What the hell

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They all went home there separate ways. But of cores Mike slept over at Wills. They all slept on the floor in the living room. All the boys went to school, and Eleven got home schooled by Joyce. After school the whole group went to Mike's house (apart from Max). They all sat down at the basement table where they play D&D. "Ok guys. So a new game came out at the arcade. Wanna see it. Its called dragons layer" Dustin said exited.


"Lets do it!" Mike said standing up. A few minutes later we all got on our bikes. Conner took his own so we don't have to share. But Mike and El did. We pulled up to the arcade "Are we gunna do this" Dustin asked. We nodded "Lets engage" Dustin said getting off his bike. We went in and quickly spotted dragons lair. Dustin pulled out 25 cents out of his pocket. he inserted it into the game. It took a second until the big yellow font pops up saying Dragon's Lair with a pink-ish red-is purple-ish back ground. The game started we all stood behind Dusting as he controlled the game "Get him, Get him, get him, get him!" we all shouted him watching the night avoiding the dragons claws. We all started talking at the same time telling him to do this or do that. When Dustin started rambling "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" His hands slipped and our little character turned into a skeleton and then fell to the ground into a pile of bones.  We all got in a group talking about the game when I heard a eerie whisper calling to me "will" It said. I turned around and looked out the window. It was snowing.  i stare while saying "hey guys do you see the-" I turned my head to see an empty arcade. I start turning my head looking for a hiding spot they could be hiding in. When all of a sudden the arcade looked like the arcade in Upside-down  Like if I was actually in it. I gasped jumping a little of the sudden change of scenery. I looked around seeing a few arcade games flash for a second. My mouth drops and my breathing become heaver. I won't faint this time. I started slowing my breathing when the arcade door flies open. My breathing become faster. I suddenly feel the urge to go closer to the door. My body was driving me. My mind was horrified. I went out side to see the sky flashing red lightning bolts. Then i saw this monster thing. I was bigger than the last one. It had long legs and an alien shaped face. I start to feel really light headed. I was about to fall back when I hear Mikes voice "Will" I get back on my feet and look at him mortified "Are you ok" He asks, I look back wondering where it all went. "Uh-Uh, yeah, I think,  I just needed some fresh air after loosing that game." I lied through my teeth. "Ok, meet me inside when your ready" Mike said going back in. I take on more look. "What the hell" I said under my breath. I start to catch my breath then go inside putting on a fake smile. "Guys I'm going to go home, I'm really tired from school today" I said. I really just wanted to go home to poor my heart out with tears, I hate this, I hate having these realistic flash backs. "Ok, See you tomorrow Will" Lucas said. I rode my bike home, not being able to stop thinking about that flash back, or was it a flash back. What if this is all a horrible night mare and it will be over soon. 

I keep on biking. Checking my surrounding every second hoping another monster won't take me back to its home and try to kill me like the past events that occurred two years ago. I made it home safe and just run into my room. I bury my face into my pillow and start crying into it.


Will leaves "Hey El, do you want to sleep at my house tonight?" I ask. "I would love that Mike!" Her eyes lit up when she said that. "Great!" I smiled and kissed her on the cheek and carried on with my conversation with the guys about the game. I glanced at El. She looked really interested in our conversation. We kept on talking "Yeah, I wonder what the dragon would be named if the makers put more time into the game-" Dustin says really interested in his question. when the bell to the arcade game rings. "Hey nerds" Troys voice travels in my ear, his stare burns through my skull. El and I don't make eye contact while the rest of them were staring "What do you want Troy?" Conner asks. "I wanted to play the other new game" He said "what other new game, Only one came out this past week" Lucas cocked his head "Wanna know what it's called" He asked "Not really because it's probably one of those games with a really sexual, gross names knowing you Troy" Dustin laughed, Troy rolls his eyes  " No, the game is called punch the nerds in the face" Dustin's eyes grow big and we make quick eye contact. Then El and I make eye contact "I got this" Eleven whispers giving me a cheeky wink. I nod exhaling a breath of relief . El look at him. Troy stops. He looks at her for a few second. His eyes grows big and he becomes very tense. "OH MY GOD! Its you! Th-the on who broke my arm!" He shouts pointing at El and scurrying out of the door. "I didn't even need to use my powers on him" She laughed. "What?" Conner says confused "Powers?" He asked. "Oh she has mind powers. You didn't notice when we were catching Mason?" Dustin asks "N-no I though that was Mason jut freezing under pressure" He said in shock "So, What can she do?" He asks very intrigued. "Can you demonstrate El?" I ask her. she nods. He whispers in my ear "The flying trick?". "Only if you want to" I said in a normal out loud. She nods. "Mike, can you lay down on the ground for me" She said pointing to the ground. I quickly get on the ground, laying on my chest, and close my eyes. "Don't tense up, just relax because its harder if you do tense up." Eleven said. I relax my muscles. I feel my chest coming off the ground. I open my eyes to see myself floating feet off the ground. "WHOH! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE" Conner stairs in amazement. El grabs my hand and guides me back to ground, not breaking her focus from my body until my feet touching the floor.  She wipes the blood from her nose with her sleeve. He gives me a big smile. "Guys I'm going to go home, It's getting late." Lucas said. "Me to" Dustin added. They walked out together. "We should go home" I add. "I check my watch that Eleven found for me. "11:21" I say out-loud. "I agree, see you tomorrow at school" Conner says waving then walking out. "Just us" I say. "Just us" Eleven repeats. "Do you want to get some food before it closes" (It closes at 12:00AM) She nods. I order pizza for us to share. "What is pizza?" she asks. "It's so good. Its this flattened bread with sauce and cheese on it." I explain "That sounds good." She smiled. We find a table away from the crazy drunk teens. The waiter gives us the pizza "thanks". The waiter is really drunk "Noooo, Thhank youu" he says slurring his words, he walk away with-ought charging me. "Cool, free pizza" I say taking a slice of the plate. I try to take a bite out of it but El slaps it out of my hand. "Hey, what was that for?" he points to the pizza. "Look close" She says. I see white powder sprinkled on the cheese and sauce . "Drugs." She says "How do you know that" I ask "Joyce thought me" "Ok" i shrug. Maybe he isn't drunk, just really high. "We should go to your home, Don't want Karen to be mad" She laughed. I laughed with her "Ok, Sounds good" We get up. We go outside. We stop for a moment, just looking into each-others eyes. "I love you, Always know that" I say "I love you so much Mike, I will never stop loving you, even if you don't love me, I will love you, But right now, I trust you with your love, and hopefully I can trust you forever." She smiles. My cheeks become pink. She softly runs the back of her hand on my warm cheek. "Don't worry about that. Because I will always love you. And you can forever trust me." She lets out a tear. I softy wipe it away. "it's nice to be loved" She says. "I can agree" I say. I crane down my neck and softly kiss her on her warm, sweet, soft lips while resting my hand on her jaw line. I pull away and open my eyes, so does she. She smiles with red cheeks. " Your so cute when you blush" I say pulling my hand away from her jaw, "No you are, I look like I have gotten a bad sunburn on my cheeks" She says rubbing her cheek. "Stop doubting yourself, You look adorable when you blush" I said booping her nose. "Your so nice Mike, that's one of the 1,000 reasons why I love you" her smile grows wider. I take her hand and gesture her to the bike "Lady's fist, especially for the prettiest one of them all" She giggles after I say that "Oh stop it, There are prettier girls out there" She says getting on the bike. "Lies" I said while hopping on the bike. I bike all the way to my house with my future wife. 


That's right guys! I'm creating my own version of season two and taking dialogue from the trailer to help me with the story line! But Eleven will be there and but while this is happening there will always be Mileven trash going on in every chapter. Also, when season two comes out people are going to look at this and ether be "you were way off with what happened" or "You were spot on" LOL, Ok i don't know what to say next so just stay tooned, it gets better :P

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