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c.2017, Olan L. Smith

Meanwhile outside the capitol building, Special Agent Bastion said to Homeland Security Secretary Alderman, "Remember, we saved your lives. Go, they need your leadership." They ran to the front door and they turned back and looked for the two agents, but they had vanished. As they entered the building, they saw many people running toward them.

They both shouted, "Slow down! You are going to trample each other." They didn't listen. The agents posted at the front door had left their posts and Morgan feared a death scene, when the frantic crowd of leaders would not fit through the doors. He started back to man the doors when magically the doors flew wide open, just in time for the panic people to leave. He turned and continued his trek into the Chambers. He followed Alderman as he fought his way through the officers and agents gathered at the front. Morgan grabbed one of his agents and demanded to know what had happened. The agent replied, "The President was making her demands and suddenly, General Abrams' head exploded like a bomb, scattering body parts around the area. It was a good thing you left, sir. More than likely you would have been killed."

"How many were killed?"

"That's the weird part of it. Everybody in the immediate blast range moved. I questioned one of them and they said some agent told them to move or die. We were constantly scanning the area, and no agents were in their vicinity. Sir, why did you leave?"

FBI Director Morgan replied with a question, "You mean you didn't see Agents Casteel and Bastion standing right in front of me?"

"No sir, no one was standing in front of you."

He was not shocked by his agent's response. He hardly believed it himself. At least he and Alderman survived. He looked up and saw one of the beast standing over the body. He walked up to it and said, "You must be the one they call Six?"

"I am Six," she said telepathically.

"Where is the President?"

"Victor has taken her to safety. The General was our adopted father. It is sad to see him like this."

"What was he doing before he died?"

"He had blocked his mind so we could not read it. With my new vision, I could see every action of all in the building. He pushed a button on a red device and he simply exploded."

"Why did those in the immediate area leave?"

"We did not see anything. Before the President proclaimed herself as Supreme Dictator, these individual believed they saw the SDL members, Casteel and Bastion. Those SDL member were not present. Probably, it was one of their hallucination and I suspect they killed the General."

"The President has declared herself as Dictator. Is this your doing?" Morgan asked the two beasts.

"No, we have noticed a change in her behavior tonight. We do not believe she is speaking for herself, but we must obey or parish."

"First, who can kill you? Secondly, who do you believe is controlling her?"

"She can kill us with a mere thought, she is very powerful. I believe she is being controlled by our true father, the one you call Lucifer."

"Don't give me that crap, the devil does not exist. He is a lot of religious mumbo-jumbo."

"Do you believe I am real? Do you think I do not know my own father? Touch me. Feel my scales touch my claws. I am real; he is real...take my word for it--your President is in league with my father. I know all your thoughts. I know deep down you have wondered about the existence of the Lord. I believe in God and know he is real for both my father and I do his bidding, therefore your President does his bidding. This, Mr. Morgan, is the End of Days. What do you think has been happening around you these passed months? You have met Levi and survived, but I guarantee you that the only reason you are alive is because it is his will. No one else could have saved your life; it is the will of the Father that the General die and at such a historic moment in time. The President told the nation that the new rules are necessary to bring peace for the country, for a time it will. But she is paving the way for my father's rampage."

"You are right. I have been thinking things have gone to hell. Why have you told me so much, if you are under her control?"

"Even she has little power compared to Levi. It is the will of Levi that you know these things."

He felt a presence behind him and turned to see Alderman. Alderman asked, "Is Six or Victor speaking?"

Six said, "I have been conversing with both of you."

Alderman said, "Can you believe this?"

Six said, "Be thankful either of you are alive. If Levi, or the President did not wish that you both life you would be dead. Now, The Dictator calls for me. Tomorrow my brother and I will kill many people. Seek protection with the SDL they will protect you."

"Do mean that the SDL are more powerful than the President and the two of you."

"Yes, the Twenty-four elders of the Lord protect all of them. Twelve of them reside in the compounds and twelve on in the City of God. Levi himself protects all outside the complexes. Seek Levi or die." With those words, Six left.

Walter said, "I need to find out how the General died, before I leave."

Chief Alderman said, "He had it in his hand before we left. He seemed anxious, like he was going to do something." Morgan asked his agents if they found any remains of a red controller that looked like a TV remote. One agent replied, "Yes we did... from what we can tell it was a suicide. The bomb was inside his head and the controller was in his hand before he died. Several of us observed it...maybe he felt guilty of what he brought into this world."

"Take his body to the lab and find out what type of explosive was used. I guarantee you that the General did not commit suicide. Take an agent to Area-51, meet with General Steel, and see if he has any insight on this. Alderman and we are headed to St. Louis."

"Why St. Louis, Director?"

"Call it a hunch."

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