(Not so) Safe and Sound

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We get to Mike's house. My head pounds just from the loud, ear bursting music back there. "Jeez. That was something" Mike runs his fingers through his pretty black hair. "Yeah. I wonder if Cristina noticed that were gone" I laugh. "She is probably to stoned to notice right now." Mike shakes his head. We open the unlocked front door. His mom and dad sit on the couch watching TV, The screen lit up there faces with a bright white look. They don't notice us so we silently walk up the stairs. We get into Mike's room and shut the door. "I am never going to a party again." I say falling onto his bed, back first. "yeah nor am I" Mike says laying next to me. Our legs barely hang off of the bed. I sigh taking in the silence. "I'm going to bed." I say sitting up. "Yeah, me to" Mike says rolling off the bed. He slips off his jacket, and grabs his pj's. "Do you mind if I change first?" Mike asks holding his pajamas scrunched up in one hand. "yeah sure" I say still sitting on the bed. Mike nods then goes into the bath room. I get off of the bed and beside it is my bag filled with my stuff. I grab some plain pj's and wait for Mike to come out. 


I slip on the pajama shirt over my bear skin. I smooth it out and reach for the door, I grab the brass knob and turn it. I push the door and it opens. Eleven sits on the bed with her pajama's waiting, she stairs down at the ball of cotton swinging her dangling feet. I lean in the door way watching Eleven, she looks so cute like that. A smile spreads across my face. Elevens head turns to me, she giggles and stands up "Oh sorry" A light blush spreads across her cheeks as she plays with a few strands of hair, her gaze stays down as she walks into the bath room past me. She stands with her back turned to me sorting out her pajamas from the tangled mess of cotton, I look at her for a second before she takes her shirt. I step out and close the door getting one last glimps of her about to take off her shirt. I get under in bed and slip under the covers, resting my head on the one pillow I have that is shared with Eleven. My back faces the bathroom. I hear the bathroom door open and foot steps coming to the bed. i don't bother to look because I know its El. The sheets rustle beside me as I hear Eleven slip under the sheets. Our backs face each other, they are not barely. I remain wide awake.

A hour passes by... I'm wide awake.

"Are you awake El?" I whisper. "Wide awake." Eleven says in a regular volume. Silence fills the air. "Things are still awkward." Eleven says shifting her position so she faces the faces the roof. "Yeah, I have noticed." I reply. "I don't  want it to be awkward Mike, I love you... I love you a lot... It's just... Hard" Eleven says. "I know... But why, why is it hard for us to get back to normal?" I say shifting my self to face the roof with El. "I don't know Mike." Eleven's voice trembles, almost as if she was crying. "Hey are you okay El?" I ask turning to her. I watch a tear roll down her face. "N-no! No Mike. I'm not! I'm trying to make things normal again. I just want us back, I want you. I want every thing to be normal even though its not. So much shit has been happening the past year and it has just been hard to try to act normal, or okay when things are going on. Some times it just feels like my world is crumbling right in front of me and there is no escape. I can't pretend every thing is normal because its not. Non of it is. I-I just-" She rants on until it turns into weak sobs. I turn to her and hold her like it's the end of the world, We sit up with Eleven still in my arms so its better to hold her. "Things are normal, or will be. Just give it some time, look on the bright side I still have you, you still have me, the world has not ended. Just give it some time and every thing will be okay, and when has life ever been normal, doesn't it make it more riveting if your always living on the edge, normal lives are boring, its just wake up, eat, school, go home, eat, sleep for people with normal lives. Ours is different, it doesn't sound like ours. Just picture doing that every day for years, it gets a bit boring." I pat her back. Eleven looks up at me. She cups my cheeks and quickly kisses me on the lips. I was not expecting that at all. I look at her in silence, "Um, sorry, was that okay... That I kissed you." She says love struck. She looks down at her pajama pants, playing with a lock of her pretty brown hair. I tilt her chin up. "It was fine." I smile. Her eyes sort of light up, she smiles "So, does that mean I can kiss you again? For a bit longer this time?" Eleven's smile grows bigger. I lean in slowly locking her lips with mine. My hand rests right below her jaw line. She smiles while I kiss her and raps her arms around my back pulling me closer. Eleven pulls away slowly smiling. 


I sit shirtless next to a sleeping Conner. It's really hot in here so we are both shirtless chilling in our sweat pants. Conner sleeps curled up against my side, my reading light is on above me as I flip through a random chapter book. Some how the light doesn't bother Conner. I hear my moms bed room door slam shut making me jump, the book slips through my fingers and lands on Conner's face. I slowly remove it from his face wondering if I woke him up. "Hey Will." Conner's said right after I pull the book off of his face. "Sorry." I whisper biting my lip. Conner laughs, "No need to be sorry." Conner rubs his eyes looking at me. I smile. Conner sits up right. He is a few inches taller than me so I rest my head on his shoulder. I hear a knock on my door. I snap my head off of Conner's shoulder "Come in" I say to who ever is behind the door. The door opens. Its mom. "Conner, your mom called. Do you want to talk to her?" Conner stairs at my mom blankly, the he quickly whips off the covers reviling his stupid ex-men pajama bottoms. His jumps of bed and runs out the door, I stair at the little ex-men figures swaying to the bounce of his step and grin. I look up at my mom who watches me, She  fake smiles when we lock eyes. I fake smile back. I get out of the bed and walk out of my room to see Conner almost in tears of joy. "I love you to."He smiles big, biting his trembling lip with his lit up eyes welling with tears.... "Bye" His voice cracked. He hung up the phone. He stairs at me with his pretty eyes. And squeals. "That was my mom!" He is about to scream. He runs over to me and hugs me really tightly. I laugh and hug him back. 


I feel a quick, painful pinch in my arm as I try to walk to the door. Lucas is wasted, and so is Dustin. I turn my head to see Christina shooting heroine in me. I flinch away swinging a punch at her, but doges it as my body quickly feels 10X its weight. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT" I slur a bit. DAMN IT, its already affecting me. "Its fun. I promise." Christina's stupid voice is the last thing I hear before the room starts to spin and have this red-ish glow.  Peoples voice starts to drown out by the loud thumping of the rock music in the background. I see all the teens holding there red cups in there hand like if it was the most important thing in there world. I push through the crowd stumbling into people as the room spun more and I almost felt weightless now. I scream but it came out as more of a mellowed 'auuuh'. I start trying to beg for water from people but it came out as a very mumbled 'wahtaa'. The random girl gave me a cup. I quickly started drinking the liquid.... Vodka... She gave me vodka, it burns me. 'disss is nut wahtaa, dub az' (Translation: this is not water, dumb ass)  I say holding out the cup for her to take. But she doesn't, so I just drop it and keep pushing people weakly out of the way. "fug of" I say to a boy trying to take off my shirt. He doesn't stop so I kick him in the crotch. He recoils. And looks at me with the 'what was that for face'. "I say fug off, pervert" I say trying to hold out the middle finger. Drool drips down my chin. I attempt to wipe it away but I just spread it across my face "dom it". I start to stumble.I fall to the ground catching myself with my palms. My arms tremble as they start to give up. The buckle making me slam into the floor with a thud. I horrible pain shoots through my chin and lower jaw. I clench my teeth together trying to push myself back up but- I black out...


(Sorry if this chapter sucked, I'm tired)

Hi, this week at school SUCKED. I got sent to the principal's office with all my friends for a thing I wasn't even involved with. So being the person I am, I didn't want to get in trouble for something I didn't do. So when walking into the office I noticed I started getting a panic attack. So I held my breath and held my tears in as best as I could digging my nails into my palms to make me STOP, And when we came into the principal's office. He was talking to us while I felt like I was dyeing and he let us alone and 'talk it out' or some stupid shit. So while my friends were talking it out for whatever dumb shit they did, I was crying, gasping for air, and shaking at the same fucking time. Then my friends noticed I was having a panic attack and they didn't know what to do so they were all like: "Holy shit she is having a panic attack". Then I choked out something like 'It goes away' (not sure). So then I went back to class to a test that I guessed every single question on because I was still freaking the fuck out. I some how got a 20/25 so YAY (not really, I'm just saying I expected way worse) 

Sorry I had to rant about that. It's just my first panic attack at school that I had around people (All of my panic attacks are on the grimy floors of the school bathroom or under a black hoodie, so that was a change) 


My life is not interesting so don't read it... :D 


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