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©2017, Olan L. Smith

A wise person does not give a speech without first considering their words. It will be on this day; the wise will put a cloak over their wisdom and say words to stir the fire that the Lord Levi has prepared.

The Voice of Prophecy: Chapter 6, verse 6 Levi Jackson


Former President Wright found the events since the morning of the Twelfth nearly overwhelming. For the first time in his life events were coming faster than he could handle them, and never did he deal with the attempted assassination of a President, or the murder of the Speaker of the House. Security was strengthened tenfold and he did not know if his nerves could last much longer. His job was to advise Hammett and when Hammett turned his powers over to Smithson, he wondered about his future, but they'd needed to inform the public; it was their right to know. He continued his way to the Oval Office.

Hammett's personal secretary spoke over the intercom in the Oval Office, "Mr. President, Former President Wright is here, would you like for him to go on in?"

"Yes, send him, Sue."

Jim walked in and sat across from the acting President. "Mr. President I have some ideas for the press conference at seven and I would like to go over them with you."

He replied, "Jim, you have been invaluable to Hammett, the past few months and I want to thank you for your service. However, since we have Levi Jackson in custody I have suspended the speech prepared for me, and I'm writing a new one."

"I would be happy to go over it with you, if you please, sir."

"No, that will not be necessary, Jim, and goodnight."

Jim stood and began to leave, before he stop and said, "You arrogant S.O.B., you really believe that you are qualified to be the President of United States. Let me tell you. You haven't a clue! If you ever need any help, forget it, you are on your own." He walked out and worried about the State of the Nation under his care.

The former Vice President raised his eyebrows as the door closed. He was glad that was over with, now he could forge his own way and perhaps gain support at the Democratic National Convention as the only one who could replace Hammett and run for a second term as President. He looked down at his notes and rehearsed possible questions he might receive from the press. At exactly seven pm, he walked out to the press stand and began his speech, his first speech as President in an urgent time in history.

"Members of the Press, ladies and gentlemen, I will give a short speech and then there will be a short answer and question session. An attempt on the President's life was made, though they were unsuccessful, Dianne Menisci, acting in my behalf while I was overseas, was assassinated. The assailant or assailants are now in our custody. This is the worse attack on the Executive Branch ever. Dianne Menisci died a short time after the transfer of power was made from Hammett to myself, while I was still in the air returning to D.C. In the meantime as the Leader of the House, Ms. Menisci, was performing her duties in the Oval Office when she was killed. We believe with the capture of these individual that the country is no longer in crisis, I assumed the power of President when I landed at Langley, and at no time was the country in trouble or was it without a leader. We believe this to be the work of two crazed, religious fanatics. Their names are Levi Jackson and his wife Venus Jackson, and with the fine work of Homeland Security, and the FBI, the two suspects where captured when they were lured to a home, here in Washington D.C. Now, I would like to turn this over to Homeland Security Secretary William Alderman and to FBI Director James Morgan, and they will give you there accounts of the incidences of the past days, gentlemen I turn to you.

Secretary Alderman and Director Morgan moved over to the podium together. As head of Homeland Security, Alderman went first. Members of the Press, ladies and gentlemen, the attack on the President came approximately ten fifteen am the morning of April 12, 2018. The President who invited the Jacksons to White House for an informal discussion received a nearly fatal dose of radiation. Currently, he in the Hospital at Bethesda, Maryland and is recuperating and is listed in fair condition. The Former President is not expected to recover fully, and he has transferred his powers to Vice-President Smithson for the remainder of his Presidency. He also has informed me he has withdrawn from the race for Presidency for the upcoming election. As for the unfortunate death of Dianne Menisci, it seems she suffered a fatal dose of radiation poisoning. The body of Dianne Menisci was found in the Oval Office by the President personal secretary and Secretary of State, Claire McDowell, and at that time the search for the Jacksons was intensified. It was learned on the morning of the fourteenth that they had been posing as an elderly couple and were in the Best Western Hotel. I will turn it over to Mr. Morgan at this time.

Walter approached the podium with his notes in hand. He had rehearsed this moment for nearly two hours. Laying his notes down he began to speak, "After some almost twenty-four hours of intense searching of the D.C. area Chief Detective Wescott noticed some oddities in the reports from two of his agents, about a visit to room 204 of the Best Western Hotel, here in Washington D.C. It was at that time that we returned to the room to find that the suspects had left for another location in the city. We planned to drawn the suspects to Assistant Chief Detective Greta Bastion home and then capture them. What Special Agent Bastion offered to do was above, and beyond the call of duty. Special Agent Bastion is from the state of Virginia and discovered she has a family connection to Venus Myrtle Bastion Jackson. She had never met Greta before, and sent a message to Levi and Greta that she would like to meet them. We knew this was a long shot, however, this was the only way we had to lure the Jacksons out of hiding, fortunately for us the plan worked, with the cooperation with Homeland Security, Levi and his wife were apprehended at approximately five pm and place in custody. Mr. President I turn it back to you.

President Smithson started by stating, "I am sure many of you have noticed the roadblocks and the increased security and I'm sure you have many questions. I will open it up for questions by asking Philip Newman of NBB TV to begin, Philip."

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