One year later

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Will recovered a few months ago from all his injury's. Mike has a BIG scar on his leg, and El needed to get metal put into her arm because she completely snapped it, she also dislocated it as well... but that has healed. Max and Lucas are back together, Will and Conner are as close as ever, and Mike and Eleven are the most in love people in the world. Dustin was still single. They all went to the same high school, they even managed to get El into high school. Its November 1985. It's thanks giving break so all the kids have bean home with each-other. The Conner and Will thing is still a secret, Eleven has kept her sighting to herself and Mike has some idea of whats going on. Nancy is of to collage, she got into Harvard, Her and Steve are still going but Nancy is not liking Steve any more, she has her eyes set on a better person. *COUGH* *COUGH* Jonathan... They talk all the time, and since they live an hour away from each-other they like to visit each-other often. But Nancy can't be with Jonathan, she is with Steve.... Right?


I hop on my bike to get home. I was just at Conner's house to see his new cat. I start to go down the street I got lost on three years ago, the one where the demigorgon took me. I go as fast a possible. I catch a glimpse of a missing poster, It had a kids face on it. I stopped. This is the 15th missing poster i have seen in town this past week. I pick up the poster, MISSING in big words sit on the top of a girl. She is familiar... Jenifer Haze. She asked Dustin out on a date but they kept on putting it off for multiple reasons last year. It has the information on the bottom "I5 years old, Girl, BLAH BLAH BLAH" Pretty much ASL (Age, sex location) I fold the paper up and put it in my back pocket. I hop on the bike and rush back home.


We are home alone to night. Will is at Conner's house and Joyce is working late tonight. Me and the pretty girl sit together eating eggos and whipped cream. I dip my finger in the whipped cream and put it on El's nose. She laughs wiping it away. "You sneaky little-" She scooped some wiped cream in her hand and wiped her hand on my face, the cooling stuff made me shudder, I automatically got the can of cream and sprayed it on her. "AHH! MIKE" She says wiping away the wiped cream laughing. She gets her eggo topped with more cream and smashed it on my face. I started laughing so hard I fell off my chair and onto the ground witch made El laugh even more, "A-A-ARE Y-OUUUU O-OK MIKE" She says forces out, she is crying because she is laughing so hard. So was I "I-I'M F-FINE!" I laugh. El leans back and falls off her chair with me. She just laughs even harder and so do I. I crawl to Eleven pretty much dyeing of laughter. I sit next to her, she was still laying on the ground. She sits up with me. our laughing was dyeing down and so was mine. I softly wipe the cream off of her cheeks. She giggles and looks down trying to hide her blushed face, I tilt her chin up to eye level with me, an amazing, pretty smile spreads across her face. The front door opens. It's Will, he looks at us "You guys are wired" he says raising an eye brow. "Says you and your gay ass" I say back jokingly, he rolls his eyes and walks down the hall, before he opens the door he shouts "That's not true" then shuts the door. "Do you really think he is gay?" El cocks her head. "I'm joking, he is not really gay... is he?" I ask. El bites her lip "I don't know." I can tell she is lying, just the way she looks at me. "You know El." I say. She shakes her head. "I'm really not sure... I saw something about a year ago... But I know Will won't like me saying any thing about it.... he doesn't know I know about it..." I can tell what she is thinking of. I get up and knock on Will's door. "Come in" his voice travels through the door muffled. I open the door. He sits on his bed, looking at old polaroids of him and Conner and the rest of us.


"Hey, are you dating Conner?" Mike asks leaning against my door fraim. "W-what?" I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. "I asked you. Are you dating Conner" I stay silent. shit..."ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH CO-" I cut him off "I understand the question but why would you ask me this. I-I'm straight" I stutter "Yes or no?" "n-no" I cock my head. He looks down at a polaroid photo of me kissing Conner's cheek. "uu-uh" I throw the photo across the room in a fats motion. "uh huh" He nods "How long have you guys bean together?" He asks "I'm not in a relationship with him" I shake my head "Then what was that picture over there" He points to the one I threw across the room. "I kiss all my friends on the cheek, I haven't done it to you?" I lie. Mike shakes his head, "If you say so", he takes his back off of the door frame and walks away. I walk across the room picking the photo up. I examine it. Conner is smiling really big with his eyes closed and blushed cheeks and he is holding the camera, and my eyes are clamped shut and i'm passionately kissing his warm red cheek. I stair at the photo a bit longer, running my thumb over Conner, I feel warm breath over my neck, I jump, "AH!" i shout seeing it was Mike over my shoulder. "You guys are cute together, I won't tell...But can El know?" He asks "I-I w-wa-" I start running out the bed room door to hear a knock on the front door. Mike walks out of my room. I open the door to see Conner. "hey you forgot the polaroid cam-" I grab his had and run out side, I go to the corner of the house. "What's going on?" he asks. "Mike found out." I say "About what?" "ABOUT US!" I shout. "I mean he was eventually going to find out right" He shrugged "I-I guess.... It's just..." "Baby, It's fine, he is going to still be your friend no mater what. Tell him, and I will be right by your side" He tightens his grip on my hand. he pecks me on the cheek. "o-ok" I nod, we walk to the front door witch is wide open. I see Mike and El sitting on the couch holding cups of OJ. "Hi" Eleven says taking a sip of her OJ. Conner and I stand in front of the two straight people on the couch. El's hair is tied up in a bun, she wears a loose blue shirt with black sweat pants, Then Mike has a black long sleeved shirt with dark blue jeans. "Uh-uh" I say, adrenaline pumps through my veins, my chest rapidly rising and falling. Conner just looks at me. I face Conner, We exchange looks. I shift my eyes to El and Mike, They just looked confused. I look at Conner again. He steps closer to me, he leans in really quick crashing his lips on mine, hard, the sweet taste of vanilla fills my mouth from Conner's soft lips interlocking with mine. He pulls away and my eyes flutter open. Claps come from the couch, "It's about time you told us about your relationship" El laughs "Told ya Will, I knew you guys were in looove" Mike smiled. I could feel blood making its way to my face turning my whole face a bright red color. I stay silent. "here is you ploraroid camera" He hands it to me. I pretty sure i look traumatized to him. "Uh-uh.... Th-thanks" I fiddle with the camera putting it in a comfortable place on my hand. "Bye" he waves. I flash a smile at him. He heads out the door. "U-uh... I-imma go to bed... Today has bean eventful."

Eleven's pov

Will goes to his room. I raise both of my eyebrows taking a sip of my orange juice. "Do you think they have had sex before?" Mike says crossing his legs. I spit out the juice in my mouth."WHAT THE FUCK MIKE!" Will storms out of his room "I'm not going to picture that" I shake my head "just say'n" he shrugs. " No i haven't fucked Conner and I don't think I will anytime soon." He snaps, I can tell he is a bit pissed about Mike's dirty mind, Mike never usually like this but he does tend to speak his mind. "Okay,okay" Mike says taking a sip his OJ "have you and El had sex?" Will says cocking an eyebrow. "No" I shake my head with a straight face. It's true, we haven't, I guess we never thought about it. "cool, so don't ask me that question with me a Conner because it's obvious it makes you and Mike uncomfortable" I look over at his seat. He is red, shifting in his seat. I could feel the blood in my face too. Will's face was more read than ours though. "This is akward, I'm going to sleep now" Will says walking back to his room. I glare at Mike, He gives me the 'I'm sorry look'. "He is right, it is pretty late we should go to bed" I say. Mike nods. He guides me to my room. I walk in but he just stands by the door. "arn't you coming in?" She asks. "I-I should go home... I feel like Will is mad at me and it would be better if I-" He rambles "Mike, its fine. He isn't mad at you." "How do you know." "because I can tell the difference between mad and flustered" I raise an eyes brow. "What about pajamas I don't think I have them he-" i pull out some old ones Mike has left here a few months ago. "Stop stalling, I want you here with me tonight any way." I toss the old cloths to him. A smile creeps up on his face "Fine. I'm going to the bathroom to get changed". "Great" he walks out. I get changed while he is gone to. He walks in with his nerdy shirt that has JAWS written in bug font on top and a shark looking up at what looks like to be a completely naked woman swimming in the ocean. I cringe. "like the shirt?" He questions. "uh... The naked lady puts me off, but other than that its fine." I smile, He rolled his eyes. I just laughed and crawled into bed with Mike. I kiss him on the cheek softly, "Good nigh, I love you" I say. Mike turns off the lamp on next to his side of the bed, "night El, I love you too". I smile at his soft voice, he sound tired. I love him so much, I don't know what I would do with ought him.


OOOOOOOHHHH, there is some drama going on! And that missing poster.... I wonder who took Jenifer? Just get'n some build up here. Sorry if this chapter was akward 4 u to read, It will get less aukward as it goes on, but they are 15 so it kind of has to be akward to get the full teen experance :D

soooooooooooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

also, did u guys see the movie IT, Finn was so funny on this, I loved it so much <3


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