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© 2017, Olan L. Smith

Assistant Chief Detective Greta interjected, "Yes, I've sometimes felt a cat has jumped on me; only to awake and realize I don't own a cat. So, people who experience alien abduction, and believe in ghosts, are not crazy after all. What about when you see a veteran walking down the street, and he is talking to himself, or the many people we have hospitalized or put in insane asylums, because they see things and talk to people. You mean these people are not crazy?"

"It is hard to tell, Greta. In many cases, they are sane, while others are questionable. Consider this; in studies of groups living together we can tell ninety-nine people of one hundred that they are to call, yellow...white and so forth. After a period of time the one who is not in on it, will really believe that green is red and yellow is white and will begin to call colors by their wrong name. We as humans have been told by the Church that people who see things, such as angels or such, are nuts that after two thousand years society believes it, except for countries whose religious beliefs are not Christian. In the Hindu and Buddha religions, this is the collective knowledge of the ages, lost to most European developed nations. Some ancient Greeks mistook these beings as gods and worshiped them."

"That makes a lot of sense, to me, Dr. Burton."

"Good, I find you a good candidate for this training. I am surprised you hadn't already read Levi's Book of Dreams."

"Nope, when it came out I just figured him to be some kook with wild hallucinations."

"Okay, let's get down to business. I have a short time to teach you this technique. Consider this, nothing really exists; it is only waves of different levels. The chair you are sitting on are only waves, the stars in the sky are waves, your body is waves and every thought you have ever had, or memory you hold dear to your heart, are just waves. Now, imagine you have control of the waves around you with your thought waves. Imagine lucid dream you are having, where you know that you are dreaming and the storyline of the dream is not real. Then you are able to control the storyline, instead of the dream controlling you. You are invincible and now can go where you want and do what you want. You see a house in front of you. It is very interesting and you decide to approach it. When you get to the house, you know the wall is not real, so you simply walk through. You have no doubt, so you do and the wall gives you entry to the house, and you are free to explore the home. It is dark indoors, so you decide to turn on the light and walk to the switch and presto; you have light.... Suddenly, someone in the house confronts you, and you become frightened. You start to escape, before you remember that he is not real. You turn to him and say, "Shoo," and he disappears, because the dream is a construct of your mind. in the dream world you become supreme and dictator of all.

"Imagines this world in which you live is merely a construct or dream of a supreme being, and you are a part of the storyline. However, in the dream you become aware that reality is a dream and has no substance. With this awareness, you know the chair you are sitting in is not real."

Suddenly, Greta fell through the chair and landed on the floor. It was a good thing that Dr. Burton hadn't told her to imagine the world wasn't real, or she would have vanished and she would be floating in the emptiness of space. Holy shit – that's a trip! Was that some sort of trick chair I was sitting on? She thought. Unknowingly, she stopped seeing with her eyes and began to view things with her mind's eye and her thoughts exploded through the top of her crown. Returning to reality, she found herself lying flat on the floor under her chair.

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