Mike and Eleven?

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Eleven has never felt the same after the break up. Like a half of her is gone. 

There she lays in bed. Dried tears stain her face, here head phones cover her ears playing "We Will Rock You" By Queen. She loves queen, and how they put so much thought into there lyrics. Sweat pants cover her legs along with a blue flannel she wears on her top half. Her hands are crossed over her stomach. Her door is locked shut. It has been like that for the past week, ever since the painful break up. Mikes words scared her, every thing he said about her shredded her heart to pieces, making fresh new tears over the sticky dry ones that remained on her freckle splattered cheeks. She tried not to think of it. but she can almost feel the weight of Masons lips on hers and his hands un-zipping her blue dress, and the smell of the intense drugs he was on still clings to her nosed. It makes her shudder and cringe.  Never has she been that aggressively touched by some one. Maybe Mike ,but Mike made sure she was okay with every thing. They even came up with a safe word in case any one of them is going to far witch is "Chicken". They have never used it though, they both know when to stop before it goes to far. But Mason just went for it, tried to undress her immediately. Even if Mason did ask if it was okay Eleven would have reacted the same way. 


The song ends. I hear a sudden pounding on the door. "El, honey, open up. You have been in that room for hours.". I sigh and climb out of my bed. I open the door. "Yeah mom?" I ask. "Me, Jim, Will, Conner are going on a road trip to go to Nancy and Johnathan's campus, we were wondering if you wanted to tag along, we will only be out for three days." She smiles. I hate being cars for a long time, it makes me want to vomit. "No, I think I will stay here" I shrug. "Well you can't stay alone for that long El, why don't you sleep over at Mike's?" When she says "Mike" I just want to cry. "No" I say. "Well no one else is free, I checked with all of your friends moms and they said no apart for Karen El. I don't know what else to do." My mom scratches the back of her head. I DON'T want to go on a road trip, no way on hell. I give in. "Fine". I respond. "Great, I will drop you off on the way to New York" She smiles. "You have 30 minutes to pack your stuff" She says leaving my sight. Shit. What am I getting my self into. I can just avoid Mike. Lock my self in Nancy's old room or something. It won't be to bad. I avoid garbing for the bag I took to the play ground a week ago. I grab Mike's old bag. the one from 6th grade. I put on a pink dress. It kind of looks the first dress I have every worn, the one the boys dressed me in to fit in with there middle school a few years back. I pack my music tape and head phones in the front pocket. along with other personal thins including cloths that will last a solid three days. I packed a book other than "Fire Starter" I haven't picked it up ever since Mike broke up with me. I'm not sure witch book but it should keep me entertained for a bit while I'm locked in a familiar room with a familiar scent and a familiar person sitting on the other side of the wall. I tie my hair up and walk out my bed room door. I see Will and Conner talking by the front door. "Hi guys" I smile. My tired eyes stare at them. I haven't gotten much sleep lately, I have just been tossing and turning in my bed hours on end every night. And when I do it will be some dream about Mike making me wake up in tears. They were happy ones though. Like reliving my best moments with him. It makes me realize how much I miss him... I might never get him back. "Haven't seen you in a while" Conner says. "Yeah, Its just a teen thing I do were I lock my self in my room and act all sad" I joke. Conner and Will snicker. "Sounds like you" Will also joked. "But what is really going on. You never do this sort of stuff" Will asks a bit concerned "Oh its nothing." I say. "No, its just you don't want to tell us Eleven. And that's fine, I respect it." He says. "Yeah... Your right. Why do I even bother lying. I will tell you when I figure things out... If I ever figure things out." I shrug. "Oh trust me El. We all figure things out eventually" Conner says. I nod and smile. those words give me more faith about Mike and I ever getting back together, but at the same time our relationship still seems toxic. Mom walks in front of us. "You guys ready" She asks. "yeah" I say. The others nod. We pile into the car. Hopper drives and mom sits in the passenger seat. And the three of us sit in the back. My (or I guess Mike's) bag rests on my lap. I sit on one of the sides. I fiddle with the zipper until I get to Mike's house. We pull up. I start to tense. Crap, crap,crap. I open the door. and step out. I slow my breathing. I shut the door behind me. I wave bye to Mom as the car drives away. I'm alone. I breath in. "every thing is fine" I say under my breath as I aproach the door. I knock on it. My heart pounds against my chest. The door creaks open, farther and farther. Like if it was in slow mo. Mike stands in the door way. His face stays emotionless. "What are you doing here" He asks. "I have to stay here for a bit. My mom is going on a road trip with Conner and Will and my mom doesn't want me there alone so she talked to your mom and-" He cuts me off. I hate it when he does that. "Yeah, yeah just say out of-" I cut him off this time "my way, stay out of my way. By the way I sort of hate you." I say stepping into the house. "Why would you hate me. I should be hating you" He says. "Do you hate me?" I say. "Its hard to hate some one you have been in love with for years now" He says. "I can understand that. What I meant was I'm pissed at you for not believing my word. So i'm going to look my self in Nancy's room and cry some more about what you said to me. Because I have been doing that the minute I came back home for pretty much getting molested by Mason and you screaming at me" I say. going up the stares. Mike stays there watching me. I can feel his eyes burn into by back. 

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