip quivers. I could feel my own tears drip down my cheeks. I wipe it with my bloody, trembling hand. leaving a light red mark on my cheek. Mike turns around and walks away. Words can't explain how much pain I am feeling. His figure fades into the scenery. And all I can do is stand there in silence watching him walk away...


AUHH! this chapter hurt to write. :'( 

(Don't mind my stupid spelling mistakes if I have any in this chapter. I swear I go to school. :P) 

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