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CHARLOTTE IS TYPING: This song, right above this note, is so good and it kind of matches the theme to this chapter. Any ways. If you don't know how to imagine James, I suggest imagining him looking like Troy Sivan. It works when you picture it. At least for me it does! ^-^ I NEED MORE FUCKING Q&A QUESTIONS GUYS! COME ONNNN! 


I've been thinking about this for a while. Ever since James kissed me, witch was about five months ago, at the begging of the school year. 

Fuck. Fuck. Why am I doing thins? Why did I think of this?
You know what, fuck it. You only live once. 

I knock on the door. The door to Jame's room.

He opens the heavy wooded door, his hazel eyes stair right into my eyes. He quickly brushed a lock of hair in front of his face back, "H-hey, whats up?" He asks. 

"C-can I t-talk to you, f-for a few m-minutes," I stutter. I haven't even gotten into his room yet and I'm already stuttering like a fucking idiot. "Sure," He says, opening the door wider so I can come in.  

I smile like a fucking idiot as James motions me to sit on his bed next to him. I purse my lips. "I-I need to t-tell you some thing. And its stupid. And your going to f-fucking hate me for this," I bite my lip. "What Dustin? You can tell me anything and I'll be okay with it," He smiles, comforting me a bit. "Your going to hate me for this though," I break eye contact with him. I can tell he is concerned. "J-just... Just tell me. I promise I won't hate you," He says. I take a deep breath. "I-I like you. B-but, I like, like y-you," I look at him in his pretty eyes. Shit, SHIT! He isn't responding. "OH FUCK! I KNEW I SHOULD'NT HAVE FUCKING TOLD YOU! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK-" I get cut by a pair of lips on mine. I quickly get the sense that the pair of lips that I'm kissing right now are Jame's since my eyes are open. I quickly shut them as I take in the incredible, warm sensation of his lips locked with mine. His hand holds the back of my neck as he lovingly kisses me. He is like candy. Sweet, and soft. He pulls away. "I like, like you to Dustin,"He smiles. I smile, showing all my 'pearls' as I feeling a blush come up on my cheeks. 

"Sh-shit, I gotta get to a seminar. Sophia is cooking tonight because she knows how to cook pasta the right way out of all of us, we can't trust Wilson with cooking food  at any time of the day, remember that pasta mishap." James days in a peppy tone, I nod laughing a bit. Wilson is my dorm mate, and so is Sophia. And Wilson didn't know how to cook pasta at the time, and he didn't know you have to add water to the pot. And it ended up with the fire alarm going off to cut the story short. "Well, I'll see you at dinner," He says right before pecking me on my now, bright red cheek. I watch him slip on some shoes and rush out of the dorm.

I walk out of his room. 


Holy shit. He likes me back! 

I get to my room to scream into my pillow and jump around like a young teenage girl fan girling about a singer.


It's girl scout cookie season. And that means we do not only have a ton of eggos, but we also have about fifty boxes of girl scout them stored in the pantry. I've only eaten a few boxes. But El has eaten far to many, and she is still not the slightest bit fat yet. I think it's because she does a lot of dance and it helps with burning off the calories on those cookies. She even stuck them into the movie theater. Where we are now.

I stay sat down with my popcorn, and El happily waiting for the movie to start, happily munching on her cookies.

El does a double take when she see's a father and her kids walking into the movie theater.

"What are the kids doing here?" El whispers to me.

"It makes sense," I shrug.

She slumps back into her seat. She looks like she is thinking really hard.

"El, are you oka-"

Eleven quickly twists back to face the father and his two daughters. "Excuse me sir. But I don't think this movie is suitable for younger kids. It has lots of violence," She says looking the father dead in the eye. The kids seem to be about eight and five. "It's okay for them. Thanks for the heads up," The father says respectfully. El twists back around. 

She bites her lip. and twist around again after a few seconds. "Are you sure, because I've read the book and it truly is violent and very disturbing," She bites her lip. the father starts to look pissed off. "There my kids and I think there aloud to watch the movie," He says sternly. El nods holding her breath "okay," She nods turning back around. 

She quickly turns around "I'm sorry sir but it really isn't a good movie for children, I just think-" She gets cut off by the man, "THEY ARE MY KIDS!" He shouts. I grab El's hand and walk out of the movie theater. All she is gunna do is fight with him through the movie.

We walk out of the theater. "It's the Muppet's Movie. How bad can it be?" I chucked. "It's terrifying. The Muppet's scare the crap out of me," She says. I shake my head. She is so adorable, "I love you," I smile at her, "I love you too, darling," She says smiling as well. 

(CHARLOTTE IS TYPING: I got that from modern family because I love it and one of my good friends plays Lilly in the show)

I pull her into a soft kiss before we start driving home.

It's good to know I'm always with the love of my life, to protect her, and care for her, and watch her be my happy, cute, little bean. 


I think I honestly killed this Wattpad book. My views are going down really far. but I don't care because this is fun. I think I'm going to make a Jyatt fan-fic because I'm now obsessed with Jyatt and I need more GAYYY....... 

 Donald Trump is a fucking idiot. He said to other school shootings that may occur in the future, to have all the teachers be armed, first of all, If a teacher shoots a gunmen that is a fucking murder and the teacher with most likely be sent to jail, second of all, teachers can use it as a threat to there kids/staff (unlikely, but possible), If a teacher is drunk or high the teacher can shoot and most likely kill a child/ other staff members. A kid can steal the gun and use it for "fun". There are so many down sides to this "solution" and here I am, many, many years younger than this old mother fucker, telling him to step the fuck down and have some common sense. 

(okay, rant is over. I just have some strong opinions) 

Any ways. Life is great. I'm super pissed off about the school shooting. But other than that every thing has been great. Hope your life is good to!

(I stayed up late for you guys writing this :P)


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